Friday, September 30, 2011

30 Day Photo Challenge - Day 23

Day 23 - A Picture of My Favorite Book

I love reading the Bible! That being said, The Giving Tree is one of my all-time favorite books. Sure, it can be considered a "children's book," but the principles and lessons are timeless for all ages.

This is a lesson I use often for kiddos...but it's absolutely applicable to adults!

The world in which we live says: "Look out for number one!" and "Get all you can; they owe you."

This isn't what Jesus taught. In Acts 20:35, Paul recalls the words of Jesus, "It is more blessed to give than to receive."

Luke also records further teaching by Jesus in Luke 6:38:
"Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you."

Still another time Paul focuses on our attitude for giving. 2 Corinthians 9:7 says: "Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver."

The tree gave and gave as we are to give and give. I am simply thankful to have the energy, time and opportunities to give... How many more days till Haiti??

Thursday, September 29, 2011

30 Day Photo Challenge - Day 22

Day 22 - A Picture of Something I Wish I Was Better At

At some point in my life, I would love to learn to play the guitar. Maybe. Someday. I've never been very musical, though, so perhaps that is too lofty a goal? I am so thankful for those around me who play the guitar and fill our events with beautiful music!

30 Day Photo Challenge - Day 21

Day 21 - A Picture of Something I Wish I Could Forget....

Actually, there is nothing I wish to forget. Many of my days are great memories. Of those that are not so great, I wish to remember them and grow from the experiences. So there really is nothing I would like to forget. Lame answer? Perhaps...

30 Day Photo Challenge - Day 20

Day 20 - A Picture of Somewhere I'd Love to Travel

If I had to pick somewhere to travel to in Europe, it'd be Italy.

If I had to pick somewhere in the western hemisphere, it'd be Argentina.

And just for kicks, I'd really like to go to New Zealand, too!

Monday, September 26, 2011

A Trip to Whittier First Friends Church

This weekend, John & I were the privileged guests of Whittier First Friends Church in Whittier, California! We had amazing hosts in Becky & Ron Memmelaar, and we were so thankful for a weekend of fellowship with Friends and friends.

The message on Sunday was a expansion on a message given in Haiti a few weeks ago. God is so good, all the time. I am so blessed to be a part of His ministry.

Sermon for Whittier, CA

Matthew 14:22-33 (NIV)
Immediately Jesus made the disciples get into the boat and go on ahead of him to the other side, while he dismissed the crowd. After he had dismissed them, he went up on a mountainside by himself to pray. Later that night, he was there alone, and the boat was already a considerable distance from land, buffeted by the waves because the wind was against it.

Shortly before dawn Jesus went out to them, walking on the lake. When the disciples saw him walking on the lake, they were terrified. “It’s a ghost,” they said, and cried out in fear.

But Jesus immediately said to them: “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.”

“Lord, if it’s you,” Peter replied, “tell me to come to you on the water.”

“Come,” he said.

Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!”

Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. “You of little faith,” he said, “Why did you doubt?” And when they climbed into the boat, the wind died down. Then those who were in the boat worshiped him, saying, “Truly you are the Son of God.”

This is the Word of God for the people of God. Thanks be to God. Amen.

It is such an honor to be here today. Becky has literally known me since I was born, and I have been privileged to serve with her, listen to her, and learn from her. When she first invited me over, I could not wait to come and worship with you. This is the first time in almost two years that I have given a sermon and it hasn’t had to be translated into a different language! Usually I am sharing a pulpit with a priest or a pastor in Haiti, and my dear Haitian brother, Ancy, is translating for me.

Not a month ago, I was sitting in a town called Trouin. It is in the beautiful, rural mountains of Haiti, south of Port Au Prince. I visited this community, for the first time, right after the devastating earthquake in 2010. It laid close to the epicenter, and literally everything in the town was leveled. The school buildings were destroyed, churches sat in piles of rubble, homes were now tents, and more than half of the town’s population had lost their lives. Our mission in August was to install a solar-powered clean water system adjacent to their makeshift church, which was held up by sticks and used tarps for walls. Hurricane Emily had just moved through, and it was unbelievably hot and humid. Still the church was packed with every member wearing their finest clothing and waving the fans we had brought. The congregation was singing mightily in Creole, though I occasionally recognized the tunes and hummed along, and as I sat with the priest behind the plywood table serving as an altar, preparing to deliver a sermon, I shook my head and wondered…how in the world did I get here?

Back in the day, when Becky knew me as a teenager, I was quiet and even a bit shy. But as I grew, so did my confidence. I began to envision my future. I picked my life’s direction, studied hard, set my course and fearlessly followed MY plan. But just when I thought I had it all figured out, something happened. The Lord was whispering in my ear. It seemed He had a plan and it was wildly different than mine! Welcome to the scariest time in my life, God was calling me to be a pastor.

I first felt that call early on in life, but ignored it, hoping He would go away and call someone else. In college, I felt it again, and again, I turned my head and studied what I wanted to, thinking my plan was much better than His. He was calling me to “Come…” and I looked up and said, “No thanks, maybe later.” God did not put up with my antics for long and began shutting doors I thought would be easy to walk through. I found myself taking the proverbial “year off” after college and doing mission work in Central America, first in Honduras and then in Mexico. It was something I always loved, but again, it was just something to do for the “year off” until MY plans came together.

After a few short-term trips and closing the doors to law school and any other plans I may have had for myself, He sent me to Mexico to learn from and serve alongside seasoned missionaries. Then He brought me back to the US with the opportunity to serve in three wonderful churches…and gave me a spectacular husband and family along the way. He used this time to prepare my heart, surround me with exceptional mentors and strengthen the gifts He had instilled in me… I was happy as a clam and absolutely enjoying the life He had laid out for me.

But just when I had gotten comfortable in the boat and was being lulled to sleep by the rocking of the waves, the big call came. He yelled COME and called me to Haiti. You think Peter was nervous about jumping out of that boat? Oh boy, I was nervous. I was scared. Haiti is the poorest country in the western hemisphere, and I had never desired to go there. Creole is a language I had never spoken or even heard, and there was strange food I had never tasted. Every travel book had chapters devoted to the practice of Voodoo worship. Everything was new and different. And have you seen the State Department website alerts on Haiti? After reading the first few sentences, you’ve got to be crazy to go there! But God was calling me, "Come." He was calling me to Haiti. I just had to believe. I just had to believe He would be with me and He would lead me if I followed.

Have you had times like this in your life? Times when you’ve heard God’s voice and wanted to run the other way? Times when you haven't understood God's call, or times when you doubted and lacked faith. Perhaps it was with a job offer, or maybe a move across the country. Perhaps it was when you received the call to serve on Ministry & Counsel, or when you were asked to lead the junior high Bible study. You must have thought God was crazy! He couldn’t possibly use YOU for THAT! Could He? But God calls us, each of us -- and as He told Peter -- don't worry, you just have to believe. 

I find so much comfort in this story of Jesus and Peter. I can relate to Peter. He’s just like me; he’s just like us. He's scared. He's nervous. He lacked courage. But he knew if he wanted to walk on water, he had to get out of the boat. This seems to be a challenge from God all through the Bible. God has said so many times - don't be afraid, you just have to believe. Think back to Abraham. God promised Abraham He would make him into a great nation. Abraham just had to trust, just had to come, just had to believe. Remember Moses? God called Moses to be the leader of the Israelites. Moses was scared and came up with a million excuses. He did not want to get out of the boat. But God told Moses, you just have to believe. Remember the prophet Jonah? He may have been the most scared! When God called him, he jumped out of the boat and swam in the opposite direction! But God called him back and said trust me, you just have to believe. And now here we see Peter. Jesus said to Peter, COME. You just have to believe.

My theme song each time I go to Haiti is “God of This City” by Chris Tomlin. If you’ve never heard it, make sure to go on iTunes later and download it. Every night, whether I’m in my tent or in my room at the monastery, I listen to this song for an extra dose of hope and a reminder of the power of God, especially when His people are used for His purpose. If we’re willing, and we have faith, and we come to Him, He will use us. The lyrics of this song say… He’s the God of this city. He’s the king of these people. He is the Lord of this nation. He is the light in the darkness. He is the hope to the hopeless. He is the peace to the restless. He is the great I AM. And if we believe, if we “come”, He will walk with us and He will catch us. His arms are waiting.

So as I sat there in Trouin, Haiti, wondering how in the world I’d gotten there, I realized back in 2009, I had taken a leap of faith and jumped out of the boat. I went to Haiti and I believed God had a purpose for me there. He would use me to spread love, give hugs, and share joy. He would use me to bring clean water and solar power to His children. And now I have been to Haiti more times than I can count, installing 12 clean water systems and 7 solar powered units along the way. And though I was scared and anxious, ultimately I believed.

When there is a storm, you just have to believe. When there is sickness, you just have to believe. When there is hurting, you just have to believe. He calms the storm. He heals the sick. He comforts the hurting. We just have to believe. 

Ask yourself. When He beckons, will I listen? He’s calling us all. He’s asking us to come. It might not be to Haiti. It might not be to install clean water or solar powered systems…though if He is calling you there, I can certainly put you to work!

When you listen, what do you hear? What leap of faith is God asking you to take? From what boat is He asking you to jump? How will you relax your grip on the familiar, and let go, and COME to Him? He's calls us all. Come. Don't be afraid. You just have to believe. 

30 Day Photo Challenge - Day 19

Day 19 - A Picture & A Letter

Hmmm... What does this mean exactly?

How about a picture OF a letter? This is a letter from the Presbyterian Women of the Presbyterian Church USA. The letter is written to Solar Under The Sun to select them for a portion of the Birthday Offering! This offering will grant Solar Under The Sun up to $200,000 for upcoming projects in 2012!

Pretty fancy, huh?

30 Day Photo Challenge - Day 18

Day 18 - A Picture of My Biggest Insecurity

Giving a message to a congregation is a big responsibility. Not only is it "public speaking"...but ultimately, I am representing God and trying to give all glory to Him! When I speak, it is my duty to convey His message to His people. It's a huge responsibility not to be taken lightly. I was shaking in my heels yesterday! I simply want to be the best messenger I can be and show God honestly for who He is and what He does.

30 Day Photo Challenge - Day 17

Day 17 - A Picture of Something That Has Made A Huge Impact On My Life Recently

While I love going to Haiti, it impacts me even more when I see Haitians helping Haitians. This is a picture of Gerald, and he is the "adopted" son of two of our Solar Under The Sun/Living Waters Leaders. He is a leader in his own right now and comes with us on many of our installations. He speaks many languages, loves his family, and loves his country. I'm honored to know Gerald and so many of our Haitian brothers and sisters.

Friday, September 23, 2011

30 Day Photo Challenge - Day 16

Day 16 - A Picture of Someone Who Inspires Me

Today, as you can see, I am catching up on my blogging. Since I was traveling and attending so many meetings, it was hard to settle down and keep up with my 30 Day Challenge. This category is especially tough, as there are many people who inspire me.

I chose this picture of my dear friend, Rachel Selleck White. The picture was taken from one of her visits to northern Virginia, and we were at Cookology for a special cooking class! Rachel always inspires me to find new recipes and try new cooking techniques!

Rachel is currently serving as a Navy Nurse in Kuwait. Her attitude, her perseverance and her dedication inspire me immensely. Her positive attitude and her integrity give me something to achieve. I'm so proud of her and so lucky to call her a friend.

30 Day Photo Challenge - Day 15

Day 15 - A Picture of Something I Want to do Before I Die

There are many, many things I'd like to do before I die. In fact, feel free to read through my Bucket List.

However, the skydiving picture here looked super cool! So, that's what you get today. But really...go read the Bucket List. What would you like to do before you die??

30 Day Photo Challenge - Day 13

Day 13 - A Picture of My Favorite Band

All-time favorite?? Any guesses here?? I'm torn... Jimmy Buffett or The Beach Boys?

However, my musical tastes are so broad, it really is hard to choose these days! (For more information, see the 50 Day Song Challenge completed this summer!)

Let's go Buffett! Is it five o'clock somewhere??

30 Day Photo Challenge - Day 12

Day 12 - A Picture of Something I Love

Sunsets. I love sunsets. It doesn't matter where I am, what scenery surrounds me, it is just a beautiful sight to see the sun set. The colors, the ending of the day, and spiritual fulfillment. I simply love sunsets.

Here are just a few of my favorites...

This was in Puerto Rico.

This was in the Yucatan of Mexico.

This was out to sea on a cruise.

This, as you have seen before, is in Haiti.

I have taken hundreds of sunset pictures, though some are in frames around my house. Wherever I am, I always try to see the sunset at the end of each day.

30 Day Photo Challenge - Day 11

Day 11 - A Picture of Something I Hate

Hmm...I don't really hate anything.

Well, I don't like spiders. How's that...?

30 Day Photo Challenge - Day 10

Day 10 - A Picture of Someone I've Had the Most Adventures With

This was a super easy category! Leslie, my all-time favorite traveling buddy, is easily the choice for this picture. The trouble came in finding just ONE picture. Thus, here's several, minus the photos from her most recent trip to Vegas...which was also epic!

Leslie & I in Pittsburgh with Mac Powell of Third Day

Leslie & I with David Crowder...of the David Crowder Band

Leslie & I in NYC for Beauty & the Beast...eighth row seats

Leslie & I in the Diamond Club at a Houston Astros game

30 Day Photo Challenge - Day 9

Day 9 - A picture of someone who has gotten me through the most

This is a picture of my dear Granny. I was going to wait to use this picture for Day #30, the person I miss the most, but she absolutely fits this description, too. Granny was such a constant in my life from the moment I was born. She battled with me through tough times and hard discussions, and loved me every step of the way. Her last years fall into my most favorite memories, and I am so thankful to have had her in my life. I miss you, Granny.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

30 Day Photo Challenge - Day 7

Day 7 - A Photo of My Most Treasured Item

Bo, the raccoon, with his old friend, Horton

Bo, the raccoon, is my oldest friend. He came into my life when I was 7-years old, and he has been around for all the good times and the bad times, through all of the moves and all of the changes. He's been Bo has traveled nationally, internationally, and now he's gotten so old, he rarely leaves the house. He has the power to make all illness go away and he's a great nap buddy! Yes, Bo is truly my most treasured item...or family member


In other news, today is the birthday of one of my dearest, best friends.... Jay Horstman, happy birthday!  Much love, dear friend!

In other news.

30 Day Photo Challenge - Day 6

Day 6 - A Photo of Someone You'd Like to Trade Places With For A Day

This is a picture of THE best basketball coach in the history of basketball coaches -- Roy Williams. This fine fellow is the coach of the University of North Carolina Tar Heels. I would love to not trade places with him, but shadow him for the day to see the in's and out's of the basketball program. I'd love to run drills with him and see how his coaching mind works.

Ah, wouldn't that be awesome! Thus, in my thankful portion of this post, I am thankful it is almost college basketball season, and my UNC Tar Heels are looking for a pretty spectacular season! Go Heels!

Monday, September 12, 2011

30 Day Photo Challenge - Day 5

Day 5 - A Picture of a Favorite Memory

How about three pictures with memories of each of my three youth groups?

Pine Hill Friends Meeting was the first church I served. My favorite memories are our weekly prayer breakfasts before school. We met every Monday morning, I cooked a homemade breakfast, and we kept a journal of all of our prayer requests. Then one member would take home the journal and pray over all the requests that week. It was a beautiful time together. However, would you believe I couldn't find a picture of that memory? Thus, this picture is taken from our epic trip to Disney World with Springfield and Oak Hill. It was an amazing trip...just a couple of weeks before I got married!

ChristChurch Presbyterian (formerly known as Bellaire Presbyterian) was known for its classic beach retreats! Sure, we had great mission trips and weekly gatherings and who could forget the Pumpkin Patch. But it's the beach retreats that I think of first. We had three, two in the summers, one in the winter. Each retreat had a theme - Dr. Seuss, Jesus in the Movies, and Gilligan's Island! What we looked forward to most was the intense Iron Chef Competition...and maybe the guys vs. gals sandcastle building, too! We loved staying at the Sea Biscuit on Crystal Beach...and just like I left in November 2008, so the Sea Biscuit was swept away by Hurricane Ike. Only the eldest members of the youth group were invited on the beach trips...and the plan is for us all to meet back in June 2012 for a beach trip reunion!

Herndon UMC was known for its fantastic mission trips. However, my fondest memories come on the Sr. High Winter Retreat. Thanks to the House Family who had a wonderful house nestled in the mountains of Wintergreen Resort, we always had beautiful accomadations. While I always wanted to have a planned agenda, I mostly just enjoyed hanging out and really retreating with the kids. Northern VA is known for its busyness, and giving the kids and myself a break was always the sabbath we needed.

Ah...I miss all these guys.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

30 Day Photo Challenge - Day 4

Day 4 - A Picture of My Favorite Night

December 2, 2009

These photos were taken from my 30th birthday celebrations! It was a great night at the All-American Steakhouse! It was a Tuesday, which only meant one thing...$1 beer night. Many of my pals stopped by to say hello and join in the party, along with many of the fellas from John's office! If I remember correctly, the bartender even got up and led everyone in singing happy birthday! It was a great night. 

The kiddos surprised me with a great dinner at Tortilla Factory! Kathleen baked a cake (my favorite - yellow cake with chocolate icing), and we all had so much fun! I felt so special and so loved. Yes, this is definitely one of my most favorite nights. How I miss this group so much! 

Saturday, September 10, 2011

30 Day Photo Challenge - Day 3

Day 3 ~ A Picture From The Cast Of My Favorite Show

Just a few days ago, I posted on Twitter, "Friends is the best TV show ever made!"

That got many comments, some agreeing, some disagreeing, some assuring me MASH or Seinfield was definitely better. However, I stick to my original statement. Friends is the best TV show! I own all 10 seasons, and I love the TBS and Nick at Nite re-runs!

Which "Friend" are you most like? Some would say I'm Monica ... a little neurotic and a bit of a clean freak! :) I love Phoebe's music. I love Chandler's jokes. I love Joey's pick up lines.

Favorite episodes?? My son, Michael, and I love watching all 10 Thanksgiving episodes on Thanksgiving Day. I love the flashback episodes! I love the episodes on location -- Vegas, London, the beach. So many good shows!

Thus, today, I am thankful for the TV Series, Friends. I don't miss it... It's only a DVD away!

30 Day Photo Challenge - Day 2

Day 2 - A Picture of Someone I've Been Closest With The Longest

This is a picture of me and my best friend in the whole wide world, April. This picture was taken over three years ago - April was pregnant with my god-daughter, Emma Grace, and I was living in Houston, Texas at the time. I was visiting North Carolina, and here we stood right outside of my mom's house.

April & I have known each other since 7th grade, and we've been best friends practically that long. We've been through the worst of times and the best of times, and she has been a constant in my life that I have always been able to count on. From the days as high school newspaper editors to searching for change in the seats of cars to buy a snack from Biscuit Factory... From letting me move into her house in high school to sharing fried zucchini at our favorite restaurant, we've been through it all. We live much too far away from each other now, but that doesn't keep us from chatting and catching up as often as we can. We know too many, many deep dark secrets about each other to lose touch! :)

Everyone should have a best friend like April. I'm so thankful for her!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

30 Day Photo Challenge - Day 1

Day 1 ~ A Picture of Myself With 10 Facts

You're going to get way more than 10 fun-facts about me. This is a note I published on Facebook when the big "thing" was to post "30 Random Things" about yourself. I did a little bit of editing...

1. I never keep my New Year's Resolutions. In 2009, I vowed to learn something new every month. I only learned one thing - to play the harmonica - and I didn't keep it up for long. 

2. I own all 10 seasons of Friends. In my opinion, it's the best TV show ever made! "I'll be there for you..." Randomly, I'll break out into a rendition of "Smelly Cat."

3. My food can't touch. If it does, I won't eat it. Divided plates are best. Plus, I don't eat sandwiches with the crusts, and I only eat the inside of pancakes.

4. I've been on something like 40+ mission trips. "Mission trip to Mexico, mission trip to Mexico, spreadin' the Word, come on, let's go on a mission trip to Mexico." 

5. I hitch-hiked in Ireland.

6. Rotary Club rocks, especially the Bellaire Rotary Club. Love those guys.

7. I love to travel, especially with my travel buddy, Leslie. She's not only wonderful but when we're together the best things happen! No waiting in line at the Jekyll & Hyde Club! Diamond Club seats at the Astros! Having our own chalk picture drawn for us! Meeting Third Day & David Crowder! Random Vegas club entries!

8. Victoria & Katie addicted me to NCIS. 

9. My favorite joke is "What's green & goes slam, slam, slam, slam?" A four door pickle!! Yes, not very funny, but it makes me smile every time!

10. I can recite the Sound of Music from beginning to end.

11. Some of my best memories are from Quaker Lake! Campfire stew. The Titanic little theater skit. Three Bears song. Kool-aid in the shower heads. Frisbee golf. Air Supply, ABBA, George Strait, Tim McGraw, Lee Greenwood. Camp outs. Calvin. Volleyball games. Rainbow bridge.

12. Water projects are great! I love Living Waters For The World. Clean water for all of God's children!

13. I love sports. All sports. I collect jerseys from countries I've visited.

14. Bo, my stuffed raccoon, has traveled with me EVERYWHERE since I was 7.  (However, Leo the OKAPI, Ari the Giraffe, and Bunny the Bunny are also great travel buddies.)

15. John, Clint, & things that ever happened to me.

16. I simply adore and very much love all current and former members of the ChristChurch Presbyterian Youth Group. They have my heart. I am SO excited for our "beach reunion" in June 2012!!!

17.  I never thought I could love an entire group of people so incredibly much.  I could write 30 reasons why I love the Herndon United Methodist Church youth.  Simply stated, they have changed my life for the better with their huge amount of love, joy & kindness.  I really did win the lottery.  I am so very thankful to call you my family.

18. During the 2009-2010 year, I told my husband I had a meeting every Monday night at 8:00pm.  The meeting was really watching 90210 or the Bachelorette with Allison, Diana, & Elizabeth! :)  Loved it!

19. I randomly call my friend Priscilla and spill my guts to her.  It's much like confession...  She's my priest!

20. I am not a fan of the holiday season. Thanksgiving is good, especially now that I can cook my own food, as I don't really enjoy the traditional Thanksgiving meal!  Christmas, however, is much too much.  It's supposed to be a celebration of the birth of Jesus...not this craziness it's turned into. 

21. I give themed gifts to my family each year.  Last year was "2009 - Water into Wine." I donated money to Living Waters/Haiti in their names and gave them each a  bottle of wine (Grapes of Galilee!). In 2008, I named stars for family members and bought acres on the moon.  The theme was "2008 - Aren't you great?  You're out of this world!"  2007 was the year of the goat - everyone had a goat bought in their name from Heifer Project.  Suggestions for this year?

22. I love to cook.  I especially love to cook with my pal, Rachel. I love Paula Deen, she loves Alton Brown.  It makes for great recipes. 

23. I love Haiti. It's like a home away from home. As I tell John, I'm way more popular in Haiti than I am in the USA.

24. I love Sweet Tea.  It's the best drink in the world, when brewed and sugared properly.

25. I used to love Starbucks. The baristas in Bellaire new me by name, and the workers in Ashburn always asked about my church.  Reminded me of "Cheers"...where everybody knows your name! Now I'm addicted to my Keurig coffee maker. Thanks, Melanie.

26. I'm an introvert.  Few people know that about me. It doesn't mean I don't like people or enjoy a good party.  I just enjoy my alone time and need it desperately to recharge!

27. Turning 30 was a huge milestone.  In this year I have: Traveled to Haiti twice & Costa Rica twice; Led two other domestic mission trips; Resigned from a job I love; Accepted to Seminary; Perfected the making of chicken pot pie; Played the slots in Vegas; Considered running an Ambassador's campaign for Presidency; And made a friend that I will consider a best friend for life. 2010 will definitely go down as an amazing year.

28. Turning 31 was even bigger. I have... Traveled to Haiti five times; Settled into life in Vegas; Hosted a million visitors; Completed year one of Seminary; Stated year two of Seminary; Began working at Solar Under The Sun; Found out I was going to be a grandmother; and...I still have three and a half months left!

29. My mantra -- Love God, Love People, Serve Others.  It's that simple, right?

30... Well, I just felt like there needed to be a number 30. It is the 30-day photo challenge. 

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Getting Back to Blogging

It's time to get back to the world of blogging. As a friend of mine once said, blogging is good for the soul! 

My focus over the next thirty days will be pictures. Each picture will fit into one of the categories below, and it will also fall into the category of "thanksgiving." Afterall, this is the Thanksgiving Project!

So read the list below, and join me as we enter the 30-Day Photo Challenge!

  1. A picture of yourself with 10 facts
  2. A picture of you and the person you have been closest with the longest
  3. A picture of the cast from your favorite show
  4. A picture of your favorite night
  5. A picture of your favorite memory
  6. A picture of a person you'd love to trade places with for a day
  7. A picture of your most treasured item
  8. A picture that makes you laugh
  9. A picture of the person who has gotten you through the most
  10. A picture of the person you have the most adventures with
  11. A picture of something you hate
  12. A picture of something you love
  13. A picture of your favorite band or artist
  14. A picture of someone you could never imagine your life without
  15. A picture of something you want to do before you die
  16. A picture of someone who inspires you
  17. A picture of something that has made a huge impact on your life recently
  18. A picture of your biggest insecurity
  19. A picture and a letter
  20. A picture of somewhere you'd love to travel
  21. A picture of something you wish you could forget
  22. A picture of something you wish you were better at
  23. A picture of your favorite book
  24. A picture of something you wish you could change
  25. A picture of your favorite day
  26. A picture of something that means a lot to you
  27. A picture of yourself and a family member
  28. A picture of something you're afraid of
  29. A picture that can always make you smile
  30. A picture of someone you miss A picture of someone you can't wait to meet!


Yesterday, I shared about a Zoom call, and today, I wanted to share the heart of the message I gave to our mission partners. I love the word...