Thursday, February 21, 2013

Haiti Trip, January 9, 2013

Time with Joseph made this day complete!

Prayer Partner of the Day: Stephanie Lada

Who has the teflon tape?
Today was a bittersweet day. First we had prayers and eggs, and then we packed up Meg and Bill. They have a 4:30pm flight home, and Ancy will retrieve them at noon to go to Port Au Prince. 

After a quick stop at the warehouse, which was amazingly clean and newly painted, we stopped at the intersection and dropped boxes off to Valdes. Then we made a second stop to pay the PVC parts man on the side of the road...since we forgot to stop by last night. 

Painting the banner
At St. Andrew's, the boys changed out the leaky trash filter head while Meg and I started the community health and hygiene class. We had a room of 100 children plus a few of their teachers. It was precious. We did a few activities, including having participants come up to taste different types of water and lining up to rate objects with germs, and then the hand-painting for the banner began! It was beautiful, organized chaos!

Meg mastered the art of
paint distribution
The boys had some small details to still fix, but by noon we were ready to begin the 3 hour operators training that Bertone does so well. Unfortunately at noon, we also left to take Meg and Bill into Leogane to meet Ancy, who looked incredibly rested and clean! I was so sad to see them go, but so thankful for the time with them. What a great team they are! We had a great ice cream lunch, and we also took Jim & Peggy back to the orphanage, as Jim does not sit and relax well! On the way back to the site, we stopped by Bertone's brother's house! It was a beautiful, out in the middle of nowhere, cottage with a newly dug well. 

Bertone began training at St. Andrews, and Bob and I sat for a good, old-fashioned heart-to-heart. After Bertone finished, we gathered as a group for the board signing ceremony, where we all signed the board and turned over the first 5 gallon bottle of water to Pere Bleu. He was so excited and proud of the system because he now has a way to be sure the water distributed within the community is really clean. It was an incredible feeling of confidence that he conveys to us. 

After picking up Jim & Peggy at the orphanage, I was able to finally to have some time with Sonie, my dear Haitian sister! I love her so! 

And God said, it is good. 


Yesterday, I shared about a Zoom call, and today, I wanted to share the heart of the message I gave to our mission partners. I love the word...