Samuel Zepeda & I have had so much fun talking about Jesus! Missing one of our sessions? The links to each video conversation & discussion guide are below!
- Who is Jesus to you? What kind of savior has He been?
- How would you describe Jesus? What makes Jesus unique?
A few of thoughts based on Mark 4:38-40...
Jesus is fully human: He works hard, does much public speaking, and deals with many different people, all of whom want something from him. Given the strains ordinary ministers (and ordinary people) experience in their daily work, the fully human Jesus must have suffered from exhaustion during his earthly ministry.
Jesus’s nap in the boat is a reminder of his humanity. It’s a fascinating idea that there were regular moments when the God-man, the Lord of the universe, may have laid down and pondered some random thoughts before sleep overtook him. As a human, he could grow tired, even to a point of exhaustion. So he gets in the boat and lies back like a global missions pastor on a red-eye flight, trying to fit in sleep wherever he can.
Which brings me to our current situation...
Y’all, we’re busy. Maybe the end of routine might be the soil God uses to speak to His people again. Was it T.S. Elliot who said, “If the devil can’t get you to sin, he’ll make you busy.” Both sin and busyness separate us from God. So the busyness is now gone. Will we take time to be still and rest? Will we take time to listen? I pray that God’s people will take this time to hear the whisper.