Wednesday, June 15, 2011

50 Day Song Challenge - Day 44

Theme of the Day - A song that evokes bad memories

See how close we were?
Would it be wrong to say I don't have any bad memories? I simply block them out, or discard and replace them with good memories! Thus, how could a song possibly evoke a bad memory if I do not have any? Or at the least, there are no songs that I associate with bad memories... 

So let's just scratch today's song choice and go with a normal blog post! 

With Mac Powell of Third Day
Today I am awaiting my friend Leslie to come to town. Her flight was supposed to be here in just a few minutes. Unfortunately, she hasn't even left the east coast yet! Poor thing is bound to be exhausted by the time she arrives. My guess is there will be no Strip-touring tonight! Whenever Leslie and I travel together, something really exciting always happens. Take for instance when she visited me in Houston? We ended up with "diamond club" seats at the Astros game. That's right, we were directly behind George & Barbara Bush! 

When we went to Pittsburg for a National Youth Workers Convention, we had an artist paint a picture just for us. It was gorgeous! However, since we both flew in, we could not possibly take it back to either of our homes. Thus, we made the day of another youth pastor, and gave it to her. I still remember her glee! We also had the chance to meet The Skit Guys, David Crowder, the lead singer of Third Day, and Chris Tomlin! In our Christian world, these are major celebrities!
Our Painting!
With David Crowder
And the Skit Guys!

The best trip came to NYC. We had agreed to gals weekend, just the two of us. John gave us Hilton points and we stayed smack in the middle of Times Square. We had 7th row seats to Beauty & the Beast...and Donny Osmond was playing Gaston! We went to see the Rockettes' Christmas Spectacular at Radio City...and had 4th row seats! We opted for a fun dinner out at the Jekyll & Hyde Club...and instead of waiting in the block-long line, we were ushered to the front and given great seats. Everytime Leslie & I get together...other than the swine flu incident, we have a great time!
At Radio City for Christmas Spectacular
Beauty & The Beast on Broadway
Enjoying a great meal at Carmine's in NYC

So, as I eagerly await the arrival of my friend, I am wondering what great event will happen this time? Will we have the paparazzi following us? Have dinner with the mayor? Or perhaps it will be low-key, and we can just enjoy girl time! Who knows? But with Leslie, it's always a great time!


  1. Was that pic with Mac Powell taken after lunch that day in Pittsburgh? Where was I? Pretty sneaky, Irwina! Hope you and Leslie have a great visit!

  2. Not right after... It was taken that night after their concert! :) GREAT trip!



Yesterday, I shared about a Zoom call, and today, I wanted to share the heart of the message I gave to our mission partners. I love the word...