One of our amazing mission teams in from Memorial United Methodist Church in Elizabethtown, KY has compiled a passionate video to promote their mission in Port-De-Paix, Haiti. Take a look! Enjoy!
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Haiti Journal Day #9 - January 25
Prayer Partner of the Day - Sean Devolites & Victoria Bole
Today, I left Haiti many days earlier than anticipated. I struggled with leaving, knowing I would regain my strength soon, but also knowing health comes quicker and easier when in your own home and receiving the best TLC from your family. While the Brother at St. Therese monastery in Palmiste A Vin were giving me great care, it was time to come back home.
My dear brother, Ancy, picked me up very early this morning and the three hour drive to the Port Au Prince airport was long and bumpy. He gave me a big hug and sent me on my way, saying, "Feel better soon, sister. Haiti needs you!" That's why I go. That's why I continue to go back. And that's why it pains me to leave. Though I am weak, He is strong, and He will work through Bob and Chuck to complete the tasks at hand. That I am sure of!
After going thru the multiple checkpoints and pat downs, I found a cozy spot upstairs in the "VIP" lounge. I kept thinking I heard them calling my name from the counter, but I was too comfortable to get up and see. Finally when the plane was ready to board, they did indeed call my name, and it is always a happy day when the airline attendant says, "Here is your complementary upgrade to business class." I happily took the ticket and boarded.
Folks throughout the day kept looking at me funny, though I had no idea why. When I finally went to the bathroom on the plane, I discovered my face was completely covered in red splotches! Apparently something took serious bites out of me during the night. No amount of make-up would cover it. Thus, I looked like a character from "Contagion". It's a wonder they let me board the plane!
When arriving in Miami, I received extraordinary news... Read the next blog post for the update!!
And so, my latest trip to Haiti has come to a close, as I now sit comfortably on my couch awaiting an appointment with the doctor. We have to make sure I really didn't have cholera!
Thank you again for joining me on this incredible journey. Your prayers, your support, and your affirmation mean more than words will ever describe.
Join us again in Haiti... Coming to you February 20!
Today, I left Haiti many days earlier than anticipated. I struggled with leaving, knowing I would regain my strength soon, but also knowing health comes quicker and easier when in your own home and receiving the best TLC from your family. While the Brother at St. Therese monastery in Palmiste A Vin were giving me great care, it was time to come back home.
My dear brother, Ancy, picked me up very early this morning and the three hour drive to the Port Au Prince airport was long and bumpy. He gave me a big hug and sent me on my way, saying, "Feel better soon, sister. Haiti needs you!" That's why I go. That's why I continue to go back. And that's why it pains me to leave. Though I am weak, He is strong, and He will work through Bob and Chuck to complete the tasks at hand. That I am sure of!
After going thru the multiple checkpoints and pat downs, I found a cozy spot upstairs in the "VIP" lounge. I kept thinking I heard them calling my name from the counter, but I was too comfortable to get up and see. Finally when the plane was ready to board, they did indeed call my name, and it is always a happy day when the airline attendant says, "Here is your complementary upgrade to business class." I happily took the ticket and boarded.
Folks throughout the day kept looking at me funny, though I had no idea why. When I finally went to the bathroom on the plane, I discovered my face was completely covered in red splotches! Apparently something took serious bites out of me during the night. No amount of make-up would cover it. Thus, I looked like a character from "Contagion". It's a wonder they let me board the plane!
When arriving in Miami, I received extraordinary news... Read the next blog post for the update!!
And so, my latest trip to Haiti has come to a close, as I now sit comfortably on my couch awaiting an appointment with the doctor. We have to make sure I really didn't have cholera!
Thank you again for joining me on this incredible journey. Your prayers, your support, and your affirmation mean more than words will ever describe.
Join us again in Haiti... Coming to you February 20!
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Haiti Journal Day #8 - January 24
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A picture from earlier in the week. Beautiful? |
Today began with a jolt! No really... At about 5:45am, the building was shaking! Yes indeed, it was a small earthquake! It lasted only seconds, but my room was actually swaying back and forth! It was an odd feeling, and Brother Olizard came running in to ask if I was okay! Feeling such a small quake, I can only imagine what the "real" earthquake two years ago was like.
Shortly thereafter, Brother Jean Charles came to fetch me for a visitor at the gate. Who in the world would be visiting me? Apparently, Ancy had sent word to Trouin to our water system operator, Amos, that I was in town. Amos came by to say hello and retrieve his gift from the Wycoff family. He was overjoyed to receive the picture book, and he sent many warm greetings to the team from our August trip to Trouin & Cheridant.
Since then, it has been a very quiet day sitting under the mango tree and feeling the cool breeze. Turns out, I will be cutting my trip short and will head back home tomorrow. While I will miss working with the dynamic duo of Bob & Chuck (we really do make the great three amigos), it is a good decision to go home and get healthy. No need to stay when I will be absolutely useless to the work going on around me.
Your prayers, as always, sustain me, and because of you, I always feel surrounded by a team of warriors. Thank you for your support and encouragement. It has been a pleasure to share this journey with you.
Monday, January 23, 2012
Haiti Journal Day #7 - January 23
Prayer Partners of the Day - Louise Horst & Amy Dame
Today started entirely too early. In fact, today started last night around 10pm. Thankfully, after visiting the St. Charles clinic just down the road, the medicine has made me sleep and my energy seems to be slowly returning. The brothers have been phenomenal. One by one, they have sat outside my door in case I need something and every thirty minutes, like clockwork, one will knock and see how I'm feeling. It is a good place to be if one is not feeling well, and thru their love of Christ, they are sharing love with me. While I am so used to being the one care taking, it took me several knocks to appreciate their TLC. It's okay to be doted on and loved.
So this will be all today from the blog. It's a beautiful day in Haiti, and it may be time for another nap.
Since I am feeling are a few pictures to enjoy from the past few days...
Today started entirely too early. In fact, today started last night around 10pm. Thankfully, after visiting the St. Charles clinic just down the road, the medicine has made me sleep and my energy seems to be slowly returning. The brothers have been phenomenal. One by one, they have sat outside my door in case I need something and every thirty minutes, like clockwork, one will knock and see how I'm feeling. It is a good place to be if one is not feeling well, and thru their love of Christ, they are sharing love with me. While I am so used to being the one care taking, it took me several knocks to appreciate their TLC. It's okay to be doted on and loved.
So this will be all today from the blog. It's a beautiful day in Haiti, and it may be time for another nap.
Since I am feeling are a few pictures to enjoy from the past few days...
Carolina fans everywhere!! :) |
Best brother in the world? (Chris, if you're reading, I love you!) |
Jay + Ashley = Best Friends |
What would we do without Valdes? |
On the side of the road, on top of a mountain, overlooking a the most beautiful sea in the world. |
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My Sam... I'm so proud of him. |
Haiti Journal Day #6 - January 22
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The HUMC Group with our Haitian Family |
Prayer Partner of the Day - Mom
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Ancy preaching, Ashley translating into English :) |
The congregation was so excited to see us, and Pastor Evens was as kind and warm as ever. Sean and I have been given the task of delivering the message during worship. Ancy, of course, did a beautiful, exuberant job of translating it for the people. The service was filled with the genuine love of Christ and the Spirit engulfed the room. Fedo led the choir singing Agnus Dei and two other songs. It amazed me that he takes the time to teach the choir to sing the words in Creole & English. This is what real, passionate worship is. So wonderful.
After picnicking at Blanket while the fellas tweaked the water/solar system, we took off for Port Au Prince. It was such a bittersweet time, as I knew it was time to say goodbye to the fantastic group from Herndon UMC, but the incredible brothers at St Therese monastery were awaiting me. This HUMC group means so much to me. Sure they pick on me and say I call everyone my best friend, but each of them holds such a special place in my heart. It's hard to describe how much they mean to me, especially now that they've committed to this country and to this project that is so near and dear to my heart.
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Three Preachers |
The arrival at my second home was perfect. Ignace greeted us at the gate, and immediately we could see improvements to the grounds. Buildings had been finished, additions made, and the front store was up & running. In fact, I saw much of this progress north of Port Au Prince. How significant a change it is from this time last year.
Duyon had set out dinner for me, which I ate as if I hadn't had a real meal in days. Olizard arrived in his new car a little later, and we had a very happy reunion. The brothers here are simply the salt of the earth. Hard workers, kind hearts, and a faith matching none other. It is absolutely something to strive to model in my own life.
And so, with heavy eyelids, I bid you farewell. It's been a big day. Tearful goodbyes, warm embraces and back in my old room. Again, many thanks to my mom and her church for holding me in prayer. I could feel the encouragement.
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A Beautiful Family Photo |
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Haiti Journal Day #5 - January 21
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The hiking group to Nicolas |
Prayer Partners of the Day - Barb Black & Barbara Shaffer
The road to Nicolas |
The day started early with no water in our shower... This is normally not a shock, but when paying for rooms at a hotel, one comes to expect such luxuries. Finally the problem was fixed, life returned to normal, and off to breakfast we went. The school was, of course, very empty, as it is Saturday, and the final piece to the project was started. Meanwhile, several of us went on an adventure to the community of Nicolas to complete a survey. We had tried to get there all week, but had not been able to. A man on a motorcycle met us in town, and we followed him just outside of town to a dirt road. (Pictures will come later!) As we went down the bumpy dirt road, suddenly we came to a halt with rocks piled in the middle of the road. It was impassable. The man on the motorcycle, who happened to be the principal of the school we were going to survey, told us we could just walk a little way. And so, we set off on foot. After thirty minutes of sweating and enjoying te beautiful scenery, the principle turned back and said, "See the building on the hill? That's it!" That building looked to be approximately five miles away, to which I quickly said, "I've seen enough! Since you don't have a well yet, I can tell from here you'd be a good fit for solar, but call me when you get the well dug and I'll come back!" We trekked back to the KIA and made our way back to the school.
With my cuddle buddy! |
Tomorrow we wake early! It'll be time to go to Blanket and then say goodbye to my friends from Herndon, VA. While it will be a melancholy time, the peace and quiet of the monastery will be awaiting me, and my three amigo pals arrive Wednesday!
As always, thank you, thank you to our amazing prayer partners who sustain us and fill us with peace and joy! Thank you Barbara & Barb!
Peace be with you this night and every night. Good night from Mirebalais, Haiti!
Friday, January 20, 2012
Haiti Journal Day #4 - January 20
Sean showing off his electrical. |
Happy Birthday, Diana Grace!! It's your birthday, and I love you so much! I'm so thankful you were my prayer partner today!
Today is the day that makes trips to Haiti with the hot sun, massive mosquitos, and lack of sleep all worthwhile. It's the day when everything comes together, when the teachers are trained, the students understand, and finally the work is mostly finished. It's the day when everything clicks and the words "thank you" come from the mouths of children and the adults cannot believe the work they've done. It's the day that though the energy is low from the long workdays, the smiles from the kids can lift your spirits and relief and a bit of relaxation sets in.
Valdes' assistant, Charles |
Peace be with you this night from Mirebalais, Haiti.
Haiti Journal Day #3 - January 19
Prayer Partners of the Day - Marcia Manz and Pierre Boumtje

So many emotions encapsuled today. This morning, something just didn't feel right, and thankfully just as quickly as the yucky mess came, the yucky mess left and allowed for a fantastic day. The education classes were in full swing, and some 180 4-12 year olds were taught about good hygiene and using clean water. Sheri & Carrie did a phenomenal job of herding the cats and loving on the kids. Speaking of great work, the technical wizards have successfully installed the system, punched holes in walls for drainage, plumbed water tanks, and are ready to shock the system tomorrow first thing. Every team member has their place and purpose, which seems to be working well.
Today, I was also able to sit down and get after my first lesson in my Hebrew class. After finding the missing piece of paper, which contained the transliteration key, the work was much easier! This may be a fun class after all!

Thank you to all of those holding us in prayer, especially our prayer partners today, Marcia & Pierre. Many of my family members are away from home this week ... And I will ask you hold them in prayer, too.
Peace be with you tonight, from a rainy, cool hillside in Mirebalais, Haiti.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Haiti Journal Day #2 - January 18
New home for the Solar Panels |
And so ends day one of the first full day in Haiti. We arrived later than expected at our worksite, and many challenges awaited us. First and foremost, the solar panels had been mounted in the wrong location. After many discussions, they took to the concrete, dug up the pole with the panels still attached and moved the pole and panels to a new location. It only took three Americans plus 13 Haitians to complete the project. Now we just need to turn the panels to face the correct direction!
Ancy and I had a massive to-do list for upcoming projects, complete with phone calls, emails, reservations, making changes to schedules and more. Would you believe, as of 8:00pm, we had completed the entire to-do list? Together we make an incredible team! With any luck, all of this work will make for easy trips for future teams.
Sam, Sally, Ancy & I had an adventure into Port Au Prince to retrieve Jay's lost luggage, buy a slew of wood, hunt for drinks and ice, and we even stumbled upon a cooler.
Unfortunately, riding in the Kia without air conditioning on a 90 degree day is a bit uncomfortable, but thankfully, the wind blew, the drive was much quicker than last night, and with great friends along, the time past quickly. Port Au Prince has vastly improved over the last year. Rubble has disappeared, streets have been cleaned, and heavy machinery is much more visible.
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The Team by the Water Building |
Tonight we reflected on the events that brought us joy today. There are too many to count, but ranking high on the list is the joy to be amongst friends who have turned into family. How lucky am I?
Back to work tomorrow with lofty goals. Peace and happy sleeping.
Haiti Journal Day #1 - January 17
Prayer Partner of the Day - Carl Jones & Family
Traveling to Haiti always begins early in the day. When the alarm clock rang at 3:00am, however, I jumped out of bed with excitement and could not wait to get to the airport! It's been much too long since I've been with my Haitian family and my wonderful friends from Herndon United Methodist.
Of course, no travel is uneventful and this was no different. The FAA and TSA have now added my name to "the list" for continuously packing restricted materials. Apparently chlorine, or hth, is not allowed even in checked bags! (We carry it to shock the water system before the first batch of clean water is made.)
Thankfully, after this fun run in, the angst of knowing I only had thirty minutes to change planes in the Miami airport completely vanished when they announced we'd be arriving almost an hour early. We created quite the raucous in terminal d with our jubilee and happy reunion.
The arrival in Haiti was just as wonderful. Claiming baggage, with the exception of Jay's bag, went flawlessly, and customs was a breeze. Ancy and Valdes greeted us with open arms and off to Mirebalais we the darkness of the night!
I never ever like to drive in Haiti after dark, but after successfully navigating the traffic of Port Au Prince, we had open road to the mountains. Of course, then the hotel tried to tell us they did not have rooms for us... Thankfully after an hour of serious looks, they came up with five rooms.
The evening culminated with a celebration of friends and fellowship and only a little anxiety of the coming days and project! There is a lot of work ahead, and with you, our prayer partners, we will surely succeed!
Sunday, January 15, 2012
A Prayer
Today, my pal, Carl, posted this incredible prayer on his blog:
Today, For what I am that I ought not to be,
Forgive me.
For what I am not that I ought to be,
Forgive me.
Be with my mouth in what it speaks.
Be with my hands in what they do.
Be with my mind in what it thinks.
Be with my heart in what it feels.
Work in me,
Through me.
and in spite of me.
And I will give you the praise...
From the 1969 devotional God is No Fool by Lois Cheney, Abingdon Press.
The Amazing Race
Though the work of the week had been overwhelming, the conference calls aplenty, the emails and phone calls in epic numbers, the weekend was at last here...and it did not let me down. It was classic. Fantastic. Exhilarating. Invigorating.
Have you ever heard of The Amazing Race? It's a reality show on CBS. Teams of two compete in a series of races around the world. What a novel idea to create a one-day adventure in cities around the US, and CityScape Adventures did so. My pal, Lou, and I promptly registered for the event, and Saturday was race day. After meeting at the Bikini Bar by the Strip, we were given our first six clues. Knowing we were not nearly as serious at many of the other participants, we made two goals: not break a sweat nor become frustrated with the clues.
The clues led us across Interstate 15 (yes, we crossed on foot) and to the actual Strip. Once we figured out each clue and went to the location, we had to take pictures to document our findings. Knowing it was the year of the "dragon," we found a cornucopia of dragons at the Bellagio. Then we donned white tiger masks at the Mirage, shot hoops at Gameworks in Times Square, found a Tom Selleck look-a-like to pose with, and posed with Spiderman outside Caesar's. And yes, we walked the entire way. Mission almost accomplished!
Upon checking-in and receiving our next set of clues, we slurped slushies at 7-11, Tebowed by the pirate ship in front of Treasure Island, picked the noses of Siegfried & Roy outside the Mirage, and finally caught our first bus to take us into "downtown." There we made friends on the buses, did yoga poses by the Stratosphere, planked outside of the Pawn Stars pawnshop, and enacted a marriage ceremony at the Little White Wedding Chapel, where incidentally Michael Jordan was married at? :)
Alas, the pictures are on Lou's phone, as we saved the battery in my phone for googling clues!
By the day's end, we were exhausted but reveling in the glow of finishing the race...and not placing last!
Sunday continued to be epic with a glorious day at Green Valley United Methodist Church. After an in-depth discussion on risk taking missions and a passionate worship service, my cup was overflowing. What a Sunday it was to prepare my heart for the next trip to Haiti.
In the end, a YEAH GOD is in order. Yeah God for a fantastic weekend of friends, fellowship, worship, family-time, study in the Word, and encouragement from every corner. This truly was the day the Lord has made. I am rejoicing and being glad in it.
Have you ever heard of The Amazing Race? It's a reality show on CBS. Teams of two compete in a series of races around the world. What a novel idea to create a one-day adventure in cities around the US, and CityScape Adventures did so. My pal, Lou, and I promptly registered for the event, and Saturday was race day. After meeting at the Bikini Bar by the Strip, we were given our first six clues. Knowing we were not nearly as serious at many of the other participants, we made two goals: not break a sweat nor become frustrated with the clues.
The clues led us across Interstate 15 (yes, we crossed on foot) and to the actual Strip. Once we figured out each clue and went to the location, we had to take pictures to document our findings. Knowing it was the year of the "dragon," we found a cornucopia of dragons at the Bellagio. Then we donned white tiger masks at the Mirage, shot hoops at Gameworks in Times Square, found a Tom Selleck look-a-like to pose with, and posed with Spiderman outside Caesar's. And yes, we walked the entire way. Mission almost accomplished!
Upon checking-in and receiving our next set of clues, we slurped slushies at 7-11, Tebowed by the pirate ship in front of Treasure Island, picked the noses of Siegfried & Roy outside the Mirage, and finally caught our first bus to take us into "downtown." There we made friends on the buses, did yoga poses by the Stratosphere, planked outside of the Pawn Stars pawnshop, and enacted a marriage ceremony at the Little White Wedding Chapel, where incidentally Michael Jordan was married at? :)
Alas, the pictures are on Lou's phone, as we saved the battery in my phone for googling clues!
By the day's end, we were exhausted but reveling in the glow of finishing the race...and not placing last!
Sunday continued to be epic with a glorious day at Green Valley United Methodist Church. After an in-depth discussion on risk taking missions and a passionate worship service, my cup was overflowing. What a Sunday it was to prepare my heart for the next trip to Haiti.
In the end, a YEAH GOD is in order. Yeah God for a fantastic weekend of friends, fellowship, worship, family-time, study in the Word, and encouragement from every corner. This truly was the day the Lord has made. I am rejoicing and being glad in it.
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Solar Under The Sun
Solar Under The Sun made the news today!
Read about it here --
Read about it here --
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Prayer Partners...Part 15
It's once again that time... It's time to start getting ready for the next trip to Haiti, and what are the most important things I take with me?? PRAYER PARTNERS!
My prayer partners have never let me down. Each day, I count on one of you to lift our team up in prayer with encouragement and love. Likewise, our team will pray for you and the specific requests you send.
Follow along daily from January 17-February 2 as each day is always an adventure and a blessing when working in the wild land of Haiti.
January 17-23, 2012 will be spent with the fantastic group from Herndon United Methodist Church in Mirebalais, Haiti. They are teaming with FATEM and L'Ecole De Choix to install a solar-powered clean water system for the brand new school in Mirebalais. The school just opened, welcoming 180 students, and the location is directly across from the new Partners in Health national teaching hospital.
January 25-February 2, 2012 will be spent with the infamous Bob McCoy & Chuck Arnold at the Little Brothers of St. Therese in Palmiste-Au-Vin, Haiti. The "three amigos" have a hefty project ahead with two clean water systems on the docket along with the set up of the new Living Waters For The World supply warehouse.
My prayer partners have never let me down. Each day, I count on one of you to lift our team up in prayer with encouragement and love. Likewise, our team will pray for you and the specific requests you send.
Follow along daily from January 17-February 2 as each day is always an adventure and a blessing when working in the wild land of Haiti.
January 17-23, 2012 will be spent with the fantastic group from Herndon United Methodist Church in Mirebalais, Haiti. They are teaming with FATEM and L'Ecole De Choix to install a solar-powered clean water system for the brand new school in Mirebalais. The school just opened, welcoming 180 students, and the location is directly across from the new Partners in Health national teaching hospital.
January 25-February 2, 2012 will be spent with the infamous Bob McCoy & Chuck Arnold at the Little Brothers of St. Therese in Palmiste-Au-Vin, Haiti. The "three amigos" have a hefty project ahead with two clean water systems on the docket along with the set up of the new Living Waters For The World supply warehouse.
Thus, I will need many prayer partners. If you would like to join me in prayer, let me know! I would love to pray for you, too!
January 17 - Carl Jones & fam
January 18 - Stephanie Lada & Patrick Lesley
January 19 - Marcia Manz & Pierre Boumtje
January 20 - Diana Grace
January 21 - Barbara Shaffer & Barb Black
January 22 - Mom
January 23 - Louise Horst & Amy Dame
January 24 - Carrie Delisio
January 25 - Sean Devolites & Victoria Bole
January 26 - Carla Barnard
January 27 - Susan Rose
January 28 - Hillary Beatrice-Mitchell & Hogan Family
January 29 - Mom
January 30 - Emily Ronis
February 1 - Dad
February 2 - Jay Horstman
New Years Eve & Resolutions
We dressed with style and hit the M Resort, which is right down the road from us. We were the best-dressed, classiest pair in the joint, and with an attitude of gratitude, we recounted the blessings of the past year and enjoyed massive amounts of lobster and steak.
Following our gluttony, we made an appearance at a friend's party and then returned home for a Rock Band extraordinaire. 2012 came roaring in, as we sat at the end of our street and watched the EIGHT fireworks displays coming from atop casinos on the Strip. It was beautiful, and only made better by the neighbors shooting off sparklers from their front yards.
What a night, and what a new year.
In years past, I have not made New Years Resolutions, but instead have come up with a "mantra" to remember throughout the year. Several years ago, it was "live in the moment" to remind me to not be distracted by all that is going on around me, or the past mistakes or the future to-do list, but instead to live in the here and now. Next was to "choose joy," as I hoped to be in control of my outlook and emotions of life. I choose to be joyous in all things and celebrate instead of dwelling. Last year was to live with an "attitude of gratitude," hence this blog.
Now I am stuck with trying to come up with a theme for 2012. Any suggestions?
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Yesterday, I shared about a Zoom call, and today, I wanted to share the heart of the message I gave to our mission partners. I love the word...
Prayer Partners of the Day - Diana Grace & Barbara Shaffer The last day in Haiti...until January perhaps! We left for the airport earl...
Prayer Partners of the Day - Tim & Teresa Myrick Lucky number 13! It's the thirteenth day of our trip, and thirteen happens to be...
After the "terrible-no-good-very-bad-week," I was prepared for yesterday. I did not have my hopes up, and braced myself for bad ne...