Sunday, November 25, 2012

Haiti "Herky Perky" Trip, October 8, 2012

Prayer Partners of the Day: Carl & Marilyn Jones

It seems like a lifetime since I was last in Haiti, though in reality it's only been a little over 3 months. My packing routine was off, I seem to have forgotten many of my standard items, and by the time I made it to Miami, my suitcase was in shreds! Let's hope this is not a sign of things to come!

Upon arrival at the Miami Hilton, my favorite pre-Haiti hotel, they upgraded me to a top floor fancy suite! What a lavish blessing before the trip begins. Thankfully, the gift shop downstairs offers a variety of luggage, and my belongings now have a safe home.

Tomorrow will be an early, early morning leading to a long, long day. How good it will be to go home!

Thank you, prayer partners, for kicking off this journey to an adventurous beginning!


Yesterday, I shared about a Zoom call, and today, I wanted to share the heart of the message I gave to our mission partners. I love the word...