Conversations About Jesus

Samuel Zepeda & Ashley Goad are staff members at First Methodist Church in Shreveport, Louisiana. We began having Conversations About Jesus during the Great Quarantine of 2020. During this time, we simply wanted to remember who Jesus is and how He loves us. Each week, we look at a quality of Jesus or a lesson from Jesus. Below are the links to each video conversation & discussion guide!

CONVERSATIONS ABOUT JESUS #1 (March 20, 2020): Jesus loved naps. 

CONVERSATIONS ABOUT JESUS #2 (March 27, 2020): Jesus said, "FOLLOW ME!"

CONVERSATIONS ABOUT JESUS #3 (April 3, 2020): Jesus loves to interrupt!

CONVERSATIONS ABOUT JESUS #4 (April 9, 2020) - Maundy Thursday

CONVERSATIONS ABOUT JESUS #5 (April 17, 2020): Jesus loved a party!

CONVERSATIONS ABOUT JESUS #6 (April 24, 2020): Jesus chose me.  

CONVERSATIONS ABOUT JESUS #7 (May 1, 2020): Jesus meets you where you are.

CONVERSATIONS ABOUT JESUS #8 (May 8, 2020): Jesus is gentle.

CONVERSATIONS ABOUT JESUS #9 (May 15, 2020): Jesus forgives.

CONVERSATIONS ABOUT JESUS #10 (May 22, 2020): Jesus is compassionate.

CONVERSATIONS ABOUT JESUS #11 (May 29, 2020): Jesus is relevant.

CONVERSATIONS ABOUT JESUS #12 (June 5, 2020): Jesus is humble. 

CONVERSATIONS ABOUT JESUS #13 (June 19, 2020): Jesus had real feelings.

CONVERSATIONS ABOUT JESUS #14 (June 26, 2020): Jesus was annoyed.

CONVERSATIONS ABOUT JESUS #15 (July 3, 2020): Jesus calms our fears.

CONVERSATIONS ABOUT JESUS #16 (July 10, 2020): Jesus had family problems, too!

CONVERSATIONS ABOUT JESUS #17 (July 17, 2020): Jesus loved women!

CONVERSATIONS ABOUT JESUS #18 (July 24, 2020): Jesus abides.

CONVERSATIONS ABOUT JESUS #19 (July 31, 2020): Jesus was weary.

CONVERSATIONS ABOUT JESUS #20 (August 5, 2020): Jesus loved to work. 

CONVERSATIONS ABOUT JESUS #23 (September 4, 2020): I AM the Bread of Life.

CONVERSATIONS ABOUT JESUS #24 (September 11, 2020): I AM the Light of the World.

CONVERSATIONS ABOUT JESUS #25 (September 18, 2020): I AM the Door 

CONVERSATIONS ABOUT JESUS #26 (September 23, 2020): I AM the Resurrection

CONVERSATIONS ABOUT JESUS #27 (September 30, 2020): I AM the Way, the Truth, and the Life

CONVERSATIONS ABOUT JESUS #28 (October 7, 2020): I AM the True Vine

CONVERSATIONS ABOUT JESUS #29 (October 14, 2020): Miracles: Water into Wine

CONVERSATIONS ABOUT JESUS #30 (October 21, 2020): Miracles: Official's Son 

CONVERSATIONS ABOUT JESUS #31 (October 28, 2020): Miracles: Peter's MIL
CONVERSATIONS ABOUT JESUS #32 (November 3, 2020): Miracles: Jesus heals a leper.

CONVERSATIONS ABOUT JESUS #33 (November 10, 2020): Miracles: Pools of Bethesda

CONVERSATIONS ABOUT JESUS #34 (November 17, 2020): Miracles: Bleeding Woman

CONVERSATIONS ABOUT JESUS #35 (November 24, 2020): Miracles: Feeding the 5000 

CONVERSATIONS ABOUT JESUS #36 (December 2, 2020): Miracles: Walking on Water

CONVERSATIONS ABOUT JESUS #37 (December 8, 2020): Miracles: Canaanite Woman

CONVERSATIONS ABOUT JESUS #38 (December 15, 2020): Miracles: 10 Lepers

CONVERSATIONS ABOUT JESUS #39 (February 2, 2021): Happy New Year

CONVERSATIONS ABOUT JESUS #40 (February 9, 2021): Immanuel

CONVERSATIONS ABOUT JESUS #41 (February 23, 2021): Rabbi/Teacher

CONVERSATIONS ABOUT JESUS #42 (March 2, 2021): Cornerstone

CONVERSATIONS ABOUT JESUS #43 (March 9, 2021): Messiah

CONVERSATIONS ABOUT JESUS #44 (March 16, 2021): Alpha & Omega


Yesterday, I shared about a Zoom call, and today, I wanted to share the heart of the message I gave to our mission partners. I love the word...