Wednesday, September 23, 2020

CONVERSATIONS ABOUT JESUS #26: Jesus said, "I AM the Resurrection & the Life."

 We're in the midst of a new series - studying the "I AM" statements in the Gospel of John. 

This week's topic:  I Am the Resurrection, and the Life (John 11:25)

OT Background: Genesis 1-3; Isaiah 53:10
NT Fulfillment: John 11:17-27 
  • What about heaven are you looking forward to the most?!
  • When you think about the resurrection, what amazes you?
READ John 11:11-37 

Synopsis: Jesus doesn’t just talk about what He can do or give, but who He is. He doesn’t just give bread (like Moses) but He is the bread. He doesn’t merely reflect light; He is the light. 

The OT background isn’t as clear here as other statements, but most commentators believe Genesis 1-3 is partially in view. God is the Creator and Life-giver, granting life to creation and breathing life into Adam. However, the first Adam chose sin which brought about death for mankind and brokenness for the creation. Jesus comes as the second Adam, righteous and blameless in all his ways, comes to undo what Adam did and reverse the curse (Rom. 5:12-21; 1 Cor. 15). Where Adam brought about death and decay, Jesus gives life and restoration. He provides not only resurrection and life to individuals who believe in him but for the entire world.

While many of the Jews wanted things from Jesus without having to receive and believe in Jesus, the offer of Jesus is himself. He doesn’t give bread and allow people to reject submission and belief to him, nor does He offer to give life apart from that life being found in him. These are free and gracious gifts, and they come only in and through Jesus. He is the resurrection and the life. He is the 2ndAdam, bringing resurrection and life where the first Adam offered us only death. 

  • Why do you think we mourn when someone dies? Why is death such a sad and scary thing to most people? 
  • Why do you think Jesus responded to the people by weeping? What is different about Jesus’ emotion versus the emotion of the people? 
  • Why do you think that bringing life is such an important part of Jesus’ ministry? 

READ Romans 6:11-14

  • What does the resurrected life with Christ look like?
  • How does the power of Jesus bring you hope and comfort?

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