Wednesday, September 30, 2020

CONVERSATIONS ABOUT JESUS #27: Jesus said, "I AM the Way, the Truth, & the Life."


We're in the midst of a new series - studying the "I AM" statements in the Gospel of John. 

This week’s topic: I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life (John 14:6)
OT Background: Exodus 26:33; Leviticus 16
NT Fulfillment: John 14:6
Share about a time when you were lost.
How about a time when you got caught in a lie?
Synopsis: It’s likely Jesus is here contrasting himself to the many ways in the OT that God prescribed for how the Jews could approach and relate to him. The systems of the sacrifices, temple, the curtain, tabernacle, and other means of worship were temporary “ways” to God. As the NT makes clear, these things in and of themselves did not cleanse or make people acceptable to God, but they were avenue by which God’s people could walk in faith and follow after Him (see Hebrews 8-9).
Jesus contrasts himself to anything before him they thought led them to the Father. He is the only one who provides the way to the Father, but He is also at the same time to the full revelation of the Father (truth). Jesus is telling them there’s nowhere else to look; nowhere you need to look or can look to find the true path to God. Jesus is that one way and that one path. He offers what Israel looked for and needed, and He replaced all prior things set up as temporary means by which man relates to God. All of these pointed to him and accomplished limited things (such as only making people ceremonially clean but not truly clean), and He is now here and able to accomplish salvation and redemption fully.
READ John 13:18-14:1
• How have you experienced confusion and worry like the disciples?
READ John 14:1- 4
Jesus says, “Hey, it’s me! You can trust me!” He calls us to change our perspective of who and what we put our faith in.
READ John 14:6-7
Jesus describes Himself as the way, the truth, and the life.
• What do each of these terms mean?
• What does trusting in God look like practically?
READ John 14:15-31
• How does Jesus continue to guide His followers today?
• Where does the Holy Spirit dwell?

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