As I write, it is pouring rain. This water coming from the sky is pure and drinkable, and it is flowing in abundance. If we could simply bottle all of the water coming down, we could give clean water to this entire country. Ponder on that one for a little while...
In any case, what a wonderful day in Palmiste Au Vin, Haiti. The team went to Jacmel today to work on a system with a bad pump, but I stayed behind at the monastery. I was tasked with an even more important project! The mission I chose to accept was goat buying!
When we were looking for a wedding present for John's boss, who had everything, we thought to this alternative gift giving. Instead of sending the money to an organization, we knew I would be coming to Haiti soon, and this would personalize the gift! Thus, John took the money he would have spent on a gift and gave it to me to buy goats in their name. Today, two goats were purchased and named "Norm" and "Jennifer." AND I even had money left over! Instead of bringing it back to John, I gave it to the school principal here at the monastery, and the money will pay for one student's tuition next year! What a great gift for the couple who already has everything!
Imagine if you were to do this? Instead of buying Dad the tie for Father's Day that he'll never wear, what if you instead bought a water pump in his honor? Or rather than buying a book that will sit on a shelf never to be read, what if you bought a "watt" to help light a solar panel? What if you sent money for a child's education and instead of a gift that has a better chance of being "re-gifted!" Perhaps on for your next celebration, you will consider alternative gift giving! Don't know where to look or how to do it? Just ask me! I'd love to share ideas with you!
As we drove back from the goat farm, it was market day in Dufort. This is when the entire town comes out to the main road and brings all of the goods they would like to sell. They set up not in shop buildings, but literally on the street with a tarp or a blanket on the ground. There you can find a number of fresh vegetables and fruits, an assortment of clothing and shoes, and occasionally household goods, like a mop or broom. It's colorful and crowded, loud and lively. As we rode, crept through...I looked into the faces of the people. There was laughter. There was smiling. There was joy. In the midst of this crazy road and the hard lives, people were gathered in an effort to make there lives better, whether through selling a product or buying something to use in their home. It was a sight to see, and it clearly effected me, as I paused to thank God for these people.
Tomorrow is Sunday! It is always a joyous day to celebrate God's day in Haiti, and I consider myself so lucky to be here among HIS people. Thank you again to all those joining us in prayer, especially Lorri and Barbara! It is a privilege to share this journey with you!
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