Monday, November 16, 2020


 God of miracles, God of wisdom, 

God of courage and strength, God of our lives, 

whose presence sustains us in every circumstance, 

in storm and distress, 

we welcome the restoring power of Your love and compassion. 


We open our hearts in sorrow, gratitude, and hope: 

that those who have been spared nature's fury, 

as well as those whose lives are forever changed
by ravages of wind and water, 

may find solace, sustenance, and strength 

in the days of recovery and rebuilding that are to come. 


We ask for sustaining courage 
for those who are suffering; 

wisdom and diligence among agencies and individuals assessing damage and directing relief efforts; 

and for generosity to flow 
as powerfully as rivers and streams, 

as we, Your people, respond to the deep human needs and shine a light of hope in the midst of chaos. 


Over the last days, we have seen courage at its best – 

through the first responders in helicopters 

reaching their hands to pull those stranded out of the water, 

to the Cajun Navy and other volunteers in their boats 

who courageously left their homes 
and answered a call to love their neighbors, 

to the neighbors extending hands to neighbors through hugs and rescue. 

Father, You’ve weaved our communities together through prayer 

and with courage and love. 

We ask for sustaining courage, 

for the kindness of strangers, 

and for hope that does not disappoint.


The word “courage” comes from a root meaning “heart,” 

and “courage” is an enlargement, 
a strengthening of the heart. 

So when we pray, our hearts open to You, God, 

and You fill our hearts with Your presence. 

We begin to feel and think what You feel and think. 

The clutter of fear, self-interest, and rationalization are gradually swept out of our hearts, and You, Lord, 
WILL us with courage and eagerness 

to act boldly and in good conscience. 


In these days of relief, assessment, and response, 

open our eyes, our hearts, and our hands 

to the needs of Your children and the movements of Your Spirit, 

who flows in us like the river whose streams makes glad the city of God, 

and the hearts of all who dwell in IT, and in YOU.


In the name of Christ the Healer, who taught us to pray with these words:


Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. AMEN.

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