Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Cuba Trip, Tuesday, March 5

Holguin Airport
Prayer partner: Sam Medvene

Inside the airport
This morning, as I was packing up my belongings, I found this note on my iPad:

Gracias amiga por tu visita, espero vuelvas para poder hacer mas cosas interesantes juntas, saludos a tu esposo y familia, Alberto y Maria

Roughly translated it says: "Thank you, friend, for your visit. I hope you return soon so we can do many more interesting things. Greetings to your husband and family."

Alberto and Maria, and indeed the entire church community, have quite possibly been the best hosts I have had on a Living Waters trip. Yes, I may say that about many! Their hearts, the kindness and care they have for the surrounding community, and the passion with which they serve is awe-inspiring and brings many tears to my eyes. As we handed over money and other items to Alberto last night, we were all overwhelmed with gratitude and truly understood what this project meant to each of us. How lucky we are to have connected this amazing relationship by the grace of God.

Arnie & Bunny always have fun, no matter where they are!
Maria, Alberto, Carlos, Kary and I held hands for one last prayer before Alberto took us to the airport. He was so precious to us, stood in line while we received our tickets, and walked us as far as he could before we finally said goodbye at customs. What amazing hosts they have been.

It has been so long since I have felt this relaxed and stress-free. I know there will be a million emails and phone calls awaiting me, but I will enjoy this time of being happy and carefree. God has certainly blessed my life with this trip and a new family in Cuba. How lucky am I to be living this life?


Yesterday, I shared about a Zoom call, and today, I wanted to share the heart of the message I gave to our mission partners. I love the word...