Sunday, November 30, 2014

Ecuador 2014

We have just returned from a wonderful week in Ecuador. I could write to tell you about all of the wonderful people we served alongside and the beauty of this amazing country...but instead, why not watch and learn about how God is working in this mile-high city!

Ecuador, Day 1 & 2

Ecuador-Days1&2 from First Shreveport on Vimeo.

Ecuador, Day 3

Ecuador-Day3 from First Shreveport on Vimeo.

Ecuador, Day 4

Ecuador-Day4 from First Shreveport on Vimeo.

Ecuador, Day 5

Ecuador-Day5 from First Shreveport on Vimeo.

Ecuador, Day 6

Ecuador Montage from First Shreveport on Vimeo.

Ecuador, Day 7

Ecuador-Day7 from First Shreveport on Vimeo.


Yesterday, I shared about a Zoom call, and today, I wanted to share the heart of the message I gave to our mission partners. I love the word...