Monday, January 24, 2011


In the last two days, I have read over 330 pages about the Intertestamental Period... My eyes are bugging out, and I can barely form two sentences after writing my "responses." Thankfully, the routine of schoolwork is coming back and it's starting to feel comfortable, as opposed to overwhelming. Give it another week, and it may feel enjoyable!

The best thing about living in Las Vegas is the constant revolving door of visitors. We've barely lived here for three months, and already we've had more friends visit than we ever did in Houston or DC. Last Thursday, I met a dear friend for lunch at the Venetian. It was a bit weird going to an extravagant display of wealth and resources after returning from Haiti, but this same friend was with me for a week after March's Haiti trip. I was thankful to have a time of debriefing with him on Thursday, just like I did last March.

I was thankful today for a study break that came in the form of a visitor! It is amazing to me that we lived in the same town for two years and always had great intentions of getting together to talk and share a drink! However, it took me moving across the country to make that intention a reality.

So again, I am thankful for friends, thankful for visitors, and eagerly awaiting the arrival of several more over the next months!

Nothing but heaven itself is better than a friend who is really a friend.  ~Plautus

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Yesterday, I shared about a Zoom call, and today, I wanted to share the heart of the message I gave to our mission partners. I love the word...