Thursday, March 24, 2011

Haiti Trip ~ Day 19 ~ Thursday, March 24

Our team - Bertone, Bob, Chuck & Me

Prayer Partner of the Day - Victoria Bole

The day began with the normal 5:00am wake-up call and prayers. The card this morning from my dear friend, Sally, quoted Psalm 95. I was charged to praise God today for anything and everything. Thus, let the praising begin!

Praise God for a safe trip to Jacmel. We took off this morning for the coast and what we hoped would be a day of relaxation.

Praise God for Melshy. This man met us in Jacmel when we were lost and could not find the system we were trying to check on. Melshy pulled up to our window on a motorcycle and we followed him to our destination, Trinity House. This orphanage houses 25 boys and a school for 110 elementary students.

Praise God again for Melshy. As we were trying to find our way to our next system, we got lost again. Up drove Melshy on his motorcycle, and we followed him to our next destination. Did I mention Melshy must have been a bouncer at a nightclub in a former life? Good thing he liked us!

Praise God for a second system that was running well in Jacmel at the Catholic retreat center.

Praise God for Hotel La Mondau. This was the aforementioned hotel that Ancy took me to on our first week in Haiti. Bob & Chuck deserved to see it, too! We had a leisurely lunch with an amazing view.

Praise God for Cayes Jacmel and the beach. We sat under several palm trees and had a beer while watching the waves wash up on the sand. I will post pictures when I get home, but it was nothing short of paradise. We commented that with such a place, Haiti should be racking in the tourism industry. Then we remembered the dirt roads we took to get there, not to mention the nightmare at the airport. The Haitian government simply needs to get their act in gear, and this country could be an "island of economic opportunity."

Praise God for a trip that went successfully and without any major mishaps. Praise God for a great team that laughed abundantly and gave of themselves effortlessly.

Praise God for the Brothers of St Therese monastery who were the kindest hosts, fed us well, and provided perfect accommodations.

Praise God that tomorrow we will go home to our families, who we miss terribly and love so much, and who support us with encouragement to come on such a great adventure.

And finally, praise God for prayer partners who lift us everyday. We are better servants because of you! Victoria, you were an awesome partner today! I love you!

Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Praise Him all creatures here below. Praise Him above ye heavenly hosts. Praise Father, Son & Holy Ghost! Amen!

Peace be with you.

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