Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Alternative Gift Giving

This is the card we gave to everyone
 in honor of the donation made in their name.
Each year, our families are much like everyone else's -- they go out, buy what they need, and when it comes to Christmas-time, they don't really need or even want anything. Besides, Christmas has become so commercialized, it's rarely about giving a gift out of love, but more of giving a gift out of obligation. This led John and me to Alternative Gift Giving. Instead of the book they'll never read, or the tie they'll immediately exchange, we give our family members something out of the ordinary.

In 2007, we bought everyone a goat through Heifer Project. By 2008, we started a theme to go along with the gift-giving. Thus, "2008, Aren't you great? You're out of this world." Our family members had stars named after them and they were recipients of a few acres on the moon. This still seemed a little too frivolous, and subsequently we went back to meaningful projects in 2009. "Water into Wine" was the theme for 2009, and money was donated to Living Waters For The World projects in Haiti. Each member received a water bottle and bottle of wine (Grapes of Galilee!) in honor of their donation.

In 2010, we had just moved to Las Vegas and did not give the appropriate creative energy to come up with a theme. However, a monetary donation was still given in each family member's name toward the big Haiti project in March 2011.

Overtime, many others have learned of this Alternative Gift Giving. You may remember the goats bought for Blanket Baptist Church. (Ashley, Ancy, Sam & Leo!)  You may remember John & I buying goats for another village in honor of the wedding of our friends, Norm & Jennifer. Since then, many folks have sent me to Haiti with money to help fund specific projects, buy goats, or even baby chicks. (This gives a whole new meaning to the blog name "Thanksgiving Project!") These are the gifts that continue giving...long after we would normally seek out a refund for an unwanted book or hideous tie.

Perhaps this is a tradition you'd like to start for your family and friends?

Solar Under The Sun offers an Alternative Gift Giving Site. You can make a donation by "buying" a watt or other part to the solar system. Downloadable cards are available to print off and give to your family members.

Other options are to visit Heifer Project, Living Waters For the World, or other non-profit organizations. If you need suggestions, I'd be happy to help!

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