Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Haiti Trip, June 2012 - Day 7

Prayer Partners of the Day - Kendall Cox & Jon Reece

Last night... Though the rain was coming down in sheets and providing perfect sleeping conditions and cool air, my body simply would not relax and fall asleep. Must have been that wonderful Sunday afternoon nap coming back to haunt me! The boys loaded up the truck, and after breakfast, we were on the road by 8:30am.

Jardin Sur Mer...our refuge for the day. 
We were moving a good clip for an hour when we thought it would be nice to take the group on a diversion to Jardin Sur Mer. This is a beautiful area on a hill overlooking the ocean. There also happens to be a hotel with nice toilets (always a plus!), which is where the team in October 2011 stayed.

The waitstaff and owner, Bob, greeted us warmly, and I was sad to learn little Ginny was still in school in Port-Au-Prince. She's such a sweet girl! After a bathroom break and a cool glass of limeade, we were ready to get back on the road...

That's when the call came.... Just up the road in Miragoave, the community had come out to protest the lack of electricity in the town. Rock throwing, tires burning, and the usual parading through the streets were among the list of demonstrations. Word came later the special police from Port-Au-Prince had arrived. Then by 2:00pm, the shooting had begun.

At least we were stuck at a beautiful site? :)
By 3:00pm, we received word the blockages had cleared, and we would be able to pass. We loaded up the truck and went on our way!

Fifteen minutes later, as we climbed the first mountain, the truck overheated and came to a stop...on the side of the road...on the curve of the mountain. To make a long story short, the clutch was out, the radiator ran hot, etc etc etc... We were still at least four hours outside of Port Au Prince. Contingency plans started to come together, and by the grace of God, an episcopal priest, Father Ajax, pulled over. After long discussions, four of us loaded up with Pere Ajax, and the other five stayed with Ancy, the Kia, and a ride to take them back to Jardin Sur Mer.

There were lots of goats! 
It was incredibly tough to leave half the team, especially in the pouring rain on the side of the road. Though they're safe and sound at a nice hotel, I still wish we were all together on this last night. However , divine intervention once again appeared. Checking into the guest house in Port Au Prince, we discovered a flight had been canceled and a team stayed an extra night at the guest house! There was only one room left, so four of us are bunking in one room... Nothing like becoming family in six days or less.

While I love a good adventure, can we please pray the travel tomorrow will be less eventful?! And let's pray the rest of the team left in Les Cayes will make it safely tomorrow!

Much love from Haiti!

Every trip needs a good Ancy/Ashley picture!

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