Tuesday, March 23, 2021

How Can I Keep From Singing: Episode 1

Episode #1: Why We Sing

“When religious texts are sung well, greater devotion is inspired: souls are moved…and with warmer devotion kindled to piety than if they are not so sung.” – Augustine

“It could not be otherwise but that Christianity be a singing faith. The Founder sang. He learned to sing from His Father. Surely they have been singing together from all eternity… When He speaks, galaxies come into being. And when He sings for joy, more energy is released than exists in all the matter and motion of the universe. If He appointed song for us to release our heart’s delight in Him, is this not because He also knows the joy of releasing His own heart’s delight in song? We are a singing people because we are children of a singing God.”

Why do we sing? How many of us could imagine worship without a substantial measure of music? What is it about singing that seems to resonate so powerfully with both our individual and corporate expressions of faith? Today, we dive into these questions and more, as we begin to learn the intrinsic nature of God’s gift of music to his people, and our return of that gift to him in the form of hymns and other congregational songs. 
  • Why do we sing? 
  • What is a hymn? 
  • Why is it that some hymn texts have different or multiple melodies associated with them? 
  • What is the role the music plays in the hymn and its meaning? 
Colossians 3:16 reminds us, "Let Christ’s word dwell in us richly!"

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Yesterday, I shared about a Zoom call, and today, I wanted to share the heart of the message I gave to our mission partners. I love the word...