Wednesday, December 2, 2020




WALKING ON WATER (MATTHEW 14:24-33, MARK 6:48-52; JOHN 6:16-21)


In the presence of God, fear can be dismissed.


Location of Miracle: Sea of Galilee

The Sea of Galilee lies 650 below sea level and is surrounded by mountains that reach an elevation of 2,000-4,000 feet. The cool Mediterranean air from the west collides with the heated desert air, creating strong winds and frequent storms that swirl over the Sea. 


Set the Scene: 

o   Jesus was exhausted. John the Baptist, His friend and His cousin, had just been executed. The apostles had returned from their ministry tour, and Jesus just wanted to get away with His friends to be quiet and rest for awhile. But the crowds followed them. So He had to feed them – spiritually through teaching and physically with loaves and fish. He needed to get away and rest. The crowds wanted to make Him king, and He had to resist that temptation.

o   So He sent His disciples onward, and He went to pray in the mountains alongside the Sea of Galilee… for NINE hours. 


READ Matthew 14:24-33. 


Big Take-Aways:

o   The disciples had been struggling & rowing in the boat for NINE hours. There was a strong wind blowing! Between the storm, and Jesus walking on water, do you think they were scared?!

o   Why did Peter sink? 

o   Was he afraid? 

o   Did he doubt who Jesus was? 

o   Or did he doubt Jesus’s calling on His life? 

o   Fear before the presence of God was very common in the Old Testament: Adam is afraid when he hears God’s voice in the Garden of Eden after sinning; Abraham and his wife Sarah are afraid when God speaks to them; Jacob is afraid after God appears to Him in a dream. 

o   In this miracle, Jesus revealed His true identity! 

o   “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.”

§  He is not just the Messiah; He is God. 

§  God said to Moses, “I AM who I AM. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: I AM has sent me to you.” (Exodus 3:14)

§  Did the disciples understand who Jesus was? “Then those who were in the boat worshiped Him saying, “Truly you are the Son of God.” (Matthew 14:33)


Call to Action:

We all start out with a level of ineffective faith like Peter, but it grows as Jesus shows Himself faithful to us over time. What is your process of understanding Jesus’ true identity from your conversion to present? What events took place to help you understand Jesus better?

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