Monday, March 12, 2012

Haiti Journal, February 21, 2012

A normal scene in Haiti.
Prayer Partners of the Day - Chuck Arnold & Bob McCoy

When the alarm goes off at 3:45am, one has two choices: happily welcome the day or throw the alarm clock across the room. I chose the first! Thankfully, Surpris and I shared a row of seats on the airplane, and we slept the entire flight. However, he jolted me awake, as he clapped his hands and said, "ASH! Welcome home!!" We had landed in Haiti.

Rosary in the Kia
Being the first flight into Port Au Prince that morning, the baggage claim men weren't even completely awake. Thus, we were in and out of customs within seconds. Ronald greeted us happily and took us straight to the smiling faces and welcoming arms of Ancy Fils-Aime, Olizard Pranius, and Wil Howie! (Yes, Wil had made it in the day before, as he was flying from Miami!) It was a beautiful reunion of friends, and from there, we went our separate ways. I went north with Ancy and the team from California, and Wil, Chris, & Surpris took off south with Olizard.

Chuck & Bob, my dear prayer partners today, you will be happy to know the rosary is still displayed happily on the rearview mirror in the Kia! The Catholics are being represented :)

Surprisingly, there was NO traffic in Port Au Prince. It was as if we were in a dream world! In fact, it was Fat Tuesday, and Carnival was raging down in Les Cayes, next week's destination! (Shew! That was good planning!)

Chatting with Father Irnel
Our first stop was to see Father Irnel Duveaux in Arcahaie, as we had intended to spend the previous night with him. He was happy to see us, and Madame Duveaux fixed us a nice brunch. Father Irnel was hosting a conference in the church, and it was full of members of parishes across Haiti.

Next we were back on the road, continuing north to Gonaives. This was new territory for me, as I have never been northward of Montrouis, with the exception of flying in to Cap Haitien. Another first was our flat tire. Just minutes out of Montrouis, the Kia started shaking. Most everyone piled out, and Ancy changed our tire. Again, thankfully, the traffic was low.

Ancy changing the tire.
Father Max Accime awaited us in Gonaives. He has long had a LWW system, but was hopeful for a solar upgrade. The team from California surveyed, tested, and such, and we sat down with him to discuss the possibilities. Following, we went to his house, where we stayed the evening. Silver lining...he had wireless internet to allow me to keep up with the UNC basketball game! It's the little things in Haiti!

Of note, my favorite part of the day was sitting under the "mango" tree with Ancy and catching up on life. He's such a good brother, and tomorrow is his birthday!

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Yesterday, I shared about a Zoom call, and today, I wanted to share the heart of the message I gave to our mission partners. I love the word...