Thursday, July 23, 2020

Conversations About Jesus #3: Jesus Performed Miracles

Today... We'll talk about miracles! Jesus went through Galilee for several preaching and healing tours.
  • 1st tour - Mark 1:39 (healing tours in Galilee - only with Peter, Andrew, James & John)
  • 2nd tour - Luke 8:1 (outside of Capernaum with all 12) 
  • 3rd tour - Mark 6:6, Matthew 11:1, Luke 9:1-6 (Jesus was alone, after sending the 12 out 2 by 2)

Jesus isn’t our personal wish-fulfillment genie. He wants us to recognize our sin and come to him for redemption. And that means laying aside our power and expectations. And relying on His power and fulfillment.

So our questions for you...

  • If you could have been present for one miracle or one teaching, which would it have been?
  • Do you think Jesus still performs miracles today? 
  • If Jesus showed up one day and said, “Name it and I’ll fix it,” what would you ask from Him? Why?


Yesterday, I shared about a Zoom call, and today, I wanted to share the heart of the message I gave to our mission partners. I love the word...