Thursday, February 21, 2013

Haiti Trip, January 10, 2013

Prayer Partner of the Day: Sean Devolites

Clean Water + Clean Hands = Healthy Bodies
It was another early, early morning, as we went off to Jacmel again. The ride was a little smoother, as we did not have as many people in the Kia. The rosary is now a standard part of our passage over the mountains before the sun rises. We greeted Sister Eno and after breakfast, Peggy and I created the new banner, and the Sister and a couple of fellows enjoyed coloring with us! Peggy assisted me with the community training. We occasionally have a more difficult time getting people to attend as was the case here. In the end, I simply sat with Sister Eno for a long while and gave her all of the information she needed. She especially loved the "Sevi Ak Dlo Sa-a" song! 

Bob with Sister Eno
The rest of the afternoon was fairly uneventful. I sat with Bob, Bertone, and Sister Eno to discuss the covenant, and loaded Ashley's Home Depot back into the Kia. We were eagerly awaiting the electricity to kick on so we could test the pump and run the system. Noon came and went, and it finally came on at 2:30pm. Thankfully the pump worked correctly, and we began filling the tank. We still had to shock the system, and Bertone had at least 2 hours of training to do, which meant driving on the mountain road in the dark. We didn’t get as lucky on this system and had 2 leaks to deal with. One required quite a bit of rebuilding, and we were running very short on parts, but in the end with ingenuity and creativity, we made it. Bertone did his training; we signed the board and turned it over to the Sisters. 

The first drink of clean water!
As we were about to pull out of the property, a woman from the community came through the gate and sister proudly said to her, “Come over here, I have some water I want to sell you”. The drive home proved as treacherous as we had feared, but by God’s Grace we made it. After unloading the boxes in the dark at the warehouse, Prestige beer never tasted so good. Now it's time to pack...but first a quick peak on the roof at the stars. Wow, God is certainly good. 


Yesterday, I shared about a Zoom call, and today, I wanted to share the heart of the message I gave to our mission partners. I love the word...