Friday, February 27, 2015

From Russia, With Love

We have just returned safely from a wonderful trip to Ekaterinburg, Russia to visit our partners in Ministry at First United Methodist Church in Ekaterinburg. We were thankful to have Sam Speed, a videographer, traveling with us, and at the end of each day, he created a video blog to summarize our experiences. 

Day 1, Arrival in Russia:

Day 2, Visiting Moscow:

Days 3 & 4, Arrival in Ekaterinburg:

Day 5, Meet Olga!,

Day 6, Relationships Sealed,

Day 7, Meet Pastor Andrey & Natasha and Mission Impossible:

Day 8, Testimonies from Pastor Oleg, Pastor Olga & Pastor Tatiana: 

Day 9, Filmed in Red Square in Moscow:


Yesterday, I shared about a Zoom call, and today, I wanted to share the heart of the message I gave to our mission partners. I love the word...