Today has been full of thanksgiving! It was an early morning, yet again, with an amazing sunrise on the way to San Diego. This trip served two big purposes. The first was to meet with my Navy recruiters and have a big interview. The second was to spend time with one of my favorite families from northern Virginia! It has been a spectacular day!
When I pulled up to the pizza restaurant for lunch and four beautiful kids came running up, I was completely filled with joy and gratitude. I love the Hogan Family so much and they made today perfect! We went to the beach, raced to the ocean and chased sea gulls! We ate ice cream, watched the waves and searched for bathrooms! There were magic tricks and fun stories. There was catching up and lots of laughter. Ah! Could it have been a more perfect day with wonderful people? I really don't think so!
Ah yes, life is good, God is great, and I am so thankful for a day full of love in beautiful San Diego!
Monday, January 31, 2011
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Early Morning & Smart Cars
Friday was a crazy traveling day. When arriving at the airport and seeing that my 7:00am flight was delayed four hours, I was tempted to cancel the trip and stay home! However, I persevered and went on with the day. After arriving in Dallas (instead of Denver), only to see my next flight delayed, I began to laugh, as it was truly turning into somewhat of a comedy! The kicker came in the Nashville airport. My ride had left several hours earlier, and to make it to the conference, I needed a rental car. No big deal, right? I simply asked for something small and cheap! (Mental note: Never do that again!) I walked to spot #76 in the garage, and this is what I found... A blue and silver smart car. Have you ever seen something so small in your life?! And I would be driving this in the dark, on the interstate, and then on a gravel road in the woods? Being the adventuresome one that I am, I met the challenge... Three hours later, I arrived at my destination with only slightly frayed nerves and thankful to be out of the small car!
Today began when the alarm went off at 2:00am. After a quick jump in the shower, packing up the bags, and loading that very small smart car, I was on the road by 2:30am to get to the Nashville airport for a 5:45am flight home. Driving a smart car, especially when you're used to a Xterra, is quite the "treat". It drives more like a box on wheels. It does provide much time for prayer, as you are constantly praying to God that you will not die on the highway! Thankfully at 2:30am, there is not much traffic.
Above all, I am thankful to be back home with my husband. With the early morning and the time zone differential, I was on my couch in my PJs by 10:30am...just in time to catch Duke basketball loss! Between that and the UNC win yesterday, and the impending excitement of the road trip to San Diego tomorrow, I can barely contain myself!
Grace & peace!
Today began when the alarm went off at 2:00am. After a quick jump in the shower, packing up the bags, and loading that very small smart car, I was on the road by 2:30am to get to the Nashville airport for a 5:45am flight home. Driving a smart car, especially when you're used to a Xterra, is quite the "treat". It drives more like a box on wheels. It does provide much time for prayer, as you are constantly praying to God that you will not die on the highway! Thankfully at 2:30am, there is not much traffic.
Above all, I am thankful to be back home with my husband. With the early morning and the time zone differential, I was on my couch in my PJs by 10:30am...just in time to catch Duke basketball loss! Between that and the UNC win yesterday, and the impending excitement of the road trip to San Diego tomorrow, I can barely contain myself!
Grace & peace!
A rocking chair + a porch + sunshine + a good friend = a perfect afternoon
Saturday, January 29
In the middle of Tennessee with no cell phone coverage or internet connection, this was written in long hand...
Picture this... It's the afternoon on a bright sunny day. There is a crispness in the air, but the sun warms your face. The trees break open to show a labyrinth carved into the ground with a small creek running past it. On the porch are three rocking chairs. Sitting amongst God's creation brings a sense of quiet communion in the middle of a chaotic day of meetings.
The only thing better than this is to share the time with a good friend, rocking in the chairs, and not feeling the need to say words. Right after lunch, I was able to sit out for a time with a fellow Living Waters instructor. We barely said two words, but instead enjoyed the quiet and stillness of nature. Later in the afternoon, I was able to share time with my best pal, Tim, and his wife, Teresa, on that same porch and those same rocking chairs.
If the weekend only held these two events of sitting in rocking chairs and relaxing on a porch in awe of God, then the weekend was well worth the time away from home. I am thankful for God's peace and a comfortable rocking chair!
In the middle of Tennessee with no cell phone coverage or internet connection, this was written in long hand...

The only thing better than this is to share the time with a good friend, rocking in the chairs, and not feeling the need to say words. Right after lunch, I was able to sit out for a time with a fellow Living Waters instructor. We barely said two words, but instead enjoyed the quiet and stillness of nature. Later in the afternoon, I was able to share time with my best pal, Tim, and his wife, Teresa, on that same porch and those same rocking chairs.
If the weekend only held these two events of sitting in rocking chairs and relaxing on a porch in awe of God, then the weekend was well worth the time away from home. I am thankful for God's peace and a comfortable rocking chair!
Friday, January 28, 2011
I'm sitting in the Las Vegas airport this morning, waiting on a flight that I have been rebooked to, due to my original flight being delayed four hours. They've re-routed me through Dallas, as opposed to Denver, and I still hopeful to make it to Nashville at some point today! I am thankful for a husband and others who have kept me company through text messages and phone calls. And I am thankful for peace and quiet in a slow terminal. The people watching has been minimal, but there should be plenty of that in Dallas, since it is doubtful I will make my connection!
At the end of all of this, I will be thankful to see my Living Waters family and enjoy a time of fellowship with them!
Hopeful and always thankful!
At the end of all of this, I will be thankful to see my Living Waters family and enjoy a time of fellowship with them!
Hopeful and always thankful!
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Catching Up...
With the atrocious amount of writing required of my classes, I have fallen behind on the Thanksgiving Project! Many thanks to the beautifully observant Carrie Delisio for pointing this out to me!
Thus... this will be the "yesterday" post, and I will write today's thanksgiving later today.
Many things brought an attitude of gratitude today...
First, I have finally caught up with all of my classes. 500 pages of reading, check. 6 400-word essays written, check. Approval for one research paper and one project, check. I was slightly overwhelmed by the amount of work that so quickly piled up after just a few days in Haiti. Now, I feel caught up, and I am so thankful to have found a routine to balance my studies and other responsibilities.
Second, as you know, I am a huge Tar Heel fan. UNC fell behind by 14 points early on in the Miami game last night. It looked as though we were doomed, as the baby blue boys usually give up. Last night, they fought and clawed their way back to a tied game as halftime sounded. They caught up, and it was beautiful. They came out blazing in the second half and won the game. Between the Florida/Georgia game the night before and the UNC/Miami game, my basketball need has been met!
Third, I am thankful for time with my husband. We were able to catch up and share a bonding moment over my chaplaincy recommendation! (Who knew he would have to write something, too?!)
Finally, I am thankful for the upcoming weekend! Not only will there be a trip to Nashville for a Living Waters Retreat, but upon my return one of my most favorite families will be in San Diego! I plan to hop over to see them....AND meet with the Naval Chaplain Board for my final interview! Oh, it will be a good weekend.
Thus, thank you, Carrie Delisio, for reminding me to be thankful...each and every day! You should have a post dedicated to YOU :)
Thus... this will be the "yesterday" post, and I will write today's thanksgiving later today.
Many things brought an attitude of gratitude today...
First, I have finally caught up with all of my classes. 500 pages of reading, check. 6 400-word essays written, check. Approval for one research paper and one project, check. I was slightly overwhelmed by the amount of work that so quickly piled up after just a few days in Haiti. Now, I feel caught up, and I am so thankful to have found a routine to balance my studies and other responsibilities.
Second, as you know, I am a huge Tar Heel fan. UNC fell behind by 14 points early on in the Miami game last night. It looked as though we were doomed, as the baby blue boys usually give up. Last night, they fought and clawed their way back to a tied game as halftime sounded. They caught up, and it was beautiful. They came out blazing in the second half and won the game. Between the Florida/Georgia game the night before and the UNC/Miami game, my basketball need has been met!
Third, I am thankful for time with my husband. We were able to catch up and share a bonding moment over my chaplaincy recommendation! (Who knew he would have to write something, too?!)
Finally, I am thankful for the upcoming weekend! Not only will there be a trip to Nashville for a Living Waters Retreat, but upon my return one of my most favorite families will be in San Diego! I plan to hop over to see them....AND meet with the Naval Chaplain Board for my final interview! Oh, it will be a good weekend.
Thus, thank you, Carrie Delisio, for reminding me to be thankful...each and every day! You should have a post dedicated to YOU :)
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Tonight I'm thankful for that wonderful root, wasabi. Have you every tried it in its freshest form? Not the paste you get out of a tube or even the pinch you get on a plate with sushi... I'm talkin' fresh wasabi. It is amazing. On one of our many trips to Inaka Sushi in Las Vegas, our favorite chef Tommy, brought out a spoonful of fresh wasabi for us. After we were convinced that he was not trying to kill us, we tried it! It was delightful, not overpowering. The flavor was clean, not eye-watering. It was a stark contrast to the small pinch of paste on the plate that we are accustomed to. Though a wasabi root costs upward of $30, the chef gave us a small pouch to bring home. He encouraged us to try it on a good steak. Clearly, he's a chef and knows what he's talking about. Tonight, I grilled a couple of NY Strips and served them beside a dollup of fresh wasabi and a side of asparagus. It was a perfect dinner, and the wasabi was a perfect complement to our steak.
So in essence, I am thankful for wasabi, for the hands that prepared it, and for the hospitality from which it was given.
Monday, January 24, 2011
In the last two days, I have read over 330 pages about the Intertestamental Period... My eyes are bugging out, and I can barely form two sentences after writing my "responses." Thankfully, the routine of schoolwork is coming back and it's starting to feel comfortable, as opposed to overwhelming. Give it another week, and it may feel enjoyable!
The best thing about living in Las Vegas is the constant revolving door of visitors. We've barely lived here for three months, and already we've had more friends visit than we ever did in Houston or DC. Last Thursday, I met a dear friend for lunch at the Venetian. It was a bit weird going to an extravagant display of wealth and resources after returning from Haiti, but this same friend was with me for a week after March's Haiti trip. I was thankful to have a time of debriefing with him on Thursday, just like I did last March.
I was thankful today for a study break that came in the form of a visitor! It is amazing to me that we lived in the same town for two years and always had great intentions of getting together to talk and share a drink! However, it took me moving across the country to make that intention a reality.
So again, I am thankful for friends, thankful for visitors, and eagerly awaiting the arrival of several more over the next months!
The best thing about living in Las Vegas is the constant revolving door of visitors. We've barely lived here for three months, and already we've had more friends visit than we ever did in Houston or DC. Last Thursday, I met a dear friend for lunch at the Venetian. It was a bit weird going to an extravagant display of wealth and resources after returning from Haiti, but this same friend was with me for a week after March's Haiti trip. I was thankful to have a time of debriefing with him on Thursday, just like I did last March.
I was thankful today for a study break that came in the form of a visitor! It is amazing to me that we lived in the same town for two years and always had great intentions of getting together to talk and share a drink! However, it took me moving across the country to make that intention a reality.
So again, I am thankful for friends, thankful for visitors, and eagerly awaiting the arrival of several more over the next months!
Nothing but heaven itself is better than a friend who is really a friend. ~Plautus
Saturday, January 22, 2011
My dad & I share a love of sunsets. In fact, when we're together, we make it a personal mission to select a perfect spot for watching sunsets. When Dad was living out in California in the summer of 2000, I went out for a few weeks to spend time with them. As always, we searched and searched until finding the right spot. It was at a top of a hill, in a the Wong's driveway. Now, we didn't know the Wong's, and they didn't know us... But every evening we drove to their house to watch the sunset over San Jose. It was gorgeous, and we always speak fondly of the Wong's.
I have a collage of sunset pictures that hangs in our house. One is from Honduras, two from Key West, a few from South Padre Island, one of NYC with the Statue of Liberty in the background. My favorite is from Haiti...a country with so much poverty, but so rich in sunsets!
No matter where we are, God is there to remind us that He is the beginning and the end, and at the end of each day, he paints us a beautiful picture. Tonight was no exception. Living in Las Vegas, surrounded by mountains and desert, the sun seems bigger. As it set this evening, the sky bled pinks and purples for miles. It was stunning, and the picture did not do it justice. I was nevertheless reminded that with this beauty, God is looking down on us and reminding us that He is to be praised. I am thankful that this reminder comes in the form of a beautiful sunset.
Psalm 113:3
From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, the name of the LORD is to be praised.
Friday, January 21, 2011
Clint & Arlene
Today was filled with excitement. The first week of school has passed, even though I felt behind for most of it. For the moment, I have several items checked off the to-do list, especially where LWW is concerned! To top it all off, there is a Tim Tebow special on ESPN, which has me feeling much gratitude.
However, what I am most thankful for today is an hour long Skype chat with Clint & Arlene. It was wonderful to catch up, to hear their voices, and to see their smiling faces. We talked about any and everything, something we hadn't been able to do in awhile due to all of our schedules. I am absolutely elated that they will be in Las Vegas soon for a good long visit. It's been over two years since we have hugged them, and rest assured that we will be hugging for a long time!
I love these two so much. Clint and I have been lucky to have had a special relationship since we met. I am so thankful for his friendship, for the long talks, for the openness we share. In a way, I think of him more as a brother than a stepson, and I am so thankful for our connection. How lucky he was to have found Arlene, and how lucky we are to have her in our family. I thank God every day for them!
However, what I am most thankful for today is an hour long Skype chat with Clint & Arlene. It was wonderful to catch up, to hear their voices, and to see their smiling faces. We talked about any and everything, something we hadn't been able to do in awhile due to all of our schedules. I am absolutely elated that they will be in Las Vegas soon for a good long visit. It's been over two years since we have hugged them, and rest assured that we will be hugging for a long time!
I love these two so much. Clint and I have been lucky to have had a special relationship since we met. I am so thankful for his friendship, for the long talks, for the openness we share. In a way, I think of him more as a brother than a stepson, and I am so thankful for our connection. How lucky he was to have found Arlene, and how lucky we are to have her in our family. I thank God every day for them!
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Haiti Day #7 - January 17, 2011
Thanks of the Day: Memories
(Written over the Caribbean Sea...)
We left Haiti today. It was a bittersweet moment. I know I'll be back in March. That's only 6 weeks away, and it will be a long stay. However, it was good that we left...Baby Doc showed up last night. What in the world is this guy doing here? Should be interesting.
We had been in a bubble all week of tranquility, and then we hit Port-Au-Prince today. UN troops were everywhere with big guns, riot shield and barricades. There were even tanks! It felt a bit like a war movie. We knew it was a good time to leave our beloved country and family.
I am left with wonderful memories. We experienced huge success. We were loved unconditionally. Our team from across the country worked together like a well-oiled machine.
Only God could have brought us all together and made this possible. Only He deserves the praise. And all God's people said...AMEN!
(Written over the Caribbean Sea...)
We left Haiti today. It was a bittersweet moment. I know I'll be back in March. That's only 6 weeks away, and it will be a long stay. However, it was good that we left...Baby Doc showed up last night. What in the world is this guy doing here? Should be interesting.
We had been in a bubble all week of tranquility, and then we hit Port-Au-Prince today. UN troops were everywhere with big guns, riot shield and barricades. There were even tanks! It felt a bit like a war movie. We knew it was a good time to leave our beloved country and family.
I am left with wonderful memories. We experienced huge success. We were loved unconditionally. Our team from across the country worked together like a well-oiled machine.
Only God could have brought us all together and made this possible. Only He deserves the praise. And all God's people said...AMEN!
Matthew 19:26
Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."
Haiti Day #6 - January 16, 2011
Thanks of the Day: Clean Water for all God's Children
Today was the day we had all been waiting for since July 5, 2009! Clean Water was distributed for the first time from the Living Waters For The World system in Blanket, Haiti. It was a sight to see.
Blanket Baptist Church |
Pastor Evens called me up front, and I whole-heartedly introduced the best team to have ever come to Haiti. One by one, they came up front and I was overcome with gratitude and humility. They had come to Haiti because of my excitement for a specific project, which they completed with gusto, and now they were being celebrated by a community who will call them "heroes" forever.
Pastor Evens enjoying clean water! |
Following the worship service, we gathered outside and the first cups of clean water were distributed to Blanket. Again, it brought me to tears. On the back of the building, the artist drew a water bottle with the slogan "Water is Life." Clean water truly is medicine, and now the community of Blanket will not have to live without this medicine.
We left Blanket today with many tears and many smiles. I know I will be back in March to visit, but I was so sad to leave my family. Even Ashley the Goat seemed flustered and sad...she was stubborn and restless!
We made one last stop before leaving the mountain. During our drive every morning, we drove up a long and winding road to reach the top. The view is magnificent, and it called for a "group picture". I am so thankful for this group. They made my dream a reality.
Haiti Day #5 - January 15, 2011
Chapel at Montrouis |
Thanks of the Day: Family Reunions
Jay, Melissa, Me & Tim |
Jay, Tim & Melissa rode with me to the Operators Conference. Montrouis is located just north of Arcahaie on a beautiful piece of oceanfront property! I joked that I only take my "best friends" on the fun adventures (See yesterday's post... I really will never live this down!)
With my brother, Ancy |
Surpris' Introduction |
At lunch, we sat outside and enjoyed the view of the "most beautiful sea in the world." Did you know Jacques Cousteau thought the Haitian Sea was the "most beautiful sea in the world?" At least that's what Surpris tells me. :)
Two Pastors filled with the Spirit |
Tonight's devotion was on "HOPE". Where did you see "hope" today? I found hope in Chris Tomlin's song... There truly are greater things yet to be done in this city, in this country, and in this world. I am surely thankful to be a part of it and thankful to be a part of this "Family of God." Today was an amazing family reunion.
Charles, Ancy & Valdes = Haitian Family |
You're the Lord of this nation
You are
You're the Light in this darkness
You're the Hope to the hopeless
You're the Peace to the restless
You are
There is no one like our God
There is no one like our God
For greater things have yet to come
And greater things are still to be done in this City
Greater thing have yet to come
And greater things are still to be done in this City
Haiti Day #4 - January 14, 2011
Thanks of the Day: Goats
Four of our team members left for Montrouis today to lead the first annual Operators Conference. I chose to stay behind with my team in Blanket, as we had a second day of hygiene education class and training for our own operators. Plus, Pastor Evens left me in charge of the village, a task I was not quite ready or able to complete.
Today began with a side trip into Cabaret to purchase cups, followed by a trip into Titanyen to buy goats! Yes, the kind with four hooves that go "baaaaa". Leonie had come from Houston with money specifically to buy goats for the church in Blanket and the Jela School in Limbe. She was on a mission. I stayed with the water building personnel, as Sam, Jay, Sally, Leonie & Sheri all piled into the car to find the goats.
Sure enough, a couple of hours went by, and the car came back with four beautiful goats in the back. Two males - Ancy & Sam; two females - Leo & Ashley. Yes, I had a goat named for me! A beautiful blond-haired, stubborn, hungry goat! These four goats will provide milk and will produce baby goats in hopes of selling them and providing money for the church. Ah, goats.
I might add that I have developed a fondness for these goats! When I return in March, they will be among the first things I am hopeful to see! They were good goats...loud and stubborn, but good!
Today was also filled with clean water. We produced 500+ gallons of clean water, enough to almost fill the tank! It was a beautiful moment, but we forced ourselves to wait for Pastor Evens to return to distribute the water to the village.
Back in Arcahaie this evening, we enjoyed a time of celebration and friendship. We gathered for devotions on the porch, where we engaged in honest and open conversation. We toasted many Prestige beers and debated the phrase "best friend" over and over. (I will never live this one down...)
The evening culminated in a lengthy game of cards. I am so very thankful for this group of people that I can call a family. It is amazing that a group coming from many different walks of life can come together and form bonds so quickly. This is a testament to God and His ability to work in any situation. Books should be written about this trip; it has certainly been "textbook."
Ancy |
Ashley |
Sure enough, a couple of hours went by, and the car came back with four beautiful goats in the back. Two males - Ancy & Sam; two females - Leo & Ashley. Yes, I had a goat named for me! A beautiful blond-haired, stubborn, hungry goat! These four goats will provide milk and will produce baby goats in hopes of selling them and providing money for the church. Ah, goats.
Leo |
Sam |
I might add that I have developed a fondness for these goats! When I return in March, they will be among the first things I am hopeful to see! They were good goats...loud and stubborn, but good!
Today was also filled with clean water. We produced 500+ gallons of clean water, enough to almost fill the tank! It was a beautiful moment, but we forced ourselves to wait for Pastor Evens to return to distribute the water to the village.
Tim lifting Melissa to see the clean water. |
The evening culminated in a lengthy game of cards. I am so very thankful for this group of people that I can call a family. It is amazing that a group coming from many different walks of life can come together and form bonds so quickly. This is a testament to God and His ability to work in any situation. Books should be written about this trip; it has certainly been "textbook."
The first batch of clean water for Blanket, Haiti. |
Haiti Day #3 - January 13, 2011
Thanks of the day -- First's
Today was filled with "first's".
For the FIRST time, I painted in Haiti. Sally & I were in a different car this morning and arrived in Blanket well before the rest of the team. The painter had just shown up to the site and was happy to have help in painting the building! I love to paint, and it was the FIRST time I've ever been allowed to paint in Haiti!
We had our FIRST education class in Blanket. Leonie & Sheri greeted 20 wonderful students to kick-off the hygiene education class. We immediately saw an increase in enthusiasm from any of the other education classes we have ever taught. They were young adults, and eager to learn. They were sponges for the information.
I heard Jesus Loves Me for the FIRST time in French; however, they were more excited to sing the song in English! Imagine being outside a building and hearing many voices singing, "Yes, Jesus loves me! Yes, Jesus loves me!" These are the most heart-warming words I have ever felt. My cup was overrunning with gratitude and love.
While the singing was going on, we were installing my FIRST submersible pump! We had 160 feet of PVC pipe strung out, attached the pump and a rope, and down the hole it went. After awhile, Melissa came into the education class and asked for prayers... The pump would not run. I grabbed Melissa's hand, and we went back to the water building. There, we knelt down beside the well, put our hands on the pipe, and prayed aloud. Now, Melissa wasn't too comfortable with laying hands on the pump and praying for it... But there I sat and prayed aloud that God would make the pump work OR He would let us quickly fix the problem. Not 10 minutes later, Jerry arrived back on site and immediately saw the problem. Within 10 more minutes, the pump was working.
Next we pumped the FIRST five-gallons of clean water from the system. The smile on Pastor Evens' face when George presented him with the five-gallon bottle of clean water from HIS system... Well, that is a moment I will never forget.
George came in with this bottle of water as Sally, Pastor Evens & I signed the LWW Covenant, a FIRST for me! This covenant puts our partnership in writing and officially makes us one family.
Tonight, our devotion was on "joy". My joy and thanksgiving came in the form of "first's". Today I saw a year and a half of hard work and dedication come to fruition. There is now clean water for the Children of Blanket. Praise be to God. Amen.
Today was filled with "first's".
For the FIRST time, I painted in Haiti. Sally & I were in a different car this morning and arrived in Blanket well before the rest of the team. The painter had just shown up to the site and was happy to have help in painting the building! I love to paint, and it was the FIRST time I've ever been allowed to paint in Haiti!
I heard Jesus Loves Me for the FIRST time in French; however, they were more excited to sing the song in English! Imagine being outside a building and hearing many voices singing, "Yes, Jesus loves me! Yes, Jesus loves me!" These are the most heart-warming words I have ever felt. My cup was overrunning with gratitude and love.
While the singing was going on, we were installing my FIRST submersible pump! We had 160 feet of PVC pipe strung out, attached the pump and a rope, and down the hole it went. After awhile, Melissa came into the education class and asked for prayers... The pump would not run. I grabbed Melissa's hand, and we went back to the water building. There, we knelt down beside the well, put our hands on the pipe, and prayed aloud. Now, Melissa wasn't too comfortable with laying hands on the pump and praying for it... But there I sat and prayed aloud that God would make the pump work OR He would let us quickly fix the problem. Not 10 minutes later, Jerry arrived back on site and immediately saw the problem. Within 10 more minutes, the pump was working.
George came in with this bottle of water as Sally, Pastor Evens & I signed the LWW Covenant, a FIRST for me! This covenant puts our partnership in writing and officially makes us one family.
Tonight, our devotion was on "joy". My joy and thanksgiving came in the form of "first's". Today I saw a year and a half of hard work and dedication come to fruition. There is now clean water for the Children of Blanket. Praise be to God. Amen.
Haiti Day #2 - January 12, 2011
Thanks of the day: One-Year Anniversary of the Earthquake
Today marked one year since the most devastating natural disaster in Haiti's history. It struck with a magnitude of 7.0mw, destroying nearly everything in Leogane and beyond. One would expect to find a day of mourning; however, I was surrounded in a day of thanksgiving and joy.
We arrived at Blanket this morning! As we came around the corner, we could see the solar panels atop the two story building. It was the most beautiful sight I had ever seen! Pastor Evens Cherenfant greeted us warmly. I was so happy to see my friend, as we had been planning for this day since July 5, 2009 when I first came to do a survey.
Evens was elated, and the operators were ready. Valdes and Salien were eager to begin work, and our team hit the ground running. Tim, Melissa and George entered the water building with Valdes and Salien...and we did not see them again until mid-afternoon. Sally went off to do surveys with Jerry, Tom & Chris. Leonie and Sheri began organizing their class materials. Evens took Jay & me on a walk around Blanket to meet some of the church members. We entered a woman's home, a 10x10 concrete building, and found a newborn baby just waking up from a nap. It was beautiful.
When the afternoon came, several of us went on a hike to see the surrounding areas. I thought we'd be gone for just a little while... Evens and a few of the men took us over a couple of mountains. We saw the community of Lone (which I later referred to as "lonely"). Evens told us that 85% of this village belongs to a voodoo temple. He said he and members of the congregation will come to the area, stand under one of the "evil trees" and preach the gospel of Jesus Christ. Many times, they have been approached by an angry mob...but never once have they been harmed. It was at this moment that I dreamed of having the courage and faithfulness of Pastor Evens. What an amazing man. I am so thankful to call him a friend.
Three hours later, we returned to Blanket...and a huge celebration. Melissa, Tim, George, Valdes and Salien exited the building and said they were finished. Finished for the day and ready to go home? No. They had finished the putting together the system! It was mounted, it was installed, it was ready! (We just needed a pump...that would hopefully arrive at the airport soon.) It was amazing. I have never seen anything like it all of my installation trips. This team...they were truly the "A-Team". Wow.
They deserved showers and dinner, so I sent Tim, Melissa, George and Jay back to Arcahaie to thank them for their hard work. Since the survey team had yet to return, the remaining team members stayed in Blanket. Pastor Evens gathered us at 4:45pm for silent prayer to commemorate the earthquake. You could almost see Valdes and Evens holding their breath as they remembered horrifying events of the last year. We stood in silence for quite some time, and then Pastor Evens prayed for us. I don't know exactly what he said, but it was beautiful, and it was joy filled.
What an amazing day with amazing people. I am so thankful for my family in Haiti, for their warmth and hospitality, and for showing me what it truly means to be a faithful Christian. Blessings abound.
Today marked one year since the most devastating natural disaster in Haiti's history. It struck with a magnitude of 7.0mw, destroying nearly everything in Leogane and beyond. One would expect to find a day of mourning; however, I was surrounded in a day of thanksgiving and joy.
Evens was elated, and the operators were ready. Valdes and Salien were eager to begin work, and our team hit the ground running. Tim, Melissa and George entered the water building with Valdes and Salien...and we did not see them again until mid-afternoon. Sally went off to do surveys with Jerry, Tom & Chris. Leonie and Sheri began organizing their class materials. Evens took Jay & me on a walk around Blanket to meet some of the church members. We entered a woman's home, a 10x10 concrete building, and found a newborn baby just waking up from a nap. It was beautiful.
Three hours later, we returned to Blanket...and a huge celebration. Melissa, Tim, George, Valdes and Salien exited the building and said they were finished. Finished for the day and ready to go home? No. They had finished the putting together the system! It was mounted, it was installed, it was ready! (We just needed a pump...that would hopefully arrive at the airport soon.) It was amazing. I have never seen anything like it all of my installation trips. This team...they were truly the "A-Team". Wow.
They deserved showers and dinner, so I sent Tim, Melissa, George and Jay back to Arcahaie to thank them for their hard work. Since the survey team had yet to return, the remaining team members stayed in Blanket. Pastor Evens gathered us at 4:45pm for silent prayer to commemorate the earthquake. You could almost see Valdes and Evens holding their breath as they remembered horrifying events of the last year. We stood in silence for quite some time, and then Pastor Evens prayed for us. I don't know exactly what he said, but it was beautiful, and it was joy filled.
What an amazing day with amazing people. I am so thankful for my family in Haiti, for their warmth and hospitality, and for showing me what it truly means to be a faithful Christian. Blessings abound.
Breakfast with Friends
Written January 19, 2011 on a plane somewhere over Iowa...
Is there anything better than sharing a meal with a friend? Two people, sitting across a table from each other, enjoying good food and great friendship. Over the last few weeks, I have shared many of these meals...and I feel so very lucky to have done so.
Thus, I am thankful today for an early morning breakfast with my dear friend. I am thankful for blueberry pancakes and yogurt crepes, for listening and honesty, for debriefing and laughter. It is rare to find such friends that you share so much in common, but after a week in Haiti, I feel fortunate to have several of these friends... Friends to share joy and laughter. Friends to cheat at cards and act silly. Friends that can lay it all out on the line and not feel the least embarrassed. I am one very lucky gal, and so very thankful.
Is there anything better than sharing a meal with a friend? Two people, sitting across a table from each other, enjoying good food and great friendship. Over the last few weeks, I have shared many of these meals...and I feel so very lucky to have done so.
Thus, I am thankful today for an early morning breakfast with my dear friend. I am thankful for blueberry pancakes and yogurt crepes, for listening and honesty, for debriefing and laughter. It is rare to find such friends that you share so much in common, but after a week in Haiti, I feel fortunate to have several of these friends... Friends to share joy and laughter. Friends to cheat at cards and act silly. Friends that can lay it all out on the line and not feel the least embarrassed. I am one very lucky gal, and so very thankful.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Haiti Day #1 - January 11, 2011
Thanks of the day: Safety
As we arrived in Haiti after dark, we were filled with anxiety and excitement. Our immediate thanks came as we landed safely and found all but three of our bags. No matter how much I had tried to warn our "rookie" team, there is no description for exiting the Port-Au-Prince airport after dark. There are so many people, so much noise, and so many men wanting to take your bags. Though it is dark, there were fires burning in the distance that lit up the sky. Our team was nervous, but they acted like pros. Ancy greeted us with smiles and laughter.
An almost two hour drive in the dark to Arcahaie provided much time to catch up with Ancy! I am so thankful that the best driver in Haiti was in control, which automatically brings a sense of peace. Our arrival in Arcahaie was beautiful. Pere Irnel Duveaux was awaiting us and his dear wife had a feast prepared. We set up camp, and thus began a wonderful week full of thanksgiving.
Arrival at the PAP Airport |
An almost two hour drive in the dark to Arcahaie provided much time to catch up with Ancy! I am so thankful that the best driver in Haiti was in control, which automatically brings a sense of peace. Our arrival in Arcahaie was beautiful. Pere Irnel Duveaux was awaiting us and his dear wife had a feast prepared. We set up camp, and thus began a wonderful week full of thanksgiving.
Almost Home...
Tonight as I lay in a real bed back in Herndon, Virginia, I am thankful for a hot shower, a bed off the floor, and the quiet with no roosters, no goats, & no generators! I am thankful for the best possible team, which you will hear about in days to come, as I handwrote my blog each day while in Haiti. I am thankful for safety... And I am thankful to be "almost home."
Be sure to check out our trip blog. The link can be found to the right!
Grace and peace...and more to come in the days ahead.
Be sure to check out our trip blog. The link can be found to the right!
Grace and peace...and more to come in the days ahead.
Monday, January 10, 2011
As I prepare to go to bed very early this evening, I am most thankful for prayers - prayers for safety, good health, and a successful water system installation.
Our team going to Haiti tomorrow is being surrounded in prayers by the members of our families, our churches, our friends, our prayer partners, and maybe even our blog readers. Because of these prayers, I feel certain that our trip will be successful and full of love and joy!
While I won't be writing on this blog during our trip, we will have family members keeping you up-to-date on our trip blog. Please click on the link to the right under the blogs I follow for daily updates!
Thank you for your prayers and your love everyday! Early to bed and early to rise! What a great week it will be.
Grace & peace!
Our team going to Haiti tomorrow is being surrounded in prayers by the members of our families, our churches, our friends, our prayer partners, and maybe even our blog readers. Because of these prayers, I feel certain that our trip will be successful and full of love and joy!
While I won't be writing on this blog during our trip, we will have family members keeping you up-to-date on our trip blog. Please click on the link to the right under the blogs I follow for daily updates!
Thank you for your prayers and your love everyday! Early to bed and early to rise! What a great week it will be.
Grace & peace!
Sunday, January 9, 2011
This episode is brought to you by the number 13!
My favorite number is 13. I love Friday the 13th. When I played basketball as a kid, I wore the number 13. I've turned the unluckiest number into my good luck charm.
Originally, we were supposed to have 14 team members going to Blanket, Haiti. However, one member had something come up, and now we will be traveling with 13. When this happened, nothing but good things began to happen. Green Energy scheduled the solar panel installation; our circuit rider checked in and went to visit our site to begin set-up; the elections were postponed. All of this after we became a team of 13. A coincidence, I think not.
This afternoon, Elizabeth Block, Allison Fleig, Diana Grace and I went to watch a few boys play basketball. We quickly noticed that our two boys (Brian Skinnell and Robert Arace), on opposite teams, were each wearing the number 13. We continuously yelled, "Go 13" during the entire game. Both number 13's had exceptional play time, especially on defense. I was thankful to watch the games, talk with the girls and see my favorite number 13 (both of them) out on the court!
It is no coincidence that my favorite Bible verse is found in the book of Philippians, chapter 4, verse 13. It reads, "I can do all things through Him who gives me strength." No matter the situation, no matter the place, no matter the things... I can do it with His strength. I am thankful for Him and for His encouragement and grace. Without Him, I am nothing.
In addition to the number 13, I am also thankful for two of the girls I mentioned in my blog yesterday -- Claire Harris and Jenna Hogan. Today in church, I had the blessing of sitting in between the two girls. We held hands, and Jenna and I took "notes" of the sermon together! Jenna later sent me an email saying, "I love you...and so does God!" I am so thankful for her words of wisdom!
Grace & Peace!
My favorite number is 13. I love Friday the 13th. When I played basketball as a kid, I wore the number 13. I've turned the unluckiest number into my good luck charm.
Originally, we were supposed to have 14 team members going to Blanket, Haiti. However, one member had something come up, and now we will be traveling with 13. When this happened, nothing but good things began to happen. Green Energy scheduled the solar panel installation; our circuit rider checked in and went to visit our site to begin set-up; the elections were postponed. All of this after we became a team of 13. A coincidence, I think not.
This afternoon, Elizabeth Block, Allison Fleig, Diana Grace and I went to watch a few boys play basketball. We quickly noticed that our two boys (Brian Skinnell and Robert Arace), on opposite teams, were each wearing the number 13. We continuously yelled, "Go 13" during the entire game. Both number 13's had exceptional play time, especially on defense. I was thankful to watch the games, talk with the girls and see my favorite number 13 (both of them) out on the court!
It is no coincidence that my favorite Bible verse is found in the book of Philippians, chapter 4, verse 13. It reads, "I can do all things through Him who gives me strength." No matter the situation, no matter the place, no matter the things... I can do it with His strength. I am thankful for Him and for His encouragement and grace. Without Him, I am nothing.
In addition to the number 13, I am also thankful for two of the girls I mentioned in my blog yesterday -- Claire Harris and Jenna Hogan. Today in church, I had the blessing of sitting in between the two girls. We held hands, and Jenna and I took "notes" of the sermon together! Jenna later sent me an email saying, "I love you...and so does God!" I am so thankful for her words of wisdom!
Grace & Peace!
I can do all things through Him who gives me strength.
Philippians 4:13
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Upward Basketball
Last year, I fulfilled a dream by coaching Upward Basketball. I have always loved playing basketball and watching basketball, and I couldn't wait to bring that passion to a group of kids. Upward is a special program in that all players receive the same amount of playing time, devotions are given at each game and practice, and players of all ability levels are encouraged and affirmed. I was honored to coach nine fifth and sixth grade girls who I affectionately called The Cyclones! It was a great two months of weekly practices and eight Saturday games. While we weren't suppposed to keep track of scores and records...I have a hugely competitive nature and know we ended the season 6-2. We lost to the same team twice, which happened to be coached by a Duke alumnus... It pained me greatly! Coaching was the most rewarding experience, and I miss it this year so much!
Today was the first game day for Upward Basketball at Herndon UMC. I was so excited to be in town for the kick-off! Two of my former youth group members, Joel Hagstrom and Robert Arace, were coaching their very first game at 10:00am. I could not get over Joel's enthusiasm and superior coaching ability! Joel is a senior in high school coaching 1st & 2nd grade boys... It was epic. He is encouraging, positive and the players and parents love and respect him. I was in awe and so thankful to watch him coach and win his first game!
Next at 1:00pm, THE Claire Harris had her season debut! Claire is in third grade and has brand new basketball shoes! She did those shoes proud and was the high scorer and top rebounder on her team!! I was so thankful to watch her play, and catch up with her parents!
The final game I saw today (though there were twelve hours worth of games) starred THE Jenna Hogan! She happens to be the daughter of the aforementioned Duke grad! Jenna and I share an amazing bond and are very similar, especially when it comes to our faith in God! Jenna had an outstanding game and it was great to see how well she has grown as a player!
While watching Jenna's game, I ran into three former "Cyclones" and their parents, who were there watching their younger children play! My heart was filled with joy to see their smiling faces and to hear their kinds words. What an impact one season had on all of us.
The rest of the day was filled with friends and an abundant amount of hugs. It reminds me of the saying, "The miles may separate as time goes on, but the band between friends will remain forever strong." God has blessed me with great friends, most of which live across the country from me now. After today, I know that the connection will always be strong and God will continue to bless me with their friendship for years and years to come.
Thus, I am thankful today for Upward Basketball bringing us all back together under one roof. What a great day it was!
Today was the first game day for Upward Basketball at Herndon UMC. I was so excited to be in town for the kick-off! Two of my former youth group members, Joel Hagstrom and Robert Arace, were coaching their very first game at 10:00am. I could not get over Joel's enthusiasm and superior coaching ability! Joel is a senior in high school coaching 1st & 2nd grade boys... It was epic. He is encouraging, positive and the players and parents love and respect him. I was in awe and so thankful to watch him coach and win his first game!
Next at 1:00pm, THE Claire Harris had her season debut! Claire is in third grade and has brand new basketball shoes! She did those shoes proud and was the high scorer and top rebounder on her team!! I was so thankful to watch her play, and catch up with her parents!
The final game I saw today (though there were twelve hours worth of games) starred THE Jenna Hogan! She happens to be the daughter of the aforementioned Duke grad! Jenna and I share an amazing bond and are very similar, especially when it comes to our faith in God! Jenna had an outstanding game and it was great to see how well she has grown as a player!
While watching Jenna's game, I ran into three former "Cyclones" and their parents, who were there watching their younger children play! My heart was filled with joy to see their smiling faces and to hear their kinds words. What an impact one season had on all of us.
The rest of the day was filled with friends and an abundant amount of hugs. It reminds me of the saying, "The miles may separate as time goes on, but the band between friends will remain forever strong." God has blessed me with great friends, most of which live across the country from me now. After today, I know that the connection will always be strong and God will continue to bless me with their friendship for years and years to come.
Thus, I am thankful today for Upward Basketball bringing us all back together under one roof. What a great day it was!
Friday, January 7, 2011
Three F's - Faith, Friends & Family
On the airplane to northern Virginia today, I finished reading a book named "How Lucky Can You Be?!" It was a beautiful book about Coach Don Meyer. When he accepted the Jimmy V award for excellence at the Espys, he said the three most important things in his life were the three F's -- Faith, Family & Friends.
I am so thankful for these three things, but tonight I will focus on just one of the three... Friends.
Beginning with stepping into baggage claim, I knew how lucky I was. I am so thankful for my friend Carrie Delisio. She and I became friends and then family after I moved to Virginia! We have spoken everyday since I left, whether by twitter, email, skype, or other forms of communication. She and Anne Block, another wonderful friend, met me at the airport, and the joyful screams began!
Tonight my dear friends, Sally & Harry Block, threw a party to welcome me back to Herndon. Beginning at six, the door continued to open and friend after friend arrived. I have never felt so loved and thankful for a group of people. To say I am lucky is an understatement. What an amazing day!!
There is so much more to say, but my eyelids are heavy and my heart is full. Thank God for friends who are family!
I am so thankful for these three things, but tonight I will focus on just one of the three... Friends.
Beginning with stepping into baggage claim, I knew how lucky I was. I am so thankful for my friend Carrie Delisio. She and I became friends and then family after I moved to Virginia! We have spoken everyday since I left, whether by twitter, email, skype, or other forms of communication. She and Anne Block, another wonderful friend, met me at the airport, and the joyful screams began!
Tonight my dear friends, Sally & Harry Block, threw a party to welcome me back to Herndon. Beginning at six, the door continued to open and friend after friend arrived. I have never felt so loved and thankful for a group of people. To say I am lucky is an understatement. What an amazing day!!
There is so much more to say, but my eyelids are heavy and my heart is full. Thank God for friends who are family!
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Phone Calls, Plumbers & Painters
God blessed me with an enormous amount of joy today. It was hard to think of one thing to write about...and then I thought, "Who said I could only write about one thing?!"
The thankful list is long today...
1 - Plumbers & Painters - I am thankful for the 7 men who came in and out of our house today to finish repairing our leak. We had a plumber, a tiler, a baseboard painter, a drywall painter, a carpet man, and two dishwasher supervisors. It was chaotic at best, but our house is completely put back together, and it looks brand new! Oh is a brand new house... Nevertheless, I could not be happier!
2 - The Navy is back in business after a break for Christmas and New Years. I absolutely adore my recruiter. He is so good about answering my phone calls and emails in a prompt manner, and he has guided me every step of the way. I am thankful for his patience and his kindness. With any luck, if God will hurry along other paper work, I could potentially go in front of the interview board in February! Wow...
3 - Emails and phone calls were abundant today, as the trip to Haiti draws near. The excitement is brewing, and nerves are building! Just a few more days! I am so very thankful for the opportunities God continues to give me to work with His children in Haiti.
4 - There could be a job on the horizon! A wonderful phone call came today... I believe that will be a story for another time, however, as I continue to pray upon the possibility and seek God's wisdom. At the least, let me say that I was so very thankful for connections to be made and friendships to begin.
5 - Lastly, I am thankful for my Herndon Family! Tomorrow will be a great reunion of friends and family! I will hardly be able to sleep tonight!
God is good; all the time!
Grace & Peace!
The thankful list is long today...
1 - Plumbers & Painters - I am thankful for the 7 men who came in and out of our house today to finish repairing our leak. We had a plumber, a tiler, a baseboard painter, a drywall painter, a carpet man, and two dishwasher supervisors. It was chaotic at best, but our house is completely put back together, and it looks brand new! Oh is a brand new house... Nevertheless, I could not be happier!
2 - The Navy is back in business after a break for Christmas and New Years. I absolutely adore my recruiter. He is so good about answering my phone calls and emails in a prompt manner, and he has guided me every step of the way. I am thankful for his patience and his kindness. With any luck, if God will hurry along other paper work, I could potentially go in front of the interview board in February! Wow...
3 - Emails and phone calls were abundant today, as the trip to Haiti draws near. The excitement is brewing, and nerves are building! Just a few more days! I am so very thankful for the opportunities God continues to give me to work with His children in Haiti.
4 - There could be a job on the horizon! A wonderful phone call came today... I believe that will be a story for another time, however, as I continue to pray upon the possibility and seek God's wisdom. At the least, let me say that I was so very thankful for connections to be made and friendships to begin.
5 - Lastly, I am thankful for my Herndon Family! Tomorrow will be a great reunion of friends and family! I will hardly be able to sleep tonight!
God is good; all the time!
Grace & Peace!
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Haiti Elections
Blanket Baptist Church |
Everyone around me knows that I am very excited about an upcoming trip to Haiti. I simply cannot wait for next Tuesday...for many reasons...
With Pastor Evens & Surpris Cherazard |
- This is the first trip that I have led from start to finish. I was able to visit Blanket, Haiti in July 2009 to meet Pastor Evens. We surveyed the site, did the water testing, and met with the elders. I immediately fell in love with this church and its people. I could not wait to come back with a team and bring a water system!
- When I returned to Blanket in March 2010, we simply went to do an additional survey for a solar system. It was a wonderful reunion and strengthened my feelings of love for this church. I was determined to bring a team with me soon.
- Herndon United Methodist Church answered this desire and became nearly as excited as I was about the project. We have an amazing team of "rookies", and an amazing group of "veterans" to oversee the work.
- In the time since I began going to Haiti, Ancy Fils-Aime and I have become family. Literally, we call each other "Brother" and "Sister". I cannot wait to see him in less than a week!
- This trip will cause many of my worlds to collide! Many of my great friends from the US will be meeting my great Haitian family. I cannot wait to introduce Jay and Tim and Sally to Ancy and Valdes. It will be like bringing my best friends home to meet my family.
My brother, Ancy |
With all of this excitement, there have been many, many nerves. First was the cholera outbreak. Then the Haiti Presidential Elections were in November, which caused us to move our original installation date to January. With this election, riots and protests have occurred, leaving the country in much turmoil. When they announced the Presidential Run-off Election date as the day before our departure from Haiti, I began to fret. Each day, I prayed for guidance and wisdom to know what to do for our team. Should we still go to Haiti? Should we postpone again? The people of Blanket need clean water, and they have waited so long. What should we do?
Today, the answer came. The run-off election has been postponed... I could not believe it! Sure, there is still unrest and anxiety, but we have dodged a big bullet. I am also so very thankful that we will be in Haiti for the one-year anniversary of the earthquake. The Haitian people are so resilient, so joyful, so beautiful. It will be a blessing to celebrate with them, to mourn with them, and to dream with them of a better future. Oh, I am so thankful for my family in Haiti, for my friends who are taking this adventure with me, and for elections being postponed!
Do you believe in miracles? I do. I am thankful that God performs miracles each and everyday. We simply need to open our eyes, see them, and praise Him.
Grace & peace!
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Today is simple.
Today I am thankful for peace and quiet.
The leak has been fixed. The three blowers that were drying out our carpet and drywall have effectively done their jobs and have been removed. No more jet sounds, no more loud noise.
The workers have come and gone, and the construction workers outside have finished for the day. No more jack-hammering; no more chain-sawing.
Sure, it will all begin again tomorrow morning, but for right now, it is quiet. The television is off. Itunes is not playing. I can close my eyes, and all I can hear is ... silence.
Today I am thankful for peace and quiet.
The leak has been fixed. The three blowers that were drying out our carpet and drywall have effectively done their jobs and have been removed. No more jet sounds, no more loud noise.
The workers have come and gone, and the construction workers outside have finished for the day. No more jack-hammering; no more chain-sawing.
Sure, it will all begin again tomorrow morning, but for right now, it is quiet. The television is off. Itunes is not playing. I can close my eyes, and all I can hear is ... silence.
Psalm 46:10
Be still and know that I am God.
Sunday, January 2, 2011
1 Chronicles 16:31-34
Let the heavens rejoice, let the earth be glad;
let them say among the nations, “The LORD reigns!”
Let the sea resound, and all that is in it;
let the fields be jubilant, and everything in them!
Let the trees of the forest sing,
let them sing for joy before the LORD,
for he comes to judge the earth.
Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good;
his love endures forever.
I am very thankful to have listened to and experienced many engaging and stupendous sermons. If a sermon can engage me past 10 minutes, have me looking up scripture when I arrive home, or if I remember the topic later in the week, I consider it a stellar sermon! If I apply principles from the sermon to my life, I am simply in awe of the Spirit and the speaker!I am thankful to have heard preaching "heavyweights", such as Leonard Sweet, Rob Bell, Louie Giglio, Tony Campolo and Doug Fields in person. They did not disappoint and are gifted speakers.
I am thankful to have heard many "rookie" preachers, like Ryan Oswald, Carl Jones, Ray Luther, Michael Thames & David Mercandante, preach some of their first sermons. (They are "heavyweights" in my book!)
I am thankful that in our technologically advanced time, I can download a podcast of my favorite preachers anytime I wish and receive a spiritual boost. In fact, instead of listening to music while I run or work out, I now listen to sermons. Not only do I feel as though someone is talking me through my run, but I receive daily spiritual nourishment and thought provoking life-lessons. My favorite is David Bridges from Friendswood Friends in Texas, followed closely by Rick Warren and Francis Chan, all "heavyweights!"
Today, I am thankful to have heard one of those amazing sermons in person. Scott Whaley, the Spiritual Formations Pastor of The Crossing Church, gave a sermon that I was convinced was written just for me. In fact, the last two Sundays at this church, I have been completely in awe of how God is using the pulpit to speak directly to me. Sure, there are a thousand other people sitting in the sanctuary, but I feel as though God is zeroing in on my seat. Today, he asked the question that I have been asking myself since moving..."Do I matter?" I realized I had been measuring my worth in the eyes of worldly opinions, when the only opinion that truly matters is that of God. How amazing it was to hear that...even though it is something I, myself, have taught over the years. (Heck, I even taught a Bible Study on Leslie Parrot's book, "You Matter More Than You Think.") Clearly God knew I needed reminding of this today, and he used a sermon to do it.
I am so thankful for sermons. I am thankful to have found a church home with preachers who give passionate sermons and lead a spirit-filled worship. When I drove up to the church for the first time, the banner on the side read... "Love God, Love People, Serve Others." How often have I used that exact same motto for my life? Coincidence? I think not!
Grace & Peace!
Fireworks & Warranties
New Years is one of my favorite holidays. It's the one holiday I can think of that is celebrated all around the world by every single person. No matter where you live, how old you are, or what your race or religion is, a celebration is in order to reminisce the past year and toast the opportunities to come.
Last night was our first NYE in Las Vegas. I am used to spending it without my husband, as he is usually working. Since he was home sick, though, we were actually able to ring in the new year together! I was very thankful to have a "date" for the first time in a few years! Our celebration started at 9:00pm, as our friends and family from the east coast began calling from their parties! From there, we counted down to the new year every hour!
It was as I was walking to the kitchen that I first noticed a wet spot in our carpet by the counter. Upon further examination, we found the entire baseboard had warped and discolored, and the drywall to the counter wall was damp. Yes, we had sprung a leak. We immediately cut off the water to the house and went into "fix-it" mode. Clearly no one would be working on a Friday night, especially New Years Eve. Thankfully, we were able to get through to someone who promised to be out first thing the next day...
At 11:00pm, we drove to the airport parking garage to watch the fireworks display. Seven different casinos on the Strip were planning an eight minute fireworks show beginning at midnight! To say that I love fireworks is an understatement. Any holiday with fireworks is my favorite holiday! I love the colors! I love the music! I love the excitement! I love my husband even more for going out in the cold, even though he was sick, and taking me to the top of the parking garage for a perfect viewing spot! I was so thankful to ring in the new year with him! It was the perfect beginning to a brand new year.
As the workers showed up to begin work on our leak this morning, I became very thankful for warranties. We have just bought this brand new house, just moved, and just bought shutters...all of which cost us a nice sum. Since I have yet to find a paying job, we are pinching our pennies every which way we can! Imagine if there were no warranty on the house?? The cost of new carpet, padding, a new dishwasher and counter would be astronomical! WOW! I have never been so thankful for a warranty in my life!
Let this be a lesson learned... When buying a new product, always fill out and return that little card that comes with it... You will be thankful later!
Last night was our first NYE in Las Vegas. I am used to spending it without my husband, as he is usually working. Since he was home sick, though, we were actually able to ring in the new year together! I was very thankful to have a "date" for the first time in a few years! Our celebration started at 9:00pm, as our friends and family from the east coast began calling from their parties! From there, we counted down to the new year every hour!
It was as I was walking to the kitchen that I first noticed a wet spot in our carpet by the counter. Upon further examination, we found the entire baseboard had warped and discolored, and the drywall to the counter wall was damp. Yes, we had sprung a leak. We immediately cut off the water to the house and went into "fix-it" mode. Clearly no one would be working on a Friday night, especially New Years Eve. Thankfully, we were able to get through to someone who promised to be out first thing the next day...
At 11:00pm, we drove to the airport parking garage to watch the fireworks display. Seven different casinos on the Strip were planning an eight minute fireworks show beginning at midnight! To say that I love fireworks is an understatement. Any holiday with fireworks is my favorite holiday! I love the colors! I love the music! I love the excitement! I love my husband even more for going out in the cold, even though he was sick, and taking me to the top of the parking garage for a perfect viewing spot! I was so thankful to ring in the new year with him! It was the perfect beginning to a brand new year.
As the workers showed up to begin work on our leak this morning, I became very thankful for warranties. We have just bought this brand new house, just moved, and just bought shutters...all of which cost us a nice sum. Since I have yet to find a paying job, we are pinching our pennies every which way we can! Imagine if there were no warranty on the house?? The cost of new carpet, padding, a new dishwasher and counter would be astronomical! WOW! I have never been so thankful for a warranty in my life!
Let this be a lesson learned... When buying a new product, always fill out and return that little card that comes with it... You will be thankful later!
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Yesterday, I shared about a Zoom call, and today, I wanted to share the heart of the message I gave to our mission partners. I love the word...
Prayer Partners of the Day - Diana Grace & Barbara Shaffer The last day in Haiti...until January perhaps! We left for the airport earl...
Prayer Partners of the Day - Tim & Teresa Myrick Lucky number 13! It's the thirteenth day of our trip, and thirteen happens to be...
After the "terrible-no-good-very-bad-week," I was prepared for yesterday. I did not have my hopes up, and braced myself for bad ne...