Thursday, December 8, 2011


I love exclamation points. They seem to emphasize points, communicate excitement, and simply make reading more delightful! As you may have noticed from many of my posts, I am a little exclamation point happy! Some even choose to poke fun due to the over-usage... In my chatting with another friend this week, he referred to the punctuation mark as an exclamation MARK. I've already differentiated a question mark from an exclamation point.

This started an entire conversation with my best friend, Jay, when I asked, "So is it an exclamation point or an exclamation mark?" Here is his answer...

The exclamation markexclamation point, or bang, or "dembanger" is a punctuation mark usually used after an interjection or exclamation to indicate strong feelings or high volume (shouting) -  Google

I wonder if it is possible to do my whole job, or anyone’s whole job, with just Google. Anytime there is a question, just Google until you get the answer.

That would make a great reality TV show. Someone is at work; a question comes up, then he gets voted off the show unless he can Google the right answer … from the top of a speeding train ! 
And so, I am thankful for dembangers, and yes, from now on, they will be referred to solely as dembangers. I'm also thankful for my best friend, Jay, and my former youth pastor, Carl, and their natural affinity for dembangers, as well. 

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Yesterday, I shared about a Zoom call, and today, I wanted to share the heart of the message I gave to our mission partners. I love the word...