Thursday, June 11, 2020

These Are People I Love: Australia

Have you met my friends, Lynne & Rob Branham?

Rob was born and raised in Moberly, MO and Lynne was born and raised in Newcastle, Australia. They married in 1986 we have three children - Andrew, Josh and Katie. Andrew is married to Amanda with one child Abe. Joshua is married to Shaina with one child Lily with another one on the way in November. They both live in Boise, ID and are pastors at the same Church called Hill City Church. Josh is the lead minister and Andrew is the Family minister. Katie recently started Bible College in Boise, ID, too!

Lynne and Rob have been in ministry for over 30 years. They started serving while attending Central Christian College of the Bible. Lynne and Rob both served on Camp Teams, Weekend Outreach Teams, and Rob preached at small country Churches in the area. The first full time ministry was in Unionville, MO doing youth ministry. They learned so much pouring into the lives of young people and their families. They moved from there to Australia to be closer to Lynne’s family and Rob did a Full Time preaching ministry at her home Church for about 3 years. Then they moved back to the USA where Rob did some more education. Upon graduation, they moved to Fairbanks, Alaska where they ministered at Farewell Ave Christian Church. They lived there from 1995-2006. The Church grew and grew but it took a terrible toll on their family…..near the end of their time in Alaska, they were in need of a break and some redirection. They moved to Australia where Lynne’s parents had left her the family home. They took 2 years to regroup and see what God had in store for them. In 2008, they were asked to join another couple in planting a Church in a new subdivision called Northlakes….in Newcastle, Australia. Northlakes Christian Church was planted….the couple that asked them to join them has since moved back to the US and they are still there! :)


  Go Serve: Rob and Lynne Branham from First Shreveport on Vimeo.


Yesterday, I shared about a Zoom call, and today, I wanted to share the heart of the message I gave to our mission partners. I love the word...