Monday, July 4, 2011

Summer Haiti Mission Trip ~ Day 8

A road trip through the mountains to meet with the doctor at Hospital St. Boniface.

Prayer Partner of the Day - Sean Devolites & Diana Grace

The wake up call came at 4:45am this morning...ten minutes before my alarm was set to go off! Oh! I was so sad not to have those extra ten minutes! AND the temperature dropped a bit last night, so the shower water was nice and frigid! Then we endured a two hour drive to past Grand Goave, past Petit Goave, and up a mountain on a rickety road...waded thru a river and kept climbing up! All this before 7:30am!

Wait a minute... It sounds like I'm complaining doesn't it? Better check that attitude at the door, as this is the Thanksgiving Project where we give thanks for all things! Let's try this again...

You thought I was kidding about driving through a river?
God awakened me early this morning with a pleasant knock at the door, a bag of breakfast to go, and a wonderful Haitian driver that successfully guided us through many curvy roads, a creek which turned into a river, and many, many potholes! We traveled to Fond Des Blancs to visit with a doctor at St. Boniface hospital. He was a great man, raised in Limbe, Haiti, and his English was better than mine! Our talks were mainly centered around finding a resident doctor for Olizard's beautiful, new St Charles Clinic in Palmiste Au Vin. It was a fruitful discussion and a partnership was made. Though there was much motion-sickness in the ride to and fro, thankfully there is a nice breeze and many shade trees back here at the monastery.

While we're on the subject of gratitude, a huge shout out to today's prayer partners!  There is no doubt in my mind that Sean & Diana prayed us thru the rough drive and thru the river and thru the queasy stomachs! Thank you, thank you!

This afternoon, due to that fun ride, I've been relaxing at the monastery, packing my belongings and packing a bag to keep here in Haiti for my August trip. (No sense in taking home a bag full of supplies just to bring them right back again!) Olizard continues to tell me this is my home in Haiti, complete with my own room. How wonderful it is to have family here! One day my family in the US will have to meet my Haitian family... One day I hope!

And so, I bid you farewell from Haiti, as this trip is coming to a close. Because of your prayers & God's guidance, it's been a fruitful, successful, meaningful experience. Relationships were renewed, friendships were formed, water systems were installed and more children in Haiti are drinking clean water today!! Praise God for Haiti! Praise God for YOU! And God bless the USA on this Independence Day!

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Yesterday, I shared about a Zoom call, and today, I wanted to share the heart of the message I gave to our mission partners. I love the word...