There's no place like home, there's no place like home! No, I haven't turned into Dorothy, but I did click my heels many times on Friday to make sure I got home! It was a long day of standby flights and being a the mercy of the airlines, but God provided and I am back in Vegas.
Though I do consider Haiti a second home, I was so happy to be back in my own bed with my dear husband and enjoying the comforts of my own home. I was thankful to finally be clean and free of dirt on my hands and feet. I was thankful to put on clean clothes without dust from the outdoors. I was thankful to turn on a faucet and have clean water coming out to brush my teeth. I was thankful to flip a light switch in the middle of the day and have the electricity come on. I was thankful to put toilet paper into the toilet and flush. I was thankful to enjoy a cheeseburger and french fries. I was thankful to turn on a television and watch basketball all day!
My body alarm clock has still not adjusted back to pacific time, and I was awake early this morning. This prompted me to attend the traditional worship service down the road at the local Methodist Church. As I walked in, the front of the bulletin said, "Jesus is the Living Water." I smiled so big and wide. What divine spirit led me to this church?! The first Psalm reading was Psalm 95, which I quoted just a few days ago from Haiti. It was as if the service was planned with me in mind. I was thankful to worship in English and hear the Good News.
I miss my Haitian brothers and sisters already, but I am thankful to be home to receive the rest and relaxation that my body needs and to receive a spiritual renewal to prepare me for the next adventures. How great is our God?!
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Friday, March 25, 2011
Haiti Trip ~ Day 20 ~ Friday, March 25
Prayer Partners of the Day - Jenna Hogan & Colin Hogan
Jenna and Colin had their work cut out for them today. As our journey began this morning at 3:50am, we traveled the roads of Haiti in darkness. Ancy, of course, delivered us to the airport safely, only to find outthat my flights were cancelled. The lady at the counter told me I wouldn't be going home tonight. I was borderline devastated. I texted the Hogan mom and told her to put the kids on alert. They've got the best direct connection to God I've ever witnessed. And so they prayed...
I made it back in the USA with no problems. Though I missed the first standby flight from Fort Lauderdale to Dallas, they called me in the final seconds of the last flight out. I was going to make it to Dallas at least! When I arrived in Dallas, a gate agent greeted me with a new boarding pass. I would be going home to John and Las Vegas tonight!! Jenna and Colin performed a miracle, and I am quite possibly the happiest person on earth.
Though this trip is coming to an end, God is continuing to provide abundant blessings. Praise God and thank you Jenna & Colin! I love you!
Jenna and Colin had their work cut out for them today. As our journey began this morning at 3:50am, we traveled the roads of Haiti in darkness. Ancy, of course, delivered us to the airport safely, only to find outthat my flights were cancelled. The lady at the counter told me I wouldn't be going home tonight. I was borderline devastated. I texted the Hogan mom and told her to put the kids on alert. They've got the best direct connection to God I've ever witnessed. And so they prayed...
I made it back in the USA with no problems. Though I missed the first standby flight from Fort Lauderdale to Dallas, they called me in the final seconds of the last flight out. I was going to make it to Dallas at least! When I arrived in Dallas, a gate agent greeted me with a new boarding pass. I would be going home to John and Las Vegas tonight!! Jenna and Colin performed a miracle, and I am quite possibly the happiest person on earth.
Though this trip is coming to an end, God is continuing to provide abundant blessings. Praise God and thank you Jenna & Colin! I love you!
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Haiti Trip ~ Day 19 ~ Thursday, March 24
Our team - Bertone, Bob, Chuck & Me |
Prayer Partner of the Day - Victoria Bole
The day began with the normal 5:00am wake-up call and prayers. The card this morning from my dear friend, Sally, quoted Psalm 95. I was charged to praise God today for anything and everything. Thus, let the praising begin!
Praise God for a safe trip to Jacmel. We took off this morning for the coast and what we hoped would be a day of relaxation.
Praise God for Melshy. This man met us in Jacmel when we were lost and could not find the system we were trying to check on. Melshy pulled up to our window on a motorcycle and we followed him to our destination, Trinity House. This orphanage houses 25 boys and a school for 110 elementary students.
Praise God again for Melshy. As we were trying to find our way to our next system, we got lost again. Up drove Melshy on his motorcycle, and we followed him to our next destination. Did I mention Melshy must have been a bouncer at a nightclub in a former life? Good thing he liked us!
Praise God for a second system that was running well in Jacmel at the Catholic retreat center.
Praise God for Hotel La Mondau. This was the aforementioned hotel that Ancy took me to on our first week in Haiti. Bob & Chuck deserved to see it, too! We had a leisurely lunch with an amazing view.
Praise God for Cayes Jacmel and the beach. We sat under several palm trees and had a beer while watching the waves wash up on the sand. I will post pictures when I get home, but it was nothing short of paradise. We commented that with such a place, Haiti should be racking in the tourism industry. Then we remembered the dirt roads we took to get there, not to mention the nightmare at the airport. The Haitian government simply needs to get their act in gear, and this country could be an "island of economic opportunity."
Praise God for a trip that went successfully and without any major mishaps. Praise God for a great team that laughed abundantly and gave of themselves effortlessly.
Praise God for the Brothers of St Therese monastery who were the kindest hosts, fed us well, and provided perfect accommodations.
Praise God that tomorrow we will go home to our families, who we miss terribly and love so much, and who support us with encouragement to come on such a great adventure.
And finally, praise God for prayer partners who lift us everyday. We are better servants because of you! Victoria, you were an awesome partner today! I love you!
Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Praise Him all creatures here below. Praise Him above ye heavenly hosts. Praise Father, Son & Holy Ghost! Amen!
Peace be with you.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Haiti Trip ~ Day 18 ~ Wednesday, March 23
Have you ever seen a more precious site? |
Prayer Partners of the Day - Anita Szerszen & Louise Horst
"Because you are important to God, everything you do is important. Every time you forgive, the universe changes; every time you reach out and touch a heart or a life, the world changes; with every kindness and service seen or unseen, God's purposes are accomplished and nothing will ever be the same again."
This is a quote that my friend, Kathy, sent me today. It was taken from the book "The Shack." On this trip, we have tried to be the hands and feet of God, to show kindness, service, compassion and love. I hope that we have shined the light of Christ to all we have encountered. Surely, those we have met have shined their light of Christ on us; we have been filled each and everyday with abundant grace and peace and love. It is clear to me that we have been blessed more than we have blessed others.
Today as we drove thru Leogane, we saw the same man who had been splitting rocks yesterday doing the same today. We saw the same marketplace vendors selling their products. We pulled into an orphanage and a school, and we were greeted warmly by those we have served alongside. I'm starting to feel like this is home...or at least "where everybody knows your name!"
We fellowshipped with friends, we enjoyed the children, and we said farewell to Elle the electrician, who has helped us immensely on this trip. All in all, it was a peaceful day, and my pants have only the minimal amount of dust and dirt on them!
Tomorrow will bring a day of rest and packing before an early departure on Friday morning. Ancy will arrive tomorrow evening and transport us to the airport. I feel so lucky to have one more day with my Haitian brother.
And thus I bid you farewell this evening as this trip is coming to an end, and my eyes are heavy. The mission has been accomplished, and now we can pause for reflection. Again I say a heartfelt thank you to those who have held us in prayer. Our trip would have been lonely without you, and certainly would not have been met with so much success. Thanks be to God for the opportunity to serve everyday. It has certainly been a privilege.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Haiti Trip ~ Day 17 ~ Tuesday, March 22
Prayer Partner of the Day - Kendall Cox
Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Oh yes, as we signed the board to the fifth clean water system, the angels came out and sang the hallelujah chorus! Our mission here is complete! We handed over the system to Brother Olizard, toasted a beer, and celebrated our success!
How appropriate this day was as we celebrated World Water Day. This day is marked by a symbol of our commitment to make clean water a reality for the 1.3 billion who currently lack access to it. Clean water is medicine to our bodies. This is our opportunity to recommit our resources and ourselves toward justice for those without access to clean water. We, here in Haiti, are heeding this call, and we hope that by reading this blog, you, too, feel the call to help those without clean water.
As we were finishing up at the worksite today, a worker came up to Chuck. He asked for a simple bottle of water. Chuck happily obliged, and as he walked away, he said to Chuck, "God bless you and keep you." Do you thank God everyday for the gift of clean water?
Olizard signing the board for the system at St. Charles Clinic. |
Thursday will be a day of rest and packing. Rumor has it, we may visit a beach. We deserve a day off, don't you think?
God bless you and keep you! Thank you for joining us on this journey. Happy World Water Day!
Monday, March 21, 2011
Haiti Trip ~ Day 16 ~ Monday, March 21
Prayer Partner of the Day - Sean Devolites
In other news, clean water system #5 has been boarded, mostly plumbed and mostly wired. As you can imagine, our bodies are tired, and we are not moving as quickly as we did in the previous installs. Our legs are little heavier, but our hearts are still completely filled with love and joy.
This will be a short post tonight, as I am beat. Tomorrow, Bertone and I will go to the monastery's school and do a bit of educational/hygeine training. I made a couple of banners today... Good Water + Clean Hands = Healthy Bodies! It doesn't get any simpler than that!
Thank you to super intern, Sean Devolites, for holding us in prayer today. I've added a picture of him...just because! :)
Much love and many thanks to all those praying for us. We send much love to you!
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Haiti Trip ~ Day 15 ~ Sunday, March 20
Prayer Partner of the Day - Isabel Eaddy
After yesterday's shenanigans in Leogane, our team was a bit fearful of what today may bring with the looming presidential elections. At breakfast, we were told that Wyclef Jean was shot in the hand last night at a rally for one of the candidates. This really did not leave us with a good feeling. We went on to worship at St. Charles Church down the road. Thankfully, we did not have to transport "Jesus" this week, and our drive was less than a mile away! (Let me fill you in on that joke... Last Sunday, the three of us took off with Brother Olizard to mass. We had to carry "Jesus" with us... You know, Catholics believe that the bread for communion really is Jesus. Chuck was holding on to "Jesus" in the back seat, as Olizard took us on a Daytona 500 ride through the mountains to get to the church. We were holding onto "Jesus" for dear life!)
Mass was beautiful this morning. Simple and pleasant. With the exception of the Eucharist, it reminded me of a Quaker meeting for worship. Bob gave a Creole. We applauded him for the courage that neither of us had! Mass only lasted 52 minutes this morning, which is different from the usual 2 to 3 hour service. We came back to the monastery without worry. The street was calm, and peace was encompassing us.
This day also marks the birthday of one of the brothers at the monastery. Daniel is the principal of the school here on the grounds, and he is 31 today! My age! There was a big party at lunch. Many of the teachers came, and of course all the brothers were present. Olizard popped two bottles of champagne! Wild parties here at the monastery! Cake and ice cream were served! Music was playing! What a treat indeed!
Today is my first day back to seminary. Thankfully, Brother Olizard let me into his office, fired up the generator, and I have knocked out the first week's assignments for two of my classes. It was providential that I have been studying the book of Acts since arriving in Haiti. The assignments for two of my classes were based on the book of Acts! This works to my advantage...especially since my textbooks are at my home in Vegas!
Though Chuck & Bob have gone out to do a survey for a potential church building, I have stayed back at the monastery. I have done all that I can do with my schoolwork for today, and there might possibly be a nap in my future!
One more thought before I sign off... Today's prayer partner is a very special young lady. Isabel sent me a text this morning while we were in worship. This text completely lifted our team in prayer, and gave me so much joy and encouragement that I have yet to stop smiling. We will pray specifically for Isabel tonight, as we have for all of our prayer partners. I am constantly reminded of how lucky I am to be surrounded by so many thoughtful, Christlike people. It is true when I say that I could not have sustained this three week mission without the support that each of you have surrounded me with. I cannot thank you enough for coming along on this journey with me.
May this Sabbath be a glorious Sabbath for each of us!
After yesterday's shenanigans in Leogane, our team was a bit fearful of what today may bring with the looming presidential elections. At breakfast, we were told that Wyclef Jean was shot in the hand last night at a rally for one of the candidates. This really did not leave us with a good feeling. We went on to worship at St. Charles Church down the road. Thankfully, we did not have to transport "Jesus" this week, and our drive was less than a mile away! (Let me fill you in on that joke... Last Sunday, the three of us took off with Brother Olizard to mass. We had to carry "Jesus" with us... You know, Catholics believe that the bread for communion really is Jesus. Chuck was holding on to "Jesus" in the back seat, as Olizard took us on a Daytona 500 ride through the mountains to get to the church. We were holding onto "Jesus" for dear life!)
Happy Birthday, Daniel! |
Today is my first day back to seminary. Thankfully, Brother Olizard let me into his office, fired up the generator, and I have knocked out the first week's assignments for two of my classes. It was providential that I have been studying the book of Acts since arriving in Haiti. The assignments for two of my classes were based on the book of Acts! This works to my advantage...especially since my textbooks are at my home in Vegas!
Olizard popping the champagne! |
One more thought before I sign off... Today's prayer partner is a very special young lady. Isabel sent me a text this morning while we were in worship. This text completely lifted our team in prayer, and gave me so much joy and encouragement that I have yet to stop smiling. We will pray specifically for Isabel tonight, as we have for all of our prayer partners. I am constantly reminded of how lucky I am to be surrounded by so many thoughtful, Christlike people. It is true when I say that I could not have sustained this three week mission without the support that each of you have surrounded me with. I cannot thank you enough for coming along on this journey with me.
May this Sabbath be a glorious Sabbath for each of us!
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Haiti Trip ~ Day 14 ~ Saturday, March 19
Prayer Partners of the Day - Emily Ronis & Jon Yingst
There are many opportunities for thanksgiving today. Thankfully I am feeling much better; yesterday was a bit crummy, but by early evening, my stomach perked back up! This morning I crawled into a 300-gallon tank to clean it out with chlorine, and thankfully Bob & Chuck did not roll me off the top of the water building! Good thing I've stayed on their good sides! Be sure to check the pictures out on Facebook!
Following this fun activity, the system was shocked and clean water began flowing! All of this before lunchtime! When Bertone called for us to pick him up, we left our worksite to find much turmoil on the streets of Leogane. Tires were burning, and many people were out on the streets. We can only imagine this is due to the upcoming election.
Nothing better than a fresh coconut! |
Now we sit while Bertone trains the operators, and we hope the turmoil clears from the streets so we can make it back safely to the monastery. The UN has many helicopters out, so with any luck it will be clear for our return. Let us pray that this is not a sign of things to come with the election tomorrow...
Every night when we return home, Lucy awaits me! |
Thank you to all those who said extra prayers, and thank you to our prayer partners who again sustained us through the day. It is amazing to me how a few corrupt Haitians can take over a city...especially a city full of beautiful, giving, wonderful people, so full of love and hospitality. Let us hope that these wonderful Haitians will prevail, and the evildoers will vanish!
Tomorrow we will be off work, and after worship, we will hunker down and pray that elections will happen peacefully.
One final note... How about my Tar Heels last night?! Good game! Thanks again to Tim & Sally for their great analyses and to Jay for the bracket! What would I do without you?!
Grace & peace!
Friday, March 18, 2011
Haiti Trip ~ Day 13 ~ Friday, March 18
Lucky number 13! It's the thirteenth day of our trip, and thirteen happens to be my lucky number! How lucky I am have my best pal, Tim, praying for us today. Tim (and others) have been giving me hourly updates on the NCAA tournament! You know I must love Haiti and clean water if I'm missing March Madness! Thank you, Tim, for fulfilling my basketball need!
We were in Leogane today to install System #4! Would you believe we had the system mounted and plumbed completely by lunchtime? However, following lunch and after a trip to the hardware store and the bank, we hit a snag on the electrical system. It's now 6:09pm, and we are happy to report that the system is up and running without a hitch! For a treat, we were treated to ice cream at the only ice cream store in Haiti! And oh, was it good!
Other items of interest today... While awaiting Bob and Bertone at the bank, we witnessed a parade of motorcycles that were campaigning for a senator. Also, Bertone & I taught the education class to four teachers and 50 students. Can't wait to post the video of the children singing the "Use This Water" song!
Another point of interest... As we were installing the electrical wire, we heard sounds of Justin Bieber music. Sure enough, in the lot next door, there were a hundred kids and a bunch of missionaries playing music & singing & dancing. They were from an organization called "All Hands" and were dedicating their newly built school.
We're fighting the traffic now to make it back before dark. While Ancy is not with us, he did call to check on us today! What a good brother he is!
Another glorious day in Haiti, and we give all the thanks to those who have prayed us through and God who has answered those prayers. Peace be with you!
This just in... Exiled President Aristide has returned to Haiti... Our team is safe & sound up in the mountains!
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Haiti Trip ~ Day 12 ~ Thursday, March 17
Prayer Partner of the Day - Patrick Lesley
Happy St Patrick's Day! We were very lucky to have Patrick praying for us today, as it was "his" day! Thank you, Patrick! We certainly felt all prayers today as we rode thru Port Au Prince twice. It is clear that elections are nearing, as the tension was high and the UN was on alert. We continue to pray that elections and the aftermath will be peaceful.
I am sad to report that I did not see Ashley, Ancy, Sam, and Leo...otherwise known as our goats! Mr. Elisme (Maxon's father) had taken the goats to his house to raise them. He said they were all doing well, and even called them by name... So I will trust him! The operators have the system working daily and have posted a sign at the street to advertise water! They've even installed several more electrical plugs and such. They're charging people to charge their cell phones. Kind of micro-business-y. There was also hot gossip in the town of Blanket, but that would be wrong of me to share on the Internet!
Tomorrow begins work on System #4. This will be in Leogane at a school and home for those mentally handicapped. We can feel the home stretch!
Again, happy St Patrick's Day! Drink a green beer for me!
Grace & peace!
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Haiti Trip ~ Day 11 ~ Wednesday, March 16
Mountains Beyond Mountains |
Doc Holiday & Wyatt Earp rolled into Dodge City today. Okay, it wasn't quite like that, but Bob, Chuck & I went back to Fondwa today to see what the situation was with system #2. Mind you, it was not a technical issue... Rather it was a person in the community who controls the water for the entire community did not want us there and told us they had no water for the system. Thankfully, the sisters and the priest worked this "political" problem out, and water had arrived at the site. Thus, we continued the installation, and the training began today! It was a modern-day miracle.
In this episode of great adventures of Ancy & Ashley... One of the sisters decided we should go to the local school and do a hygiene program for them. Naturally, I agreed, and we set out on foot to the school. Ever heard the expression "up hill both ways?" I have mentioned before that we are way up in the mountains... And the orphanage/monastery was on one mountain... And the school was on the next mountain over! Oh yes, on foot we hiked! We taught four classes, totaling over 200 students! It was incredible! 200 kids singing, 200 kids understanding that they must use clean water to stay healthy, and 200 kids understanding the importance of washing their hands to keep germs away! Oh yes, it was a good day! We taught a more in depth class to the sisters at the monastery in the afternoon, and they had just as much fun. Oh yes, what a blessed day thanks to God and his ability to make things happen!
Tomorrow is the day I've been anticipating since we arrived! We are going to Blanket to see Pastor Evens and the community we were with in January! I simply cannot wait!! It will be an early morning, as with the roads it may take us four hours to drive there. My bag is packed with all of the presents & it will feel like Christmas! We also just received word that Valdes will be coming along! I have yet to see Valdes on this trip, so it will be even better!
So, today is most assuredly a good day. Three new clean water systems are up and running in Haiti. Three communities have been educated on the importance of using clean water and washing their hands. Only two more to go! God is working overtime, and I thank you again for your prayers. It sustains us with patience for days like today, and joy for days like tomorrow! Grace & peace!
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Haiti Trip ~ Day 10 ~ Tuesday, March 15
The Water Building at Cafe Lompre |
"Sevi ak dlo sa-a, sevi ak dlo sa-a, se bon dlo, se bon dlo!"
That's creole for "use this water, use this water, it is good, it is good!" Now imagine it being sung by 75 elementary students! Oh, it was precious!
We stopped in to Mannes' school again, just to say hello and take a few pictures. By the time we returned on site, the system was complete and the trainers had been trained!
After lunch and good discussion with the brothers, the covenant was signed! And thus ends a wonderful day in Haiti!
One other thing of note... The final days until the election are approaching! Campaigning is in high gear for the two presidential candidates. Let us all pray for peaceful elections on Sunday!
Tomorrow we head back to Fondwa, where we hope the "situation" has been resolved and we can begin to pump water! The dynamic duo of Ancy & Ashley will be back in the classroom...and a new community will be ready for clean water!
Praise be to God!
Monday, March 14, 2011
Haiti Trip ~ Day 9 ~ Monday, March 14
Prayer Partners of the Day - Rebecca McMahan & Kathy Miller
There are almost too many thanksgivings to count today. It has been a beautiful, cool, mountain day, and everything has gone perfectly, with several good surprises thrown in! My prayer partners, Rebecca & Kathy, must have been working overtime!
The most biggest thanksgiving of the day was meeting Ancy's mother. This was Ancy's hometown and his mother lives right down the road from our worksite. Ancy & I drove over, hiked through a field and over a wall ... And there we were in his mother's backyard! She is a sweet lady, and Ancy showed me around to his old school and community. I was able to meet many members of his family, all of whom were as wonderful as Ancy.
With Ancy & Mannes |
Ancy, man, Salien, me & Pere Fruitho |
A big highlight for me, personally, was drilling thru concrete! (Insert a Tim "the toolman" Taylor grunt here...)
So, as you can see, today was a very happy day. I feel more than blessed by each passing moment, and the smile on my face will not leave! God is certainly good, and I am so thankful to be here.
Haiti Trip ~ Day 8 ~ Sunday, March 13
Prayer Partner of the Day - Dad
There are many things that I will want to remember today, as it has been an awe-inspiring day. It was first and foremost a day of rest. We did not work today, just worshipped and fellowshipped. We went to worship at a church, whose building was destroyed in the earthquake. They worship under tarps now, tied to pieces of wood. It was a beautiful service, led by Brother Olizard, who is also our host. During communion, it was very quiet, and up the center aisle came two white chickens, as if they, too, wanted to receive communion! I found it quite humorous!
Following worship, we visited Notre Dame Orphanage. The girls were beautiful and we picked up the directors for a St Vincent de Paul meeting. At this meeting, I was again amazed at how Haitians help Haitians. Those with little more than others are giving their time and money to minister to the needs and the people of their communities. Tears of joy and thanksgiving came to my eyes. These were beautiful people, who I will strive to imitate.
The best part of everyday, however, is returning to the monastery and having Lucy greet us at the gate! She is so excited to see us every night. Her mom is one of the cooks, so she is always here. Her smile is wide and big! My goodness, how she makes me smile every day!
Blanket update! For those who were awaiting an update on the Blanket water system, I will be going there on Thursday! I can hardly contain my excitement, and when I spoke with Pastor Evens today, he was just as excited!
Ancy is on his way back tonight. He will be with us through Thursday, which makes me very happy! Tomorrow we will go to Cafe Lompre to begin work on system #3, and we hope to return to Fondwa on Wednesday to finish the system there...if they have their problems worked out.
Election update... The presidential election will be held next Sunday. Please be in Prayer that this will go smoothly and peacefully!
Again, I am so thankful for each of you who have partnered with us in prayer, especially those who have prayed without ceasing. Clearly my father's prayers were more directed to us today, as he could not pull the Tar Heels through to victory! I love you, Dad!
Peace be with you!
There are many things that I will want to remember today, as it has been an awe-inspiring day. It was first and foremost a day of rest. We did not work today, just worshipped and fellowshipped. We went to worship at a church, whose building was destroyed in the earthquake. They worship under tarps now, tied to pieces of wood. It was a beautiful service, led by Brother Olizard, who is also our host. During communion, it was very quiet, and up the center aisle came two white chickens, as if they, too, wanted to receive communion! I found it quite humorous!
Following worship, we visited Notre Dame Orphanage. The girls were beautiful and we picked up the directors for a St Vincent de Paul meeting. At this meeting, I was again amazed at how Haitians help Haitians. Those with little more than others are giving their time and money to minister to the needs and the people of their communities. Tears of joy and thanksgiving came to my eyes. These were beautiful people, who I will strive to imitate.
The best part of everyday, however, is returning to the monastery and having Lucy greet us at the gate! She is so excited to see us every night. Her mom is one of the cooks, so she is always here. Her smile is wide and big! My goodness, how she makes me smile every day!
Blanket update! For those who were awaiting an update on the Blanket water system, I will be going there on Thursday! I can hardly contain my excitement, and when I spoke with Pastor Evens today, he was just as excited!
Ancy is on his way back tonight. He will be with us through Thursday, which makes me very happy! Tomorrow we will go to Cafe Lompre to begin work on system #3, and we hope to return to Fondwa on Wednesday to finish the system there...if they have their problems worked out.
Election update... The presidential election will be held next Sunday. Please be in Prayer that this will go smoothly and peacefully!
Again, I am so thankful for each of you who have partnered with us in prayer, especially those who have prayed without ceasing. Clearly my father's prayers were more directed to us today, as he could not pull the Tar Heels through to victory! I love you, Dad!
Peace be with you!
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Haiti Trip ~ Day 7 ~ Saturday, March 12
Prayer Partners of the Day - Everludis Lopez and the Cook Family
Paul Farmer, the founder of Partners in Health, wrote a book about Haiti called Mountains Beyond Mountains. Today, I am on top of a mountain, which is just beyond the mountain I was on top of yesterday. And I'm staying on yet another mountain top. It truly is a country of mountains beyond mountains beyond mountains, and it's absolutely beautiful.
Today we were in Fondwa, just outside of Leogane. We are installing system #2 at the Saint Anthony's Sisters monastery/orphanage/school. The sisters are beautiful, and they speak wonderful English. It was a special day, as the General Superior of the brothers of Saint Therese was here. (And a apparently that is a big deal!) Many priests came for a meeting, along with several other non-profit chiefs. It was a big feast; we even had cake!
This monastery/school/orphanage was completely destroyed by the earthquake. They are just now starting to recover. The system is up on the board, minus a water meter & filters... We packed the truck late last night and forgot a few things :) However, we've hit a bit of a problem. There is apparently no water, and in reality, that's not a bit of a problem, but rather a large problem. We are looking on the positive side though and are praying that the problem will be fixed. If not, there are plenty of other places in need of a clean water system.
I was so thankful to have wonderful people lifting me and our team in prayer yet again today. At the 5:00am wake-up call, they were already on my mind and we prayed specifically for Everludis, Fred, Julia, & Karen today. I love you all so much and I'm so thankful you've been a part of this journey with me! My other thanksgiving comes from finally having voice conversation with my dear husband! Skype is a wonderful thing!
All in all, it has been another blessed day in Haiti. Thanks be to God!
Paul Farmer, the founder of Partners in Health, wrote a book about Haiti called Mountains Beyond Mountains. Today, I am on top of a mountain, which is just beyond the mountain I was on top of yesterday. And I'm staying on yet another mountain top. It truly is a country of mountains beyond mountains beyond mountains, and it's absolutely beautiful.
Today we were in Fondwa, just outside of Leogane. We are installing system #2 at the Saint Anthony's Sisters monastery/orphanage/school. The sisters are beautiful, and they speak wonderful English. It was a special day, as the General Superior of the brothers of Saint Therese was here. (And a apparently that is a big deal!) Many priests came for a meeting, along with several other non-profit chiefs. It was a big feast; we even had cake!
This monastery/school/orphanage was completely destroyed by the earthquake. They are just now starting to recover. The system is up on the board, minus a water meter & filters... We packed the truck late last night and forgot a few things :) However, we've hit a bit of a problem. There is apparently no water, and in reality, that's not a bit of a problem, but rather a large problem. We are looking on the positive side though and are praying that the problem will be fixed. If not, there are plenty of other places in need of a clean water system.
All in all, it has been another blessed day in Haiti. Thanks be to God!
Friday, March 11, 2011
Haiti Trip ~ Day 6 ~ Friday, March 11
Morning prayer at the La Voute Catholic Church |
There is only one word for today... JOY! Remember that song... I've got the joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart to stay... That's how I feel today!
After a beautiful morning of worship and prayer at the local church, we taught our first health & hygiene class for the adults in this first community. Afterall, if they don't know how to use clean water, there's no sense in us installing a system. Even though all of my supplies are in Arcahaie still, Ancy & I adhered to the motto of "creativity and flexibility". It was wonderful! The class was engaged, they understood, and they passed a test at the end! The school teachers that were present invited us into their classrooms afterwards & we taught two classrooms full of children!! It was so beautiful! The kids were precious and they were so excited! They sang for us at the end... I was truly humbled and blessed. Oh yeah, and the first system has been installed & the operators have been trained!! One down, four to go!
Don't they look excited?! :) |
Teaching Class |
Barb, you were prayed for this morning at mass. Yes, they've got me attending mass at the catholic church every morning. They even gave me a rosary. I'm trying to absorb the information, as I'm sure these experiences will come in handy at school!
ACC tournament started yesterday, and thanks to a great husband and a wonderful friend, I was given score updates! I do love you all! Go Tar Heels!
Today is also the birthday of three very special people in my life! Joel Hagstrom, Brianna Hogan, and Sam Medvene. These are three wonderful HUMC kiddos, and they have been in my thoughts all day.
Happy birthday, Joel! |
Brianna with Keegan |
Sam is my partner in crime. I am privileged to call him one of my closest friends, even though we are many years apart in age. He's come with me on two Haiti trips, and I miss him so much on this trip. I miss his encouragement and his energy, and I miss his love for Haiti. It's not the same without him, so Ancy & I are sending huge hugs for Sam's 18th birthday! Happy Birthday, Sam!
Sam, in the middle, with Tim & me |
I love each of you so much! Happy Birthday from Haiti!
Haiti Trip ~ Day 5 ~ Thursday, March 10
Armed & Dangerous! |
Prayer Partners of the Day: Debby Burt & Barbara Shaffer
I have never been so happy to be a girl!! As I write this, all five boys (Chuck, Bob, Ancy, Bertone, & Elian) are outside sleeping and I am comfy, cozy in a bed, indoors, and still being treated like royalty!
It was market day in this little mountain area (Lavoute), and it took us thirty minutes to make it through the market... When we made it to Jacmel, we took a few wrong turns! Finally at the hardware store, we caused a bit of a ruckus! We are not certain...but I may have been mistaken for a celebrity! Everyone had out their cell phones and took pictures of me! They gave me a rocking chair to sit in, right in the middle of the store. Ancy kept a close eye on me, of course, and 45 minutes later, we came away with our 300-gallon tank and various other parts. It was crazy!
Ancy took me to a beachside hotel...just so I could use a nice bathroom! It was absolutely gorgeous. The beach, the palm trees, the crystal blue ocean. Magnificent. (I will post pictures on facebook!) Again, I stood in awe at God's beautiful creation. Simply amazing.
When we returned, we sat down with the sisters to work out the covenant. It was a really wonderful time, just chatting and getting to know each other. Thank goodness for Ancy! He is the best translator there is! I do love my Haitian brother!
Clearly, my prayer partners, Debby & Barbara, worked overtime today! It is true when they say there is always something new each day in Haiti! Each day, no matter what that new thing is, turns into a blessing. I am so thankful to be here. I will continue to live each moment with joy and spreading the love that each of my prayer partners is giving me!
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