(MATTHEW 8:14-17; MARK 1:29-31; LUKE 4:38-39)
(MARK 1:32-34; LUKE 4:40-41)
Location of Miracle: Capernaum
Set the Scene:
o Jesus had called His first disciples – Peter, Andrew, James & John.
o Jesus had just cast out an evil spirit from a man in the synagogue. (Mark 1:21-27)
o He walked a short distance from the synagogue to Peter’s mother in law’s house.
o The event took place on the Sabbath day, which is a holy day where people are not allowed to work to include performing miracles. After leaving the synagogue, many of the men that were worshipping came with Jesus to Simon Peter’s house and were planning to eat together.
o In those days, the woman of the house typically prepared the meal for the men, but the woman of this house, Simon Peter’s mother-in-law, was extremely ill. When she tried to greet Jesus, she was too weak and collapsed. Although it is not known exactly what her illness was, the Scripture says that she had a very high fever, making the woman weak.
READ Mark 1:29-34.
Big Take-Aways:
o Peter was married?! Of course, he was! Men in the Jewish culture were married as soon as they made enough money to support a family and build rooms onto the family home.
o This is a simple story about an ordinary woman who was never explicitly named because the focus of the story is on Jesus’ miracle, yet her story demonstrates the power and love of Jesus.
o What also is notable about this miracle was Jesus ‘rebuked’ the fever. We see the word ‘rebuke’ on several other occasions, including the miracle to end the storm on the Sea of Galilee when He ‘rebuked’ the wind and rain, as well when Jesus ‘rebuked’ the demon during the exorcism in the synagogue. The word means, “to censure or admonish.” There are times when the solutions to our problems may require rebuke or strong admonition.
o No one enjoys being on the receiving end of a rebuke, yet if healing is to occur, sometimes it takes a strong word or a strong will.
Call to Action:
o Anyone can play a vital part in God’s plan. The Lord’s miracles in our lives are often quiet and ordinary. It’s the small miracles that are performed behind closed doors that allow ordinary people to lead lives pleasing to the Lord, to serve Him and show others His love.