Today is a big day! It's a HUGE day!
First, I am leaving for Haiti tomorrow. It's my fourth trip there this year, and I seem to have packing down to a science! I'm so excited... It'll be a HUGE trip. Four installations in one week! Prayer partners, you have a big task ahead of you! Ah, I'm so thankful. I am so thankful for the opportunity to go to the country I love, serve alongside the people I love, and to be held in prayer by a great group of friends. Really, how lucky and blessed am I?
Second, since I will be in Haiti next week and will be consequentially missing my seventh wedding anniversary, we are celebrating tonight! It's wonderful! Seven years! I had a theme night planned out, but poor husband is on call this weekend. Knowing that he'd be crushed if he had to leave right in the middle of our fun festivities, we decided to keep it low-key. I am so thankful for an amazing husband!
Third, and quite possibly the biggest news of the YEAR... I am going to be a grandmother!!! Yes, it's true! Clint & Arlene are expecting! I never imagined I'd be so excited, and John is simply beside himself with joy. The Broadhurst Family will be growing into a new generation, and we are so excited. Have I mentioned lately how thankful I am to be a part of this family?
It's a big day! A HUGE day! Thank you all for joining me on this journey! I am so very thankful!
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Prayer Partners, August 2011
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They're ready for our team! |
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The Volunteer House in Cheridant, Haiti |
This trip is very special in that we will have FOUR projects in one week. We will install two solar-powered water systems, one stand-alone solar system to power the Volunteer House, and one single-family home solar system at Ancy's mother's house. How exciting is this??
Unfortunately, since I will not be staying in luxury, there is not wireless internet at our guest quarters. Thus, there will be no nightly visits to the mango tree to write the blog and update our friends, family and prayer partners. The blogging will come all at once upon my return.
Onto the topic at hand... PRAYER PARTNERS! Who would like to partner with me and the team in prayer this week? This not only means you will pray for us, but we will also hold you in prayer. Without prayer partners, my trip is not complete...not even halfway. Your encouragement and support sustains us through the heat, the not-so-luxurious moments, and the exhaustion! So who's with me?
Sunday, July 31 - Dad & Carl Jones (He's ALWAYS my prayer partner for travel days!)
Monday, August 1 - Becky Field-Ross
Tuesday, August 2 - Sarah Anderson & Bob McCoy
Wednesday, August 3 - Barb Black
Thursday, August 4 - Sean Devolites
Friday, August 5 - Jon Reece
Saturday, August 6 - Hogan Family
Sunday, August 7 - Jan Koerner & Maple Springs UMC
Monday, August 8 - Diana Grace & Barbara Shaffer
Sunday, August 7 is a VERY special day. Not only will I have the privilege of delivering the Sunday message at the Episcopal Church in Trouin, but it is also my SEVENTH wedding anniversary! I am so thankful to be married to a wonderful, supportive man, and to have YOU as prayer partners! Thank you for joining me on this journey!
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Bucket List
Not too long ago, one of my best friends asked what was on my bucket list! At the time, I thought I had never even made a bucket list…and posted something on Facebook. My dear friend, Marcia Stafford, reminded me that long ago, on her couch in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, we had indeed made our bucket lists after watching “A Walk To Remember.” It took me a while, but I found the list in perfect condition. (It was in a secret location with my Roger Clemens rookie baseball card! Clearly, I valued the list highly!)
If memory serves me correctly, Marcia and I sat there for quite some time putting much thought into our lists, reading them aloud to each other, and then adding this phrase, “Upon completion, Marcia Stafford & Ashley Goad will meet to watch once again ‘A Walk to Remember.’” Signed by both of us on July 11, 2002.
It’s been 10 years since making the list, and I figured it was time to evaluate and adjust if necessary! Here is how the list was originally made with an update below each goal:
1. Visit all continents
North America & Europe, check… Five more to go.
North America & Europe, check… Five more to go.
2. Visit all 50 States
Only 10 more to go!
Only 10 more to go!
3. Ride an upsidedown roller coaster – CHECK!
4. Live in a foreign country – CHECK!
I think living in Mexico for three months counts!
I think living in Mexico for three months counts!
5. Join the Peace Corps or do long-term mission work
Does Haiti count?
Does Haiti count?
6. Be fluent in a foreign language
I almost had Spanish mastered.
I almost had Spanish mastered.
7. Work on a ranch
Not so much feeling this one anymore!
Not so much feeling this one anymore!
8. Obtain a PhD in Political Science
Let’s change this to MDiv and Doctor of Ministry.
Let’s change this to MDiv and Doctor of Ministry.
9. Go horseback riding on a beach
10. See a NY Yankees game and Roger Clemens pitch – CHECK!
I’ve seen two Yankees games AND Roger Clemens pitch!
New goal – See the Yankees play in Yankee Stadium.
I’ve seen two Yankees games AND Roger Clemens pitch!
New goal – See the Yankees play in Yankee Stadium.
11. See all four PGA Major Tournaments (US Open, Masters, British Open, PGA Championship)
Check US Open off the list! Three to go!
Check US Open off the list! Three to go!
12. Volunteer at Quaker Lake
13. Own a BMW
Eh, I think this one can be removed, too. I dig my Xterra just fine.
Eh, I think this one can be removed, too. I dig my Xterra just fine.
14. Read all Ernest Hemingway & F Scott Fitzgerald novels
About halfway there…
About halfway there…
15. Visit the White House – CHECK!
16. Marry a man I truly love & admire – CHECK!!!!
Two words – John Broadhurst.
Two words – John Broadhurst.
17. Go skydiving
18. Meet Joey Fatone of *Nsync – CHECK!
I’m a little embarrassed this was on my list. However, we were in the same room at the Paris Casino in February. That’s enough for me!
I’m a little embarrassed this was on my list. However, we were in the same room at the Paris Casino in February. That’s enough for me!
19. Coach a “little league” basketball team – CHECK!! Go Cyclones!!
20. Have 4 children – I even listed names. Though I won’t have kids of my own, Clint & Michael are practically perfect in every way!
21. Ride in a hot air balloon
22. Win an election
23. Personally thank Dr. Charles Turner for saving my life
I will write that letter immediately!
I will write that letter immediately!
24. Have a personal library full of all of my favorite books
I’m well on my way to this!
I’m well on my way to this!
25. Watch a meteor shower from a mountaintop on the Blue Ridge Parkway
26. Overcome the fear of riding a motorcycle
OH MY GOODNESS! How can this be on my list?? Oh just wait till my husband reads this! I have a feeling it will be completed before the night’s over!
OH MY GOODNESS! How can this be on my list?? Oh just wait till my husband reads this! I have a feeling it will be completed before the night’s over!
27. Learn how to drive a manual car – CHECK!
28. Obtain a teaching certificate
Does a masters count?
Does a masters count?
29. Play golf at St. Andrews, Pebble Beach & Augusta National
Check St. Andrews off the list!
Check St. Andrews off the list!
30. Learn how to play the guitar
31. Take a surfing lesson
32. Travel to Holland and pick tulips.
33. Read the Bible, front to back – CHECK!
34. See a Jimmy Buffett concert – CHECK!
35. Backpack in the Himalayas OR Andes OR Swiss Alps
Hmmm… I’m thinking no on this one.
Hmmm… I’m thinking no on this one.
36. Take ballroom dancing lessons
37. Have a picnic at Beacon Heights, NC – CHECK!
38. Be on a reality show!
I’m thinking no to this one, too!
I’m thinking no to this one, too!
39. Be in the audience of TRL on MTV
Definitely not…
Definitely not…
40. Go on a game show
I was in the audience of the Price is Right! However, I’d still like to be a contestant.
I was in the audience of the Price is Right! However, I’d still like to be a contestant.
41. Watch a sunset over every major ocean.
42. Spend the night in a castle.
43. Go to all three Disney parks – Disney World, Disney Land, EuroDisney
Check off Disney World. I’ll hit up Disney Land in September!
Check off Disney World. I’ll hit up Disney Land in September!
44. Go to Mardi Gras in New Orleans.
45. Spend New Year’s Eve in Times Square
46. See fireworks in Washington, DC on July 4th
Would you believe in the two years we lived in DC, I was in Haiti for one July 4th, and coming home from New Orleans on the next?!
Would you believe in the two years we lived in DC, I was in Haiti for one July 4th, and coming home from New Orleans on the next?!
47. Attend a black-tie formal ball on New Year’s Eve.
48. See every Cary Grant movie ever made
About halfway there, thanks to Netflix!
About halfway there, thanks to Netflix!
49. Spend an extended time on a tropical island
Again, does Haiti count? J
Again, does Haiti count? J
50. Drive Route 66 – CHECK!
51. Go skiing – CHECK!
52. Keep a journal
I do this well when I travel. Of course, this blog is much like a journal!
I do this well when I travel. Of course, this blog is much like a journal!
53. Send all my kids to Quaker Lake with Marcia’s kids!
I think I’ll have to send my grandkids to QLC with Jackson!
I think I’ll have to send my grandkids to QLC with Jackson!
Additions to the Bucket List:
1. Say a prayer before a NASCAR race
2. Spend Spring Training in Florida and catch Yankees, Astros & Cubs baseball games
3. Take several weeks to road trip to major ball parks for games – Wrigley Field, Fenway Park, Yankee Stadium, and all the ones along the way from each.
4. Be the Senior Pastor of a church
5. Take an Alaskan Cruise and a Mediterranean Cruise
6. Zip line in Costa Rica
7. Live every day in constant communion with God. (That’s more on an ongoing goal, not so much something to complete and mark off a list.)
8. Complete a sprint triathlon
What else should I add to my bucket list? What’s on yours?Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The addiction continued in northern Virginia, as there was conveniently located a Starbucks right on the way to the church every morning. I discovered a solid third of my income was going to this little cup of Joe every morning! However, it was a place of fellowship, a gathering center for youth, the center of deep, private conversations and the best Bible studies always happened in Starbucks. It was the "safe" place to go outside of the church building to have great church activities!
Since moving to Vegas, I willed myself to get rid of the Starbucks addiction. After all, I was unemployed and did not have the need to have one-on-one meetings or counseling sessions. Certainly I did not have the income to spend on $4 cups of coffee. Plus, my dear staff-mates in Herndon gave me an amazing Keurig coffee maker, and this produces my cup of coffee every morning now. So far, so good, as I have rarely stepped foot into a Vegas Starbucks.
Today I am in Nashville and eagerly awaiting a meeting with my Living Waters boys. The hotel was not quite the place to "hang out" and enjoy the morning, and needing a wireless signal, I sought out a Starbucks. Coming in was like coming home. It's been so long since I've been in a Starbucks, but the smells, the chairs, the conversations, the's all the same!
It's the little things in life where we find joy, and today I am thankful for a little thing called Starbucks. While I've successfully willed myself away from addiction, I am nonetheless grateful to come in and come home.
Friday, July 15, 2011
Blackjack & Blogs
Yesterday, one of my great friends from Houston arrived in Vegas... I love Priscilla, and it's been much too long since we've seen each other! Once she stepped off the airplane, our fun festivities began. In search of a unique lunch spot, we ended up at Mesa Grill in Caesar's Palace! This fed my slight crush on Bobby Flay even more, as the food was absolutely incredible. Fresh Ahi Tuna "nachos" for an appetizer & a "chili" salmon on a bed of spinach for the entree... I should have taken pictures, as it looked beautiful and tasted so fresh and light.
Throughout this blog, you may have figured out I am a bit of a "foodie" and since we have arrived in Vegas, I have become quite the tour guide. This led us to a BLOG idea... What if I started a travel blog... A local's guide to Vegas with all the tricks, bells, whistles, must-sees and must not sees... We have great plans for this blog. Perhaps it will be humbly titled, "In My Humble Opinion..." Yes? No? Maybe so? We'll see!
The night ended with the two of us sitting at a Blackjack table. I've only gambled twice - once at a roulette table and once at a slot machine. Blackjack, I've never played, except at my kitchen table with the boys. The highlights came quickly... Our dealer, Saber, was hilarious. We also met a gentleman, Steve, who was just shy of turning 91-years old, and at 10:30pm, we took him to dinner at Hash House A Go-Go. His stories were great, and it made our night as much as it made his night. So, how'd I do at Blackjack, you may be asking? We were at the table for a solid two hours, maybe three or four. I lost track of time it was so much fun. In the end, I'm pretty sure we lost it all... I was just thankful we were playing with Priscilla's money!
Today is Spa Day, followed by Cirque De Soliel night! Oh, it's good to have great friends, and it's great to have good times. How lucky and thankful am I?
Throughout this blog, you may have figured out I am a bit of a "foodie" and since we have arrived in Vegas, I have become quite the tour guide. This led us to a BLOG idea... What if I started a travel blog... A local's guide to Vegas with all the tricks, bells, whistles, must-sees and must not sees... We have great plans for this blog. Perhaps it will be humbly titled, "In My Humble Opinion..." Yes? No? Maybe so? We'll see!
The night ended with the two of us sitting at a Blackjack table. I've only gambled twice - once at a roulette table and once at a slot machine. Blackjack, I've never played, except at my kitchen table with the boys. The highlights came quickly... Our dealer, Saber, was hilarious. We also met a gentleman, Steve, who was just shy of turning 91-years old, and at 10:30pm, we took him to dinner at Hash House A Go-Go. His stories were great, and it made our night as much as it made his night. So, how'd I do at Blackjack, you may be asking? We were at the table for a solid two hours, maybe three or four. I lost track of time it was so much fun. In the end, I'm pretty sure we lost it all... I was just thankful we were playing with Priscilla's money!
Today is Spa Day, followed by Cirque De Soliel night! Oh, it's good to have great friends, and it's great to have good times. How lucky and thankful am I?
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Solar Under The Sun
Today is my second day on the job as the Administrator of Solar Under The Sun! I'm the happiest I've been in months, and the smile on my face just won't come off! (Not that that's a bad thing...!!) In fact, I've gone a little "Solar-Under-The-Sun-Social-Media-Crazy!" What does that mean, you may ask? Well...
Have you followed us on Twitter? (@solarundersun)
Have you ever seen those square codes in magazines? Well, we now have one! Download the QR-Code Reader app on your phone, scan the code below, and it'll take you to our website!
Speaking of which, have you been to our website?
Make sure you check out our You Tube channel, too!
Maybe you've see us on PCUSA Haiti Mission Network?
Or perhaps you've visited my profile at LinkedIn?
Really, who knew there were so many social media outlets? Each one is just a little bit different than the other...with different users, different purposes, and different layouts. One could literally spend a whole day's time in visiting each of the sites and promoting their passions.
In any case, it is my mission to tell EVERYONE about Solar Under The Sun, a wonderful mission designed to provide solar power to nonprofit groups in communities with great need -- no matter where they might be -- to help them alleviate hardship while also becoming better stewards of God’s green earth. So that is what today is all about... Spreading the word about my love and excitement for a mission organization doing great things!
I am so thankful God has given me the opportunity to serve Him by serving with an organization whose purpose is to make the world a better place, just one installation at a time.
"From the rising of the sun to its setting, the name of the Lord is to be praised."
Psalm 113:3
Psalm 113:3
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Lazy Sundays & New Beginnings
It's always hard to get back to blogging after a great trip to Haiti. Between the laundry, playing catch up, writing school papers, and enjoying time with John, there is little time to do much else! Sitting here today while hanging out with John, it hit me that it's Sunday afternoon and I really miss being at church. Dare I say, I was "bored." After eight years in youth ministry, Sundays now are quite different.
Then: I would arrive at church between 7 and 7:30am to set up, have quiet time, and prepare for the worship services and Sunday school.
Now: I slip in the door 30 seconds before the prelude!
Then: Between the first service and 12:00pm, I would always have someone by my side asking a question, following me to a room to get something, or telling me how I could do my job better.
Now: If I'm lucky, Dick, the greeter, will remember my name and say hello.
Then: When the final service was over, even if it ended "on time," I still wouldn't get home till 2:00pm, if at all.
Now: I only go to one service, usually the earliest one!
Then: Lunch would always include at least one church family.
Now: I come straight home, and have brunch with John!
Then: I would attend one or two youth sporting events after worship and rush to youth group.
Now: I watch NFL games on television or catch a baseball game in town.
Then: I would arrive an hour before youth group started, to set up, make sure the lesson was ready, or help the students who were leading the activities.
Now: I take Sunday afternoon naps!
You may be thinking, "Wow, sounds like a great trade!" Ah yes, for the first time since we've been married, it IS nice to have the same weekend as my husband. However, I miss the kiddos. While skyping and texting is great, there's nothing like hearing about the latest boyfriend drama over a game of Phase 10 or solving a parental disagreement over a smoothie at Robex. Cheese fries at Jax would fix anything, and the best Bible studies were over coffee at Starbucks. Sundays just aren't the same.
BUT! Change is good, right? And tomorrow, change is upon us. Tomorrow, I officially start my new position as Administrator of Solar Under The Sun! (Check it out at!) Between the new job, school, and family life, I am one happy camper, and looking forward to this new "change" in life! It's like taking a new step into a new stage of life. The good news is I won't do it alone - I am thankful for our great God, His strength, and the amazing people He has surrounded me with in life. we go! Turning the page to a new chapter!
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Summer Haiti Mission Trip - Day 9
Prayer Partner of the Day - Jay Horstman
(Written in the air, somewhere over the Gulf Coast, on Tuesday, July 5!)
The days in Haiti continue to get earlier and earlier. Though I was in my bed by 7:45pm last night, the alarm was still a shock at 4:00am this morning. The cold shower got my blood moving, and soon our bags were packed and we were saying farewell to Olizard before the sun even arose.
Ancy met us in Carrefour, and to our surprise, Hans, his older son, was with him! It was good to see my Haitian brother and catch up on the week's events on our drive to the airport. Traffic was fairly light, but it still took the better part of two and a half hours to arrive. On the way, Chuck, Bob and I continued to envision our "million dollar idea." For anyone who has been to Haiti, you know you take your life in your own hands each time you get in a car and drive, even if it is just a short distance. The tap-taps, the motorcycles, the roads with no street signs or stoplights, the pedestrians, the market days, the speed bumps, the potholes, the unpaved roads... There are so many obstacles one faces when getting behind the wheel to drive in Haiti. So...imagine if you were to put all of this into a video game! Our creativity was going overboard... Now I just need to find a video game developer! This would be the best-selling game of the year, especially to those who have worked in Haiti!
The airport was the slowest I have ever seen it. Only three men tried to grab my bags, and the line inside was the short. Three people in line...that's it! I arrived at the counter, presented by passport, and told the lady I had two bags. Apparently American Airlines is now charging for the second bag, even on international flights, and because of this, she deemed it proper to duct tape my bags together to make one bag. Yes, there I stood, watching a man duct tape my two bags... I tried to stop them. I tried to tell them I didn't mind paying the fee. But they kept on taping. Even worse, they taped the two bags together so the wheels were facing inward. I could just envision customs in Ft. Lauderdale...
Fast forward through three security checkpoints, two pat-downs and an upgrade to an exit row, and I was on my way home to the US. My seat mate turned out to be quite an interesting fellow, and we made a quick connection and talked through the entire two hour flight. I foresee a beautiful friendship between his company and Solar Under the Sun. There are great possibilities for the two to work together in Haiti.
Once arriving in Ft. Laurderdale, I breezed through the checkpoint. After that, you have to collect your bags. So I waited, waited, waited, and sure enough, here comes my bags...err, bag...taped together, though most of the tape had come off. This proved to be a good thing, as I was able to barely wheel them through the rest of the checkpoint, through the terminal, outside to terminal three, and to the American Airlines counter. They looked at me and laughed, and when I explained what happened, they happily took off the tape and checked BOTH no cost. Bless them.
The flight from Ft. Lauderdale to Dallas was uneventful with a row of seats to myself. In Dallas, three gate/terminal changes and one delayed flight later, I made it home. Clearly, Jay was praying me through the day. In fact, if I know him, he was praying without ceasing, and throwing up Hail Mary after Hail Mary! I can always count on him to intercede on my behalf and I know God hears his prayers!
And thus ends another wonderful, fruitful, successful, Spirit-filled trip to Haiti. Thank you all so much for following along with me on this journey and holding our team in prayer. Again, we know we are not the only team members; each of you are just as important to our success, and I am thankful to share the experience with you. God bless you, and I will look forward to our next journey less than four weeks!
(Written in the air, somewhere over the Gulf Coast, on Tuesday, July 5!)
The days in Haiti continue to get earlier and earlier. Though I was in my bed by 7:45pm last night, the alarm was still a shock at 4:00am this morning. The cold shower got my blood moving, and soon our bags were packed and we were saying farewell to Olizard before the sun even arose.
Ancy met us in Carrefour, and to our surprise, Hans, his older son, was with him! It was good to see my Haitian brother and catch up on the week's events on our drive to the airport. Traffic was fairly light, but it still took the better part of two and a half hours to arrive. On the way, Chuck, Bob and I continued to envision our "million dollar idea." For anyone who has been to Haiti, you know you take your life in your own hands each time you get in a car and drive, even if it is just a short distance. The tap-taps, the motorcycles, the roads with no street signs or stoplights, the pedestrians, the market days, the speed bumps, the potholes, the unpaved roads... There are so many obstacles one faces when getting behind the wheel to drive in Haiti. So...imagine if you were to put all of this into a video game! Our creativity was going overboard... Now I just need to find a video game developer! This would be the best-selling game of the year, especially to those who have worked in Haiti!
The airport was the slowest I have ever seen it. Only three men tried to grab my bags, and the line inside was the short. Three people in line...that's it! I arrived at the counter, presented by passport, and told the lady I had two bags. Apparently American Airlines is now charging for the second bag, even on international flights, and because of this, she deemed it proper to duct tape my bags together to make one bag. Yes, there I stood, watching a man duct tape my two bags... I tried to stop them. I tried to tell them I didn't mind paying the fee. But they kept on taping. Even worse, they taped the two bags together so the wheels were facing inward. I could just envision customs in Ft. Lauderdale...
Fast forward through three security checkpoints, two pat-downs and an upgrade to an exit row, and I was on my way home to the US. My seat mate turned out to be quite an interesting fellow, and we made a quick connection and talked through the entire two hour flight. I foresee a beautiful friendship between his company and Solar Under the Sun. There are great possibilities for the two to work together in Haiti.
Once arriving in Ft. Laurderdale, I breezed through the checkpoint. After that, you have to collect your bags. So I waited, waited, waited, and sure enough, here comes my bags...err, bag...taped together, though most of the tape had come off. This proved to be a good thing, as I was able to barely wheel them through the rest of the checkpoint, through the terminal, outside to terminal three, and to the American Airlines counter. They looked at me and laughed, and when I explained what happened, they happily took off the tape and checked BOTH no cost. Bless them.
The flight from Ft. Lauderdale to Dallas was uneventful with a row of seats to myself. In Dallas, three gate/terminal changes and one delayed flight later, I made it home. Clearly, Jay was praying me through the day. In fact, if I know him, he was praying without ceasing, and throwing up Hail Mary after Hail Mary! I can always count on him to intercede on my behalf and I know God hears his prayers!
And thus ends another wonderful, fruitful, successful, Spirit-filled trip to Haiti. Thank you all so much for following along with me on this journey and holding our team in prayer. Again, we know we are not the only team members; each of you are just as important to our success, and I am thankful to share the experience with you. God bless you, and I will look forward to our next journey less than four weeks!
Monday, July 4, 2011
Summer Haiti Mission Trip ~ Day 8
A road trip through the mountains to meet with the doctor at Hospital St. Boniface. |
Prayer Partner of the Day - Sean Devolites & Diana Grace
The wake up call came at 4:45am this morning...ten minutes before my alarm was set to go off! Oh! I was so sad not to have those extra ten minutes! AND the temperature dropped a bit last night, so the shower water was nice and frigid! Then we endured a two hour drive to past Grand Goave, past Petit Goave, and up a mountain on a rickety road...waded thru a river and kept climbing up! All this before 7:30am!
Wait a minute... It sounds like I'm complaining doesn't it? Better check that attitude at the door, as this is the Thanksgiving Project where we give thanks for all things! Let's try this again...
You thought I was kidding about driving through a river? |
While we're on the subject of gratitude, a huge shout out to today's prayer partners! There is no doubt in my mind that Sean & Diana prayed us thru the rough drive and thru the river and thru the queasy stomachs! Thank you, thank you!
This afternoon, due to that fun ride, I've been relaxing at the monastery, packing my belongings and packing a bag to keep here in Haiti for my August trip. (No sense in taking home a bag full of supplies just to bring them right back again!) Olizard continues to tell me this is my home in Haiti, complete with my own room. How wonderful it is to have family here! One day my family in the US will have to meet my Haitian family... One day I hope!
And so, I bid you farewell from Haiti, as this trip is coming to a close. Because of your prayers & God's guidance, it's been a fruitful, successful, meaningful experience. Relationships were renewed, friendships were formed, water systems were installed and more children in Haiti are drinking clean water today!! Praise God for Haiti! Praise God for YOU! And God bless the USA on this Independence Day!
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Summer Haiti Mission Trip ~ Day 7
Prayer Partner of the Day - Becky Field-Ross & The Cook Family
My heart is full of joy and love today! It was an early morning...5:00am to be exact. We were at the church in Leogane by 6:20am. Prayers were already going on and the church was packed with about 200+ people...most of which brought their own chairs,including us! The priest came in around 6:40 and mass went on until 8:30ish. It was quite the beautiful service in creole, of course. I had much Bible reading and prayer time, and the Spirit filled the church.
The 36 Kids of Notre Dame Orphanage |
Around 10:00am, we headed down to Leogane to pay a visit to the Notre Dame Orphanage. Bob's church has a "sponsorship" program for the kids. A church member can sponsor a child at the orphanage for $300 a year, and he has sponsors for most of the 36 children. We took individual pictures of the children today for their sponsor parents, and then it was play time!!! I had so much fun! I played music videos for the kids on my phone and we had a huge sing-a-long to "We Are The World." They were amazed with my hair and skin color, and hugged and loved all over me for about three hours. My heart is overflowing with love and joy! I simply cannot stop smiling!
We ventured into Carrefour to take Brother Alabre to his new home, which was quite the crazy drive up a mountain on a dirt road. (Again, the pictures will come later!) Back at the monastery now and catching a soccer game - Paraguay vs. Ecuador.
Today is one of those great days in Haiti. It was a day amongst the people, seeing them in their own element and practicing the ministry of presence by just being with them. It's the day I look forward to every time. We worshipped, we laughed, we sang. Today, we were not Americans and they were not Haitians. We were simply God's children.
Prayer partners, you played a huge part in our lives today. Your prayer led us safely thru the rain and the dirt roads up and down a steep mountain. Your prayers contributed to our joy and the opened our hearts to the people around us! We thank you! And pray that you receive the same love and joy!
Peace be with you!
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Summer Haiti Mission Trip ~ Day 6
Prayer Partners of the Day - Barbara Shaffer & Lorri Ronis
As I write, it is pouring rain. This water coming from the sky is pure and drinkable, and it is flowing in abundance. If we could simply bottle all of the water coming down, we could give clean water to this entire country. Ponder on that one for a little while...
In any case, what a wonderful day in Palmiste Au Vin, Haiti. The team went to Jacmel today to work on a system with a bad pump, but I stayed behind at the monastery. I was tasked with an even more important project! The mission I chose to accept was goat buying!
With every passing birthday, anniversary, Christmas, and wedding, John and I forgo buying the usual gifts and instead donate money to an alternative gift. For instance in 2009, the theme for all of our family members was "2009-Water into Wine!" We gave each member a bottle of wine with a letter explaining the money we would have used on another present instead went toward a water system in Haiti. Another year, everyone was given a goat through the Heifer Project...or rather a goat was given in their name!
When we were looking for a wedding present for John's boss, who had everything, we thought to this alternative gift giving. Instead of sending the money to an organization, we knew I would be coming to Haiti soon, and this would personalize the gift! Thus, John took the money he would have spent on a gift and gave it to me to buy goats in their name. Today, two goats were purchased and named "Norm" and "Jennifer." AND I even had money left over! Instead of bringing it back to John, I gave it to the school principal here at the monastery, and the money will pay for one student's tuition next year! What a great gift for the couple who already has everything!
Imagine if you were to do this? Instead of buying Dad the tie for Father's Day that he'll never wear, what if you instead bought a water pump in his honor? Or rather than buying a book that will sit on a shelf never to be read, what if you bought a "watt" to help light a solar panel? What if you sent money for a child's education and instead of a gift that has a better chance of being "re-gifted!" Perhaps on for your next celebration, you will consider alternative gift giving! Don't know where to look or how to do it? Just ask me! I'd love to share ideas with you!
As we drove back from the goat farm, it was market day in Dufort. This is when the entire town comes out to the main road and brings all of the goods they would like to sell. They set up not in shop buildings, but literally on the street with a tarp or a blanket on the ground. There you can find a number of fresh vegetables and fruits, an assortment of clothing and shoes, and occasionally household goods, like a mop or broom. It's colorful and crowded, loud and lively. As we rode, crept through...I looked into the faces of the people. There was laughter. There was smiling. There was joy. In the midst of this crazy road and the hard lives, people were gathered in an effort to make there lives better, whether through selling a product or buying something to use in their home. It was a sight to see, and it clearly effected me, as I paused to thank God for these people.
Tomorrow is Sunday! It is always a joyous day to celebrate God's day in Haiti, and I consider myself so lucky to be here among HIS people. Thank you again to all those joining us in prayer, especially Lorri and Barbara! It is a privilege to share this journey with you!
As I write, it is pouring rain. This water coming from the sky is pure and drinkable, and it is flowing in abundance. If we could simply bottle all of the water coming down, we could give clean water to this entire country. Ponder on that one for a little while...
In any case, what a wonderful day in Palmiste Au Vin, Haiti. The team went to Jacmel today to work on a system with a bad pump, but I stayed behind at the monastery. I was tasked with an even more important project! The mission I chose to accept was goat buying!
When we were looking for a wedding present for John's boss, who had everything, we thought to this alternative gift giving. Instead of sending the money to an organization, we knew I would be coming to Haiti soon, and this would personalize the gift! Thus, John took the money he would have spent on a gift and gave it to me to buy goats in their name. Today, two goats were purchased and named "Norm" and "Jennifer." AND I even had money left over! Instead of bringing it back to John, I gave it to the school principal here at the monastery, and the money will pay for one student's tuition next year! What a great gift for the couple who already has everything!
Imagine if you were to do this? Instead of buying Dad the tie for Father's Day that he'll never wear, what if you instead bought a water pump in his honor? Or rather than buying a book that will sit on a shelf never to be read, what if you bought a "watt" to help light a solar panel? What if you sent money for a child's education and instead of a gift that has a better chance of being "re-gifted!" Perhaps on for your next celebration, you will consider alternative gift giving! Don't know where to look or how to do it? Just ask me! I'd love to share ideas with you!
As we drove back from the goat farm, it was market day in Dufort. This is when the entire town comes out to the main road and brings all of the goods they would like to sell. They set up not in shop buildings, but literally on the street with a tarp or a blanket on the ground. There you can find a number of fresh vegetables and fruits, an assortment of clothing and shoes, and occasionally household goods, like a mop or broom. It's colorful and crowded, loud and lively. As we rode, crept through...I looked into the faces of the people. There was laughter. There was smiling. There was joy. In the midst of this crazy road and the hard lives, people were gathered in an effort to make there lives better, whether through selling a product or buying something to use in their home. It was a sight to see, and it clearly effected me, as I paused to thank God for these people.
Tomorrow is Sunday! It is always a joyous day to celebrate God's day in Haiti, and I consider myself so lucky to be here among HIS people. Thank you again to all those joining us in prayer, especially Lorri and Barbara! It is a privilege to share this journey with you!
Friday, July 1, 2011
Summer Haiti Mission Trip ~ Day 5
Prayer Partners of the Day - Barb Black & Sarah Anderson
By 10:00am we were back at our site, ready for a full day. You may be thinking, "Gosh Ashley, you must have slept in!" No, no, we were up at 5:30am for prayer and breakfast (fresh avocado & bananas!). Then we journeyed into Leogane for ice and a mop, and then back to Decouze. You may now be thinking, "How far did you have to travel? Leogane is that far?" Again, no, no, just a few miles down the road from the monastery is Leogane, and then 28 miles up the mountain back to Decouze. As we all know by now, you can't get anywhere quickly in Haiti, even if you're just a few miles down the road.
Bondlo + Men Pwop = Ko An Sante |
The operator training by Bertone went flawlessly, as always. Chuck stayed back at the monastery today to work on a grant proposal. I've missed him & his witty humor!
Ancy called a bit ago. I also miss him, knowing he's just a town away. I will look forward to the next trip in August when he will be with us everyday! By the way, I'll be returning to Haiti in August as part of a team which will install two solar powered water systems, a solar system for a newly built school, and a solar system for a single-family home. That home happens to be Ancy's mother's home! It will be quite the week, as we hope to accomplish all of this from August 1-8. Solar Under The Sun will be breaking new ground, and it's very exciting to be a part of it!
Ashley & Fre. Alabre |
Thank you to our two HUMCprayer warriors today! Your prayers sustained us and invigorated us throughout the day!
Peace be with you!
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Yesterday, I shared about a Zoom call, and today, I wanted to share the heart of the message I gave to our mission partners. I love the word...
Prayer Partners of the Day - Diana Grace & Barbara Shaffer The last day in Haiti...until January perhaps! We left for the airport earl...
Prayer Partners of the Day - Tim & Teresa Myrick Lucky number 13! It's the thirteenth day of our trip, and thirteen happens to be...
After the "terrible-no-good-very-bad-week," I was prepared for yesterday. I did not have my hopes up, and braced myself for bad ne...