Sunday, January 31, 2021

Pastoral Prayer: January 31, 2021

Good morning, Church! Happy Sunday! (AND HAPPY ANNIVERSARY, Christopher!)  

It’s good to be back with you this morning. Last Sunday, I was in Haiti, preaching on the very verses that Dr. Bell has chosen for our memory verse this week: “My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” Before I left Haiti, all of the children said, “Tell the Church in Louisiana, we LOVE THEM!” There is something special about having a group of children hold your hands and pray for you and your church. Indeed, let us love one another as Christ has loved us.


You’ve heard me say often before the pastoral prayer, “Let us quiet our hearts and go to the Lord in prayer.” That’s a Quaker saying! Imagine that! It’s the process of breathing out all distraction, and breathing in the Spirit of God to rest upon your heart. Now, I have a lot of energy. Sometimes it’s a little hard for me to focus and quiet my heart, even while I’m sitting in a worship service! One of the practices my Quaker mentor taught me was to take the words from Psalm 46 and recite them over and over, each time taking away one word. I’d like for us to do that now, as we prepare to lift up our joys and concerns to God…


Be still and know that I am God.

Be still and know that I am.

Be still and know that. 

Be still and know.

Be still.



God of love,

God of benevolence,

God of grace,

God of mercy,

God of persistency,


We look to You, not only as our great example, 

but also as our constant companion.

When we cannot see beyond the mundane, 

when our future looks bleak, 

and in those moments when we find ourselves paralyzed 

by situations that are life depleting, 

You remind us of Your preferred future for our lives 

– a future filled with hope, abundant life and love.

When we feel lonely, 

when our human interactions produce pain, 

and when we find ourselves at our most unlovable, 

You remind us that we are Your children, 

and the recipients of Your unconditional love and abiding presence.


As Your beloved, we yearn to be a loving people 

– a people who are known for the two most important things –

our love of God and our love of neighbor.  

As such, this morning, we seek to come alongside 
those we know to be in need.  


This day, we lift in prayer those on our congregation’s prayer list, 

especially those in the hospital: 


·      John Liles 

·      Ernie Dunham

And those recovering at home: 

·      James Potter

·      Janie Beck


May the healing mercies of our Great Physician overwhelm our friends.


We also grieve with those who grieve, 

especially those in our family who have recently experienced loss, including:


·      Cindy Fortson in the death of her brother, Jere Kendrick

·      Tami White in the death of her mother, Betty Vickers

·      Nina Parault in the death of her brother, Walt Oliver

·      Ryan Palmer in the death of his father, Tommy Palmer 

·      The family of Joanne McGriff Eck 

·      Vickie Mashburn in the death of her mother, Rosario Gomez Valdez


And we continue to remember those who are far away from their families 
and serving our country overseas, especially: 

·      Trinity Edwards

·      Carson Huckaby

·      Jamie Irvin

·      Kyle McCotter

·      Brian Smith


O, Lord, each of those we have named are 

people You love and people we love. 

Bless these members of our faith family with 

Your abiding presence and loving compassion. 


As we look to You, Holy God, we remember our priorities. 

We remember the image of Christ, 

who called us to love one another, 

even our enemies, with a love that transforms. 

Because You are love, 

we must be love also. 

We hear the endless call to love as Christ loved, 

to serve as Christ served, 

to grow more fully and deeply into the image of the One, 

who perfectly lived and loved, 

so that all may live fully. 

We seek to learn from Christ’s example 

and to live with purpose in this complicated world. 

Remind us to grow into our calling – 

to live lives that exemplify You, O Lord, 

through our worship and our care for our neighbors. 

We yearn to be the flock of the faithful shepherd, 

and we commit to do as He commands, 

for His commands are not burdensome, but joyful. 


Loving God, we pray all these things in the name of the One, 

who gave all in love for us, and laid down His life for us, His friends, 

Jesus the Christ, who taught us to pray as one by saying these words... 



Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name.

Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread.

And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

For thine is the Kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.





Friends, God has given us the gift of generous love. 

May we respond to God’s generous love, 

by loving one another as God has loved us. 

Let us do so now by committing our tithes, 

which go to support so many local and global missions, 

and by committing our lives, to love by serving.

As always, you are welcome to leave your offering 

in one of the baskets by the door, 

by giving online, or by mailing your offering to the church. 


Let us pray:


Loving God,
you have given us the task
to love one another.
May the gifts we offer
bring love and life to others.
May the love we share
bring hope to a world. 

May the words of our mouths

and the meditations of our hearts, 

and the offering of our lives

be pleasing to You, O Lord.



Sunday, January 17, 2021

Pastoral Prayer, January 17, 2021

Good morning, Church! Happy Sunday! 

Dr. Bell has given us a memory verse today of Romans 8:28. But if you back up just a couple of verses, the Apostle Paul tells us that the Spirit of God prays for us “with sighs too deep for words.” When we do not have the words to express what we are feeling, “the Holy Spirit prays for us with groanings that cannot be expressed in words. And the Father, who knows all hearts, knows what the Spirit is saying, for the Spirit pleads for us believers in harmony with God’s own will.”

Sometimes, a lot of the times, I don’t have the right words to say to adequately express my thoughts to God. I shared with you last week that I grew up in the Quaker faith tradition… and one of the ways we would come into communion with Christ was through a silent prayer, knowing the Spirit would intervene on our behalf.

We would breathe deeply:
inhaling the good gifts that God provides,
and exhaling all of the things that we need to release.

I’ll invite you to close your eyes, if you wish,
as we quiet our hearts and lift our prayers to God..

Let us breathe in strength. (Pause for breath…)
And, let us exhale our exhaustion. (Pause for breath…)

Let us breathe in freedom. (Pause for breath…)
And, let us exhale all that holds us back. (Pause for breath…)

Let us breathe in a new sense of direction. (Pause for breath…)
And, let us exhale the paths we no longer want to use. (Pause for breath…)

Let us breathe in hope. (Pause for breath…)
And, let us exhale doubt. (Pause for breath…)

Let us breathe in unconditional love. (Pause for breath…)
And, let us exhale distrust and hate. (Pause for breath…)

Let us breath in stillness. (Pause for breath…)
And, let us exhale with the knowledge that You are God. (Pause for breath…)

O Good and Gracious God,
thank You for Your indwelling Holy Spirit,
who knows our hearts better than we know ourselves.
Take the inner yearnings of our hearts and beautify them,
so that we may live our lives in ways that glorify You.
Let us feel the mighty rush of Your presence in this place.

Blow away our fears and worries,
and help us to breathe in Your gifts of new life.

O Lord, Your extravagant love has called us together.
Long before we knew You,
You already knew us.
What amazing grace You have shown toward us!
And so we give You our praise and thanksgiving,
offering You the worship of our hearts and lives,
and opening ourselves to the prompting and leading of Your Holy Spirit.

O Lord, we celebrate today that as far as we know, we do not have any members of our church in the hospital… We praise You for Your healing mercies.

We also ask for You to bless those of our faith family who are continuing to recover at home after surgeries and hospital stays…

· Marvin Brossette
· Sue Cady
· Frank Bright
· Sheila Berry

You, O Lord, are the Great Physician.
May the powerful gift of Your presence overcome
Marvin, Sue, Frank, Sheila and their families.
May they unquestionably know You are with them.
And may they be fully aware that we,
as a community of believers,
are walking with them through sickness and health.

We pray also for the military members of our faith family, who have recently been deployed:

· Kyle McCotter
· Trinity Edwards
· Carson Huckaby
· Jamie Irvin
· Brian Smith

We call upon You, Lord, to protect not just our loved ones,
but all of the women and men serving our country,
both at home and overseas.
Keep us mindful to care for their families,
interceding on their behalf with prayer,
and tangibly loving them through serving.

We also hold in the Light of Christ those of our community
who have lost loved ones this week,
and we seek to walk with them in their grief…

· Sally Cox in the death of her husband, James Cox;
· Cindy Leopard in the death of her mother, Sandra Elaine Harris;
· Trey and Ashley Smith and the entire Smith family, in the death of Trey’s sister, Dr. Lisa Hodges;
· Our dear organist, Ray Peebles, in the death of his father, Jim Peebles.

Lord, we beg You to wrap these families
with Your gracious love and compassion.
Hear the Spirit’s groans on their behalf
when they do not have the words to speak.

Father, Son, and Spirit,
nothing is for naught before Your eyes.
When great difficulty comes upon us,
we believe that blessings will come
from the apparent ruins of our lives.
The gift of Your presence,
as we walk through the trenches of life,
blesses us with relationship and abundant love.

Lord, remove any heaviness of heart
that might weigh upon us today
and deepen within us the assurance that ultimately
all will be well because You are God.

Though the plots may twist and thicken throughout our lives,
remind us, Lord, that all things work together for the good
for those who love You.

We pray all of these things in the name of Jesus,
with the words that He taught us to pray:

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name.
Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread. 
And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the Kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.

Thursday, January 14, 2021


O Good and Gracious God,
after a week of turmoil and chaos,
angst and uncertainty,
frustration and exhaustion,
You gather us back into Your loving arms
with our community of believers,
and call us to remember.

Today we remember the Baptism
of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ –
Your own dear Son,
whom You love,
with whom You are well pleased.
Out from the River Jordan, He arose,
anointed by Your voice,
bathed in Your love,
and blessed by Your Spirit.

In this same way, You call us to remember our baptisms,
that day we made a choice to honor You with our whole lives;
that day you washed us with Your grace and filled us with Your Spirit.

We come before You today to recommit ourselves to You,
recognizing that many of us,
perhaps all of us,
have fallen into lives of complacency.
Happiness has been our god,
and comfort has been our idol,
while we have put aside the call to take up our cross and follow You.

O, Lord, we call upon You to forgive us.
Forgive us for all the excuses we have made;
for not responding to You immediately,
with urgency, and sacrificially.
Forgive us for complaining about being bored,
as we sit and do nothing.
Forgive us when we’re too concerned
with finding things to make life easier -
gadgets and toys to make carrying our cross
lighter, smaller, and cushioned -
for You, O God, did not send Your Son to die on a cross
for us to live comfortably.
Forgive us for focusing on our comfort rather than on our character.

As we fall into Your loving and grace-filled arms,
remind us, O Lord, of our commitment to follow and obey You;
remind us, O Lord, of our choice to be humble in spirit
and to love our neighbors;
remind us, O Lord, to take up our cross and follow You.

Shake us of our complacency.
Inspire us to live daily with an urgency
to radically be the change You call us to be.
Strip us of our comforts.

May our love for You be a driving force
to live with joyful surrender.
Scratch out our schedules –
Do not let our circumstances or timeline
influence our dedication and obedience
to follow You.
Instead, may we reprioritize our lives,
focusing on knowing You, loving You, and living for You.

We reach out to You, O Lord, in confidence,
knowing there is always more of You for us to find…
as we pray,
as we listen,
as we read Your Word,
and as we give our time and energy to You each day.

May we never give up this quest,
this searching and learning more about ourselves
and more about You;
searching to know more of Your beautiful heart, O God.

May Your Word pour out of us, like water to the thirsty,
and may our lives be full of the fruit of Your Spirit.
All we are and all we have to give,
may we give back to You with open hands
knowing that You will meet all our needs as we go with You.

We pray all this in the name of the One,
who transforms us into His image,
who makes us whole,
who calls us to take up our cross and follow Him,
so that we may be His hands and heart for the world to see.
And we pray the words that He taught us to pray:

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name.
Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread. 
And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the Kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

The Shepherds' Telegram


Very rarely do I preach in Shreveport, Louisiana, but I have been known to share a message around the world at a pulpit of one of our international partners in ministry! This message was delivered at First United Methodist Church in Shreveport, Louisiana on Sunday, December 27, 2020. It may have been the first time a female had ever delivered a sermon from this pulpit in the Traditional Worship Service! 

Below is the transcript of the sermon:

The Shepherds’ Telegram

Psalm 8

Luke 2:8-20


If I were to ask you, who was the greatest evangelist who ever lived, who would you name? Many of you would probably say Billy Graham… 


But if you were to ask ME: who is the one person, who was humbly committed to publicly preaching the Gospel, with the intention of sharing the love and hope of Jesus Christ, I would say, hands down, without a second thought - LINUS. You know, Linus. Yes, that Linus. Linus, from Charlie Brown Christmas. Since 1965, Linus has been sharing the Gospel message to millions of people all over the world. When Charlie Brown is nearing a meltdown - pulling out his two hairs over the Christmas pageant - he screams, “Isn’t there anyone who knows what Christmas is all about?” Linus, in his matter-of-fact, sweet voice, says, “Sure, Charlie Brown, I can tell you what Christmas is all about.”


Linus then walks to the middle of the stage. The lights go dim, and he recites from memory the story from Luke, chapter 2, the King James Version: 

And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, 
keeping watch over their flock by night.

And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, 
and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid.

And the angel said unto them, Fear not: 
for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.

For unto you is born this day in the city of David, a Savior, which is Christ the Lord.

And this shall be a sign unto you; 
Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.

And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host 
praising God, and saying,

Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.



This is where Linus stops, but Luke records even more of this special night: 


When the angels had left them and gone into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, “Let’s go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened, 
which the Lord has told us about.”

So they hurried off and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby, who was lying in the manger. When they had seen him, they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child, and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them. But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart. The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things they had heard and seen, which were just as they had been told.




Oh, Linus! Yes, he may truly be the greatest evangelist that ever lived! But I’d like to also make the case for another group, who had the same zeal for Christ: The Shepherds. 


Not long ago, I stood in a Shepherd’s Field, nuzzled within the city limits of Bethlehem. I recalled the words of Linus, and Luke, and imagined what it would have been like for the shepherds that Christmas Eve night. Who were they? What made them so special? What’s their story? So, of course, I came home and researched Bethlehem shepherds! And the best way I can tell you what I learned is by telling you a story: a story compiled from commentaries, archeologists, historians, scholars, and of course, the Bible. 


So, let’s travel back in time 2000 years to hear a story of a Bethlehem Shepherd, from her point of view:


Hello! My name is Max. I am a shepherd here in Bethlehem. Of all the shepherds in all the world, I have the most important job. Because we are only 5 ½ miles from Jerusalem… That’s right, Bethlehem is only 5 ½ miles from Jerusalem… I am in charge of raising sheep for sacrifices in the Temple. 


What’s a temple sacrifice, you may wonder? According to the Torah, sheep used for offerings must be one-year-old male sheep, and they must be kept outside for 365 days. They can’t go inside or sleep in a cave. And they must be unblemished - absolutely perfect – no broken legs, no bumps, no bruises. When the sheep are of age, they are taken to Jerusalem to be sacrificed. Men purchase a lamb for their families and present it to the priests as a sacrifice to atone for their sins. The priests then take the sheep into the Temple, and once the sheep’s blood is completely spilled for all of the sins, the priest returns to the people and proclaims, “It is finished.” It. Is. Finished. 


About 33 years ago, my shepherd buddies and I were laying in the field. It was a beautiful night. We were looking at the night sky and seeing the majestic work of God’s fingers. The moon and the stars were set perfectly into place, and we were thanking God for creating us and entrusting us to care for His flocks and herds. Out of nowhere, angels appeared! Angels. In the sky. We looked at each other, back and forth, back and forth. Was everyone seeing this?! Had we eaten something poisonous?! The angel began by saying, “Fear not!” Fear not?! Thankfully, that is a statement we know well. Angels always begin their greetings with “do not be afraid.” In fact, “do not be afraid” is written 365 times in the Scriptures. Our beloved hero – the SHEPHERD who became KING - David - often lamented about trusting in God in the midst of fear! We reminded each other of this, and took a deep breath. Our heartbeats slowed, and we eagerly listened. 


The angel said, “For unto you is born this day in the city of David (DAVID! Our shepherd hero, King David!!)… For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord. This will be a sign for you: you will find a baby wrapped in cloths, and lying in a manger.” 


Wait. Did he say “sign?” This will be a sign for you? A sign? How is this a sign? One of my shepherd friends spoke up, “Didn’t Micah the prophet write that the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem? (Micah 5:2) And didn’t Micah prophesy that the Messiah would be announced at the tower of the flock?” (Micah 4:8) Our eyes grew wider. We were… sitting, in Migdal Eder, in a field, with our flock, staring at a two-story tower


Let me explain…


Priests are priests. Priests cannot be unclean, and they cannot come near unclean people. And we shepherds, we are filthy. Because we are with sheep 24/7, we cannot go into town for religious ceremonies, holy days, or feasts. When everyone else is making the trip to Jerusalem to make sacrifices at the temple, we are out in the fields, watching over the sheep. Rain or shine, blistering hot or freezing cold, we’re outside. And most of the time, I smell pretty ripe. No one ever wants to hang out in the fields with me. But back to the priests.


The priests would come to “assist” us, or observe the sacrificial lambs, to ensure they were unblemished for sacrifice. Since they wouldn’t come near us, we built a tower in the field. Like an overlook! Priests would watch from the top floor of the tower, while we shepherds would bring the pregnant sheep in from the field to the tower’s bottom floor. That’s where the sheep would give birth. As soon as the lamb was born, we would wrap it with strips of cloth made from old priestly undergarments. This was done to keep the lamb from getting blemished. Then, we would place the lamb onto a manger to make sure it wouldn’t get trampled. 


Remember what those angels said? You will find the babe wrapped in strips of cloth and lying in a manger?


We jumped up at once. IMMEDIATELY. Now, Shepherd Derek and Shepherd Erik were a little slow to move with their bad knees, so they were volunteered to stay with the sheep while we ran to town.


A star guided us into the middle of Bethlehem. The light rested over a house, and there, on the ground floor, we heard a crying baby and His new parents. 


I walked in first, and introduced myself to the father. I apologized for my smell, and then stammered and stuttered for a moment, not knowing exactly what to say. Would he think we were lunatics for appearing and demanding to see his newborn Son? I slowly explained to him that a heavenly host of angels appeared to us in the field and guided us by a star to meet his Son. I waited for him to yell or tell us to stay away from his family. But instead, Joseph, with a sheepish grin, ushered us inside, saying, “Mary and I have a lot of experience with angels.”


The cows and sheep and goats knelt by the manger, as if they were worshipping. And then I saw the baby with my own eyes. Jesus. There He was - firstborn son, completely perfect, wrapped in strips of cloth, and lying in a manger. I thought to myself, “There, the Lamb of God, prepared for sacrifice, completely unblemished!” 


You should have seen us! I was excited beyond description! The sign! We understood the sign! It was just for us, directly from God. A personalized sign! 


Joseph caught me staring at Jesus, and introduced us to Mary. She was fretting over her newborn son, wishing she had some of the baby clothes her family had given her, “All I had in my bag,” she said, “were these strips of cloth from my cousin’s husband. Zacharias is a priest, and my cousin Elizabeth gave me these clothes. We carry them to wrap our sacrificial lamb for Sabbath. And now my son is wrapped in old priestly undergarments.” 


My eyes widened to the size of saucers. O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is Your name in all the earth! This was the Messiah, the One we have been waiting for! We left that night, walking and leaping and praising God, full of awe and wonder. And we told EVERYONE! We didn’t care who believed us and who thought we were crazy. God is not a secret to be kept. 


A few months later, I was laying in the fields with my sheep. My life had not been the same. I couldn’t shake the amazement and wonder. God could have announced the birth of His son to anyone. He could have invited anyone to see Mary and Joseph and the infant Jesus. 


He could have proclaimed this message to Caesar, the emperor of Rome. Or Quirinius, the governor of Syria. God could have appeared to the High Priest in Jerusalem. Or He could have called the Mayor of Bethlehem: “Hey Mayor! Organize a parade! I’ve got some good news!” All of these people would have been logical, first choice recipients of Christ’s birth announcement. 


But the palace didn’t hear. The Temple didn’t hear. Jerusalem didn’t hear. Instead, God’s first invitation was to a bunch of uneducated, smelly, low-class, social and religious outcasts, an anonymous group of sheep herders on the outskirts of Bethlehem!


Now, I know what you’re thinking. You’ve probably seen the nativity sets and imagined shepherds with crooked staffs and flowing robes, as if we actually belonged at the birthplace of a king. But we didn’t. We work every day, all day. During the day, we lead sheep to grass and water. We watch while sheep graze. We keep an eye out for predators. And at night, we sleep near the sheep to protect them from thieves or wolves. 


Don’t get me wrong. I love my sheep. I can identify each lamb. They all have names. I know their “baaaa’s”, and they know my voice. But at times, it gets lonely. I don’t get a lot of invitations to parties. Some days are boring and tedious. Other days are dangerous. I have a lot of contact with sheep, but rarely am I exposed to people. It’s no wonder David – you now David, the SHEPHERD who became KING of Israel – It’s no wonder David was such an accomplished musician. We have hours and hours with nothing to do but watch sheep eat grass, and guide sheep to the next spot of grass.


So, why? Why did God do this? Why did He send His angels to announce the birth of Christ to us, lowly shepherds? Why did He invite us to come and see the child? 

I think God knew what He was doing. (Doesn’t He always?!) Maybe it is because He knew how special we would feel. Maybe He trusted us to share the news with others. In that moment in time, I was in awe, so much so that I became the birth announcement, a singing telegram! 


But honestly, I think the reason is much simpler. God wanted to show that His love does not discriminate on the basis of class, or wealth, or social standing. He doesn’t respect kings and princes more than hourly laborers; He doesn’t value priests and pastors above the people in the pews. God does not show favoritism; He doesn’t give preferential treatment to one group of people over another. His love is available to all on the same basis – faith in Jesus Christ, and faith alone.


And even more so, God loves to lift up and empower the lowly and humble. It’s all throughout Scripture:


Samuel wrote: “You save the humble, but your eyes are on the haughty to bring them low.” – 2 Samuel 22:28 (NIV)

The Psalms say: “For the LORD takes delight in his people; he crowns the humble with salvation.” – Psalm 149:4 (NIV)

Isaiah proclaimed: “This is what the LORD says: . . . ‘This is the one I esteem: he who is humble and contrite in spirit, and trembles at my word.’” – Isaiah 66:1-2 (NIV)


By choosing humble shepherds to be the first to receive the news of Christ’s birth, God demonstrated that… Jesus is the Savior of all equally. 


He doesn’t give preference to any group or any class. He doesn’t discriminate on the basis of intelligence, or education, or wealth, or profession, or political power, or social standing, or any of the other qualities that human beings judge by. God’s love and God’s grace are offered to anyone who will repent and believe, anyone who will trust in Him as Savior.


I think God especially likes to use people who are humble and ordinary, because that makes His power and wisdom all the more evident. If God had gone to Caesar or anyone else in power, they may have turned this miraculous event to their advantage. They likely would have conspired to see how they could use this to increase their prestige. They probably would have figured out a way to make money off the announcement. 


But we, shepherds? We had absolutely nothing to gain, and certainly nothing to lose. We were empty vessels, waiting to be filled with God’s overflowing joy. We were proof that God’s message is for everyone. From the faithful disciple to the seeker to the skeptic, God’s Word is for everyone. 


I have one last theory as to why we, shepherds, became the first-responders to the Christmas miracle. Maybe, just maybe, we were the only ones listening. We were alone in the fields; we were not distracted. We weren’t worrying about finishing Christmas shopping or finalizing travel plans to Jerusalem. Over the years, we have honed our listening skills while sitting in the fields. So, when God called, we were attentive and responsive. We listened. Isn’t that what God calls us to do every day? Listen? And follow? 


Over the next 30 years, we heard a lot about Jesus. He and His family escaped to Egypt for a few years, and then they returned to a town north of here, called Nazareth. About three years ago, He began teaching and preaching, and performing miracles in the region called Galilee. The people loved Him; the priests were threatened by Him. 


We were so excited to learn that He called Himself the Good Shepherd. We knew He was giving a nod to us - His first visitors. And just a few days ago, we received word that He returned to Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover. Jesus had made a mess of things in the Temple, turning over tables, and yelling that they were charging too much for doves. You see, the families who couldn’t afford lambs would often buy doves for their sacrifices. Jesus wouldn’t stand for them charging too much and making them unavailable to the poor. He wanted everyone to have access to forgiveness, no matter how much money they have.


And then we heard He had been arrested and crucified. They told us His last words were, “It is finished.” It is finished. Isn’t that exactly what the priests say when the Passover lamb has been sacrificed? Yes, it is finished. Yes, He truly is the Messiah, for He has come to save us, to save all of us. Yes, He is the King of Glory. 



Friends, after this Christmas season, 

we, too, will return to our “fields and flocks,”

our normal routines and responsibilities.

But we are not the same people we were before.

Christ has come.

God is with us.

We are called to go forth humbly, as the shepherds,

forever changed, transformed by the experience of Advent,

praising and glorifying God,

and letting people know about the Good News of Christ

through the way we live our lives.

We are called to go back into the world as a people 
changed by God and for God.

We can return to “business as usual” at the same places,

but not as the same people.


Remember the words from Luke: 

“When they saw this,

they made known what had been told to them about the child.

The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God

for all they had heard and seen.”

Church, you have heard. You have seen.

Who will you tell?

Will you channel your inner-Linus with a matter-of-fact, sweet voice 

and tell others what Christmas is all about?

Will you shout for joy, like the shepherds, 
and be a singing telegram?

Will you be the next great evangelist?


Yesterday, I shared about a Zoom call, and today, I wanted to share the heart of the message I gave to our mission partners. I love the word...