Today marked one year since the most devastating natural disaster in Haiti's history. It struck with a magnitude of 7.0mw, destroying nearly everything in Leogane and beyond. One would expect to find a day of mourning; however, I was surrounded in a day of thanksgiving and joy.
Evens was elated, and the operators were ready. Valdes and Salien were eager to begin work, and our team hit the ground running. Tim, Melissa and George entered the water building with Valdes and Salien...and we did not see them again until mid-afternoon. Sally went off to do surveys with Jerry, Tom & Chris. Leonie and Sheri began organizing their class materials. Evens took Jay & me on a walk around Blanket to meet some of the church members. We entered a woman's home, a 10x10 concrete building, and found a newborn baby just waking up from a nap. It was beautiful.
Three hours later, we returned to Blanket...and a huge celebration. Melissa, Tim, George, Valdes and Salien exited the building and said they were finished. Finished for the day and ready to go home? No. They had finished the putting together the system! It was mounted, it was installed, it was ready! (We just needed a pump...that would hopefully arrive at the airport soon.) It was amazing. I have never seen anything like it all of my installation trips. This team...they were truly the "A-Team". Wow.
They deserved showers and dinner, so I sent Tim, Melissa, George and Jay back to Arcahaie to thank them for their hard work. Since the survey team had yet to return, the remaining team members stayed in Blanket. Pastor Evens gathered us at 4:45pm for silent prayer to commemorate the earthquake. You could almost see Valdes and Evens holding their breath as they remembered horrifying events of the last year. We stood in silence for quite some time, and then Pastor Evens prayed for us. I don't know exactly what he said, but it was beautiful, and it was joy filled.
What an amazing day with amazing people. I am so thankful for my family in Haiti, for their warmth and hospitality, and for showing me what it truly means to be a faithful Christian. Blessings abound.
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