Sunday, January 2, 2011


1 Chronicles 16:31-34
Let the heavens rejoice, let the earth be glad; 
   let them say among the nations, “The LORD reigns!” 
Let the sea resound, and all that is in it; 
   let the fields be jubilant, and everything in them! 
Let the trees of the forest sing, 
   let them sing for joy before the LORD, 
   for he comes to judge the earth.
Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; 
   his love endures forever. 

I am very thankful to have listened to and experienced many engaging and stupendous sermons. If a sermon can engage me past 10 minutes, have me looking up scripture when I arrive home, or if I remember the topic later in the week, I consider it a stellar sermon! If I apply principles from the sermon to my life, I am simply in awe of the Spirit and the speaker!

I am thankful to have heard preaching "heavyweights", such as Leonard Sweet, Rob Bell, Louie Giglio, Tony Campolo and Doug Fields in person. They did not disappoint and are gifted speakers. 

I am thankful to have heard many "rookie" preachers, like Ryan Oswald, Carl Jones, Ray Luther, Michael Thames & David Mercandante, preach some of their first sermons. (They are "heavyweights" in my book!)

I am thankful that in our technologically advanced time, I can download a podcast of my favorite preachers anytime I wish and receive a spiritual boost. In fact, instead of listening to music while I run or work out, I now listen to sermons. Not only do I feel as though someone is talking me through my run, but I receive daily spiritual nourishment and thought provoking life-lessons. My favorite is David Bridges from Friendswood Friends in Texas, followed closely by Rick Warren and Francis Chan, all "heavyweights!" 

Today, I am thankful to have heard one of those amazing sermons in person.  Scott Whaley, the Spiritual Formations Pastor of The Crossing Church, gave a sermon that I was convinced was written just for me. In fact, the last two Sundays at this church, I have been completely in awe of how God is using the pulpit to speak directly to me. Sure, there are a thousand other people sitting in the sanctuary, but I feel as though God is zeroing in on my seat. Today, he asked the question that I have been asking myself since moving..."Do I matter?" I realized I had been measuring my worth in the eyes of worldly opinions, when the only opinion that truly matters is that of God. How amazing it was to hear that...even though it is something I, myself, have taught over the years. (Heck, I even taught a Bible Study on Leslie Parrot's book, "You Matter More Than You Think.") Clearly God knew I needed reminding of this today, and he used a sermon to do it. 

I am so thankful for sermons. I am thankful to have found a church home with preachers who give passionate sermons and lead a spirit-filled worship. When I drove up to the church for the first time, the banner on the side read... "Love God, Love People, Serve Others." How often have I used that exact same motto for my life? Coincidence? I think not!

Grace & Peace!

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Yesterday, I shared about a Zoom call, and today, I wanted to share the heart of the message I gave to our mission partners. I love the word...