O Lord, You are almighty, all-powerful, all-sufficient.
You give us everything we need. You are enough.
Of all of the gifts and blessings You bestow upon us,
we thank You today for the armor You equip us with
to be present in this world.
First and foremost, we thank You for our salvation.
Salvation at its core is being rescued
from a state of danger and restored to wholeness.
Salvation comes from confessing with our mouths,
and believing in our hearts,
that Jesus is Lord and that He was raised from the dead.
This is a truth we claim!
Thank You, Lord, for the gift of our salvation.
Today, may we receive it in a new and fresh way from You,
for we declare that nothing can separate us from the love of Christ,
and the place we shall ever have in Your kingdom.
Lord, Your breastplate covers our most precious, vulnerable areas.
We wear Your righteousness today against all condemnation and corruption.
Fit us with Your holiness and purity —
defend us from all assaults against our heart.
May we put off our old selves,
which are being corrupted by deceitful desires,
and may our attitudes be made new.
Because of the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross,
we can walk in righteousness -
upright living that will align us with Your expectations.
Lord, we put on Your belt of truth.
We choose a lifestyle of honesty and integrity.
Reveal to us the truths we so desperately need today.
Expose the lies that we are not even aware that we may believe,
for Your truth will help us live in freedom and light.
The Good News of Your Gospel gives us shoes of peace,
and helps us move forward in faith.
We choose to live for the Gospel at any moment.
Show us where You are working and lead us to it.
Do not let us become slack in our walk.
Instead bring peace to our hearts and minds
so that we will not be anxious about anything.
Build excitement in our hearts to boldly share the Gospel,
and declare Your message fiercely.
Jesus, You are a shield to those who take refuge in You.
We lift our confident shield of faith,
declaring that You are good against every lie
and every assault of the enemy.
You have good in store for us.
Nothing is coming today that can overcome us
because You are with us.
May we continually grow in our faith.
O Lord, where all of the other pieces of armor are defensive to protect us,
You have given us one offensive weapon –
the sword of the Spirit, the Word of God.
Holy Spirit, show us specifically today
the truths of the Word that we will need
to counter the snares of the enemy.
Bring them to mind throughout the day
to shun the lies and strongholds in our lives.
After all is said and done, Lord,
we ask that You would make us strong in the Spirit.
In our own ability, we cannot stand against the temptations of the world.
We seek to rely on Your strength, not our own.
Therefore, we resolve to hold before us
every defense You give us,
so that we might stand against
whatever opposes Your plan for Your Kingdom,
And so we stand, braced by Your truth,
and guarded by Your righteousness;
enabled by the power of the Gospel
to actively bring Your peace to this broken world.
We are safeguarded by the faith,
for Your salvation keeps and holds us,
and Your word dwells within us.
In all we do, we want to be like Jesus,
who was constantly pointing back to the Father;
reminding us that He wasn’t living by his own agenda,
but only by what the Father was showing Him.
Show us, Father, as well, how You want us to follow Jesus.
Hear us now as we follow Christ’s example in prayer,
as we pray together, saying these words…
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name.
Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the Kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.
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